madster's Forum Posts

  • Aritz: I absolutely love your work

    inkBot: let us know when it's online! I Like the style make sure you can draw it fast, as excessive detail slows down webcomics and slow webcomics lose audience!

  • software assisted drinking.

    That's a concept I can support XD

    nah I'm kidding. Excessive drinking is bad, mm'kay?

  • Although I did get a bit frustrated with it

    And this is why it shouldn't be mandatory

    Most of the backstory text in the Metroid Prime series is optional. You can ignore it by not scanning until you reach shiny things that are begging to be scanned.

  • reserve a channel and use it to load the sound you don't want to overlap.

    Play the sound only if the channel is not playing.

  • But there's still one good reason why people should keep making retro games: because they want to.

    I kinda agree... indie pixel art games are like indie b/w film. Usually watched by film students only.

    Yeah, there are exceptions of course. But it's not the norm. Of course everyone here and TigSource and (name your indie site) will love pixel-art games. We ARE the indie community.

  • Has anyone read/seen videos about Achron?

    It's a strategy game involving time travel.

    I'm pretty sure it'll come out by 2012 because all of our collective brains will explode thus ending our existence.

    They say they took 10 years to settle on a design that worked. I analyzed it and it's pretty damn sound. I hope they finish it! and I hope I get someone to play it with me!

  • I'd like to point out that writing for a book is different than writing for a film and that is also different than writing for a videogame.

    Things that work in one may not work in the other. For example, extended inner dialog works well in a book, but it becomes boring quickly in a movie, while it works in a game if it's not essential and it's done during an activity that is not too demanding (so the player can split his attention to both the task and dialogue).

    As usual, all I can advise is to start small. Write a two page story GEARED TOWARDS GAMING (more doing, less contemplating and pondering), and then try to take it to completion.

    I'm not much for big stories in games, but what I've seen that works is focusing on what is to be done and why. Don't stray too far into hypothetical future or ancestors or whatever, as it will be normally glossed over and forgotten, unless you're doing a big franchise, in which case you wouldn't be in here anyway

    Having a backstory is nice, but you'll usually rely on it for better characterization. Resident Evil 5 does this well, serving "files" (text backstory) on each character, while the main game only shows the present and some hints of the past. This keeps things moving.

  • Love the style, angle, colors and concept.

    Love the tower.

    The hand seems to have some kind of birth defect. Also, the skin looks way too smooth and youthful for me, but that's your call.

  • Anytime "No" is followed by "Unless" says quite a bit...

    It says I'm willing to reconsider.

    Note how I follow Unless by another no.

    So.... really, no.

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  • I'd like to STRESS that 2D games in general are NOT made out of a single huge picture, as 3D games are not a single hulking 3D model.

    Please. Research.

  • you can scale the position of a proxy object in the path

  • guess I'll stick with my distance-based filter instead of "is on-screen"

  • 1) If they're animated, the animation still needs to be ticked along so when they come back they're showing the correct frame. If they only have one animation with one frame, though, I think an optimisation kicks in that does no processing at all, though.

    Cool, so that decides whether I have two animations or a single zero-speed animation with two frames for my trees makes no difference for me, but if two animations is faster, then I'll use that.

    Does "is on screen" account for rotated zoomed layer plus rotated zoomed system crazyness? 'cause I'm using a lot of that >_<

    I guess I'll test right now.

    Edit: it doesn't :s

  • My point is, how would something like "Pride and Prejudice" the game play?

    You add zombies. And then, you drop-kick them.

  • Obviously each lane would need a path, but the object would need to be able to jump from path to path easily without relying on nodes as a point of changeover.


    Having say 5 paths, with 1 car on each path that follow each other exactly around the circuit... then when a lane change occurs simply delete the car from path X and move to path Y, and throw in a "ghost" car for the lane change animation as such.

    I'd say have a single path, since if you have many, nothing guarantees they'll stay in synch along the path (at a bend, the paths on the outside will be longer, and they might get behind). Just have a "pace car" object following the path and then place your car offset to the right or left of the proxy a fixed number of units. Make sure road art is sized accordingly and avoid hard turns, as Path Behavior does not do smooth bends and the cars outside the main lane will seem to jump around.

    To smoothen bends, I've thought about making the "pace car" follow another proxy object with the path behavior. The "pace car" would follow the proxy smoothly, thus softening bends. How to do this without getting behind the proxy? I have no idea yet

    I'll appreciate ideas on smooth path following, as I kind of need it for my game