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  • Once the monster starts to chase a certain guy, thinking that it is a fruit of its imagination it addresses for medical aid. To it make the diagnosis mania of prosecution.

    Passes some time, but treatment to it does not help, hallucinations and visions do not pass, the monster starts to steal up so close that he starts to feel its breath, soon having realised that this monster at all a glitch, and a reality he starts to search for a way out....

    During 8 levels the hero should jump, run to make a start from walls escaping from the monster. The modern city, steppe, the ancient lock and its roofs enter into zones and locations.

    Gradually complexity increases, and to pass corridors filled by traps all it becomes more difficult.


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  • Your choice of silhouette-style is a good one, and you have a very nice monster to motivate the player! However, I did have a bit of difficulty with the wall-jumping. I couldn't seem to use it reliably enough to escape the monster's clutches!

  • However, I did have a bit of difficulty with the wall-jumping. I couldn't seem to use it reliably enough to escape the monster's clutches!

    Yeah wall jumping is a little difficult. It doesn't feel natural having to press up and jump again after pulling off one walljump, well not to me anyway. Maybe have it so you can hold up and press the jump button as many times as you need to perform wall jumps.

    Checkpoints - I didn't get very far but are there any?

    The Monster cheats! He's fairly quick and can move through the walls and when I have to wall jump I sometimes get killed by him because I have to jump towards him.

    Keep it up though

  • Ha, that doesn't remind me of "Prince of Persia" in any way!

  • Looks and plays exellent keep up the great work.

  • It seems like a perfectly fine game, but i think you made the common mistake of judging the difficulty from your own experience. Since you test the game hundreds of times it seems easy for you, but i think most people will give up on this game as soon as the monster starts chasing you since it's too hard.

    You need to make it REALLY easy in the beginning, just enough to be a little challenging to a first-time-player. And you also need checkpoints as minor said.

  • Really nice scenery, and very challenging. The monster always kills me when I try to walljump up the first wall after he appears. But I'll find a way. He is scary! Nice blending of music and even a loading screen. Good work so far. Can't understand a word, but that's ok as long as gameplay is good

  • Cool! A bit to difficult for me, though!

    I absolutely LOVE the song that starts when the monster appears!! And the sounds of the hero running and sliding, they're great too.

  • no nO NO! don't encourage this! This is not a "challenging" game. This is an incorrectly balanced game! It is the most common mistake ever, It's bad and it needs to be corrected.

  • no nO NO! don't encourage this! This is not a "challenging" game. This is an incorrectly balanced game! It is the most common mistake ever, It's bad and it needs to be corrected.

    I did find it REALLY easy from the beginning.

    I did find some of the saw jumps rather ill-designed, which becomes quickly annoying.

    Also, please PLEASE check the proportions in your characters. They have tiny deformed legs.

  • It's really easy to start off, and then suddenly SMACKS you so hard you just AltF4.

    Also, for a paranoia-feel, don't let the player die to often. It takes away the drama. Each time you get killed, the monster get a bit less scary, a bit more annoying.

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