Though if there were a Linux port you'd be about five inches away from an Android port as well, so two birds down with one stone there.
Thats very rather true.
Likewise with the PS3... there is no XNA or XBLIG equivalent.
There's this thing called PS3 Minis, but I have no idea what the hell is that. Maybe someone can shed light on that? I still believe indie iPhone sales are much, much bigger than indie PS3 sales.
And you DO need a mac somewhere in the process. Damn jobs. Or at least OSX
I believe Unity does it like that. Generate the project files, then go find a mac to compile them.
really who the hell owns a Zune or a Windows phone?
With all respect to Fresh frijoles and all other kinds of frijoles, I was about to point this out. Windows Mobile overtaking iPhone/Android?
I will eat a small chocolate cake with marzipan topping if that ever happens.
Yes. It's a crappy bet, but if I'm getting a crushed ego (and tolerating MS in a cellphone), at least I'll have some sugar to wash it down.