Construct 2 - platform poll

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Though if there were a Linux port you'd be about five inches away from an Android port as well, so two birds down with one stone there.

    Thats very rather true.

    Likewise with the PS3... there is no XNA or XBLIG equivalent.

    There's this thing called PS3 Minis, but I have no idea what the hell is that. Maybe someone can shed light on that? I still believe indie iPhone sales are much, much bigger than indie PS3 sales.

    And you DO need a mac somewhere in the process. Damn jobs. Or at least OSX

    I believe Unity does it like that. Generate the project files, then go find a mac to compile them.

    really who the hell owns a Zune or a Windows phone?

    With all respect to Fresh frijoles and all other kinds of frijoles, I was about to point this out. Windows Mobile overtaking iPhone/Android?


    I will eat a small chocolate cake with marzipan topping if that ever happens.

    Yes. It's a crappy bet, but if I'm getting a crushed ego (and tolerating MS in a cellphone), at least I'll have some sugar to wash it down.

  • > -Consoles are so widespread according to some news, it is a broader market possibility!


    I really don't think that's true. If you have a source on this I'd be happy to get schooled though . And anyway, as time goes on smart phones will become even more prevalent, and console owners still won't be able to carry their consoles around and play them.

    Right thou art.

    xbox 360 sell numbers seem to be a magnitude lower than smartphones. (I didnt make a thorough survey though, you can have better search results)

    xbox sales:

    smart phones:

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  • Sure, you can walk into just about any home in the country and find one of any number of different consoles. Maybe even two. Rarely will you find all three current-gen consoles, though.

    Anyway, let's leave Wii out, since you can't make and sell a game without a publisher, or at least a license and a dev kit, all of which are well out of reach for most indies. And PS2 may still be quite popular, but... well, you can't sell games on there either so it's a rather moot point. Likewise with the PS3... there is no XNA or XBLIG equivalent. You need to get a license and devkit in order to develop there as well. At least, as far as I know. I don't know much about the PS3, but I couldn't find anything out there like that. Sooo... that leaves the 360.

    And yes, if you total up all the Wiis, PS2s and 3s, and 360s in American households, the number probably outshines the number of smart phones out there. But we're not totaling up all those consoles because the only viable dev platform for indies out of the lot is the 360, you can sure as hell bet that game sales on the iPhone are a hell of a lot more common than game sales on XBLIG.

    I brought up those consoles because you questioned the broadness of the console market vs. cellphones. Sure, if you base the viability strictly on how many cellphones have been sold vs consoles it would seem that cell's win, but the important factor in the equation is figuring out how many people with cellphones are actually playing games on them and how much they're spending when they do. I haven't heard any eye-popping sales numbers from that sector for single games or heard of any super blockbusters that rival major console game numbers. I would think if so many more people were playing games on them there would have to have been one huge blockbuster game. Last I heard, Tetris was the highest selling ever on cell's, but all that is is a casual remake of a game that was already huge.

    And the point is rather moot but I was under the impression that there are 3rd party programs like Torque and such that can publish on XBLIG too...?

    Yes, but you still have to know C# to make anything presentable.

    Also I don't mean to be rude but being able to publish to Zune and Windows Phone is... well, it's kind of like saying you can publish your game on a unicorn's **** because really who the hell owns a Zune or a Windows phone? So in that regard "Being able to make games for 4 platforms" is really just two platforms, and since Windows is one of those platforms in Construct already then that leaves 360 as your second and I've already put too fine a point on why I don't think that's really a priority.

    Zune has sold about 3.5 million units, not big but it's something. Windows Phone isn't out yet so of course no one owns it yet, but that will change quickly. But that's all beside the point. The point about this is that you can create a game in xna that can be translated--with the proper know-how--across 4 platforms. Take the Express Game Maker for example; it lets you make an xna compatible game and either deploy it directly and start the process of selling the game on XBL, or you can export the code and mod the code to translate to any of the other MS platforms. The price of admission is lower than going the Apple route. I mean, to be certain, getting your game on the iphone is going to cost you a lot more than the $99 Creators club fee from MS, and if you wind up needing some Apple hardware, then you're really in for it.

  • The price of admission is lower than going the Apple route. I mean, to be certain, getting your game on the iphone is going to cost you a lot more than the $99 Creators club fee from MS, and if you wind up needing some Apple hardware, then you're really in for it.

    I will concede that the total cost to publish on the iPhone is much larger than on the 360. There are pros and cons to all of these options. I still think that when everything is tallied up, the cost to benefit ratio for the iPhone shows a higher potential for profitability. And if I'm being perfectly honest, I don't really have any data to support that theory, it's just a gut feeling.

    At any rate, as far as smart-phones go, Android would probably be a better choice, seeing as how you don't need any special hardware except the phone itself. And there's a need for good games on the Android right now, but I guess that doesn't really matter because by the time C2 comes out it'll have plenty. Still, people will want their fart-noise apps and Bejeweled clones!

    > Likewise with the PS3... there is no XNA or XBLIG equivalent.


    There's this thing called PS3 Minis, but I have no idea what the hell is that. Maybe someone can shed light on that?

    I'd like to hear more about this as well.

    Ooohh.... just had an idea for a game! A BEJEWELED CLONE THAT MAKES FART NOISES WHEN YOU CLEAR GEMS! I'm so copyrighting this.

  • Dunno about the rest of you, but I'm leaning more to a XNA port... for a couple of reasons.

    XNA is made for gaming so the port itself should be easier, as the devs would simply be converting it, instead of creating code.

    Then there's performance. Again since it's made for games, getting features we already have should be a lot easier.

    Now on the other hand it looks like a lot of people are leaning towards Android, mostly since its made from a Linux kernel.

    But, would the games run on C, or Java (Dalvik), and what features would be expected?

    Obviously not speed....

    Then how hard would the port be for that since there's probably not a lot of existing game development?

    Perhaps the Android port should be left for some third party to do.

    I say that after finding out about the Android Developer Challenge.

  • Dunno about the rest of you, but I'm leaning more to a XNA port... for a couple of reasons.

    XNA is made for gaming so the port itself should be easier, as the devs would simply be converting it, instead of creating code.

    Then there's performance. Again since it's made for games, getting features we already have should be a lot easier.

    Now on the other hand it looks like a lot of people are leaning towards Android, mostly since its made from a Linux kernel.

    But, would the games run on C, or Java (Dalvik), and what features would be expected?

    Obviously not speed....

    Then how hard would the port be for that since there's probably not a lot of existing game development?

    Perhaps the Android port should be left for some third party to do.

    I say that after finding out about the Android Developer Challenge.

    Uhm.. I don't know where to begin here.

    I.. umm....

    It.... things just don't work like that. C is as fast as you can get today without going to ASM. Java is the exact opposite. Linux kernel is not as important as you would think (not as the use of OpenGL and other libs) and performance of XNA will NEVER match C, as XNA is based on C# which is managed code.

    And "converting" code instead of "creating it".... that doesn't work like that either.

  • Ok well, I'll put it this way.

    Given the existing code base, and expected performance, which platform would be easier to port, to get the features we already have?

  • Can I recast my vote? I voted for a web browser platform, but after reading the opinions of the other members, I am thinking of favoring the Android platform.

    Perhaps same for me (or Linux/Mac). Even though Ashley told us to "choose carefully".

    Problem is: I don't have the knowledge to make the best choice.

    Perhaps, in an ideal situation, every choice should point out benefits and drawbacks.

  • I'm thinking Linux/Mac, but Android could be nice...hmm, I don't know.

  • It would be cool to have a browser plugin like Java or Unity, but ultimately the biggest obstacle to getting friends to try my stuff out is that they have a Mac.

  • Actually, given the direction things are going right now, I believe web is a pretty damn good first choice (via canvas!).

    After that... I'd still go for consoles >_<

  • I would prefer my games to be able to run in a browser, preferably using the new Canvas object in HTML 5.

  • Well, I casted my vote for the iPhone which seems to have become the platform of choice for many indie developers and, actually, I think developing successful iPhone 2D games like NinJump, Hoggy or even Angry Birds, should be pretty straightforward in Construct!

    Interestingly, GameMaker is also moving to the iPhone too...

  • Tried to reach a broader audiance for the poll at the Independent Gamers:

    Hope the poll was not copyrighted. Anyway it gave some interesting results, opinions.

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