Mascaroth's Forum Posts

  • Very nice graphics and smooth animations. Interresting graphics style.

    Continue this great work! This is a game that needs to be completed <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm currently working on Bitz & Peas 2 now. It'll be more challenging and have more levels than this. Will soon upload some screens for it. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Can't wait I'm so excited for this. Always fun with something new!

  • This is my gift to the community, something I made this morning, it's not much but:

    Happy first advent

  • I loved every tune from "Little Nemo The Dream Master", "Journey To Silius" and the "Castlevania" series. I have rearranged many old nes tunes into days quality. And put my feel into it. I also experimenting on making 8 bit tunes myself. Like this one:

  • Anyway, this game catces me and I want more. I will watch here for new version to try

  • I retested the level and it was me that didn't think of falling thru the platform. I just tried, tried and failed jumping up to the ledge. Until I accidently pressed down while jumping. It's in the area after entering the first door, left side of map all the way up.

    So it's no error actually. It was just me that don't have basic platform game knowledge

  • Really nice work. Like the graphics. This game has a bit of castlevania spirit. But that's good.

    Had some problems hitting those baddies with my knife. It's so short. But then I foud out that you can throw cards. Then I went all excited! Some areas of the level traps you there, and I can't get out. It still need some polishing, but very good so far in its early progress.

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  • Really nice scenery, and very challenging. The monster always kills me when I try to walljump up the first wall after he appears. But I'll find a way. He is scary! Nice blending of music and even a loading screen. Good work so far. Can't understand a word, but that's ok as long as gameplay is good

  • Yeah, hope they don't ruin it like they did Blue Bytes Settlers 7.. Preventing the map editor to be released. Just so they can earn money by distibuting those map packs.. I still play Settlers 6 because of this. It's more settlers..

    Anywais, this game is all about creation, so I hope it turns out good.

  • Yup! Really like the fluid system in their engine. The best I have seen so far.

    I love games where you can use your creativity. All from water physics to lava, beautiful!

  • Have you people heard of "From Dust" or projectdust.

    It's a world creation, god type of game. I recommend checking it out!

    It's an Eric Chahi game.

    I must say I'm looking forward to this!

  • Added some improvements, read the main post for details.

  • Thanks

    Nice feedback, that's what makes a game good eventually Ideas and improvements from the community.

    I know the music is loud, and I'm currently working on more melodies to add in the next version. As well as leveltimers and icons instead of text.

    I will make more animations to the enemies, and a better about and help screen.

    The S-key was added at an easy way out, and isn't really a sound option.

    I'll try to make a settings menu from the main menu, that players can alter sound and music settings.

    In the future I'm going to add a highscore table and even more levels.

    Back to work

  • Thank you Caspis, glad you enjoy it

    Nice idea about the timer, I like it alot. It will add much more replay value into it! Also making it more rewarding the less bombs you use. It will make the game even more fun and challenging. I also want to add a highscore table. But later.

    Your ideas will be added to my next version