Mascaroth's Forum Posts

  • Hi! Here is a small game I have created. It has 20 levels to play.

    Graphics, music and sounds are specially designed and composed for this game.

    Sound and music is more retro style to match the small graphics.


    Click here to download the game. (v1.02) ... 0v1.02.rar


    Use arrow keys to move around.

    Space - drop bomb

    Shift - blow up bombs that you have placed.

    Escape - Restart level (But you will lose a life and 800 points.)

    S key - Mute music

    R key - Unmute music

    Enemies getting in contact with the bomb, will be blown to peaces! No need for shift there.

    Player is imune to bombs. So you can't blow yourseft up

    Some walls need to be destroyed by the bombs. Then you must set your charge and press Shift.

    Pressing F1 ingame will show you all help you need.



    The download link has been updated aswell as the game, now v1.02! Read the readme file included to see the changes in detail.

    Some to be mentioned:

    Updated graphics, better menu and help screen, bombs now cost 800 points to use, and added peas for extra enjoyment and points to collect Animations to player and enemies added.

    Sound can now be disabled/enabled thru the menu. You can now unmute music with R key

    S to mute. Adjusted the ingame music volume to a more pleasant level. (Now you even can hear the sound effects.

  • Thanks for the help, will test it out when I get home from work

  • Try reinstalling construct. That might help.

    Make sure you let it install(check) your directX version during install and the runtime enviroment.

  • Try using when "tank"->"is overlapping another object",->tank->bounce.

    I think that will solve the wall thru popping.

  • I need to know if there is a way to, say, make two walls closing in on each other. (That is the same object) Just mirrored. To crush the player when they hit him on both sides. I'll try to draw here for you..

    ||-wall -------||same wall mirrored.


    ||---O-player ||


    ---> <---

    Or do I have to make a wall clone, and name it wall 2. Not that I'm lazy. But I just wondered

    if there is a way to do it.

    The main reason for my question is making it easier to make my level editor,

    with less objects. And easier for the player who wants to make levels.

  • Hi there folks!

    I'm making a platform rpg. And my problem is I cant figure out how to draw e.g the global variable "Score" "Coins". I'm thinking there must be some way to use the text object for this. But I'm stuck!

    Please help.

    The HUD is all ready. It only missing the global score system to be displayed.


    Found out: Use text object, in set text -> e.g. global('Score')

    Hope that helps for someone else.

  • Thanks for the quick reply

    It worked perfectly

  • Is there a way to restart the current layout without having to use Go to layout and a spesific layout.

    I'm creating a puzzler with many levels. I was thinking of making a general event cheet

    for each action, like pressing "ESC" will restart the current level.

    Else, I have to make one Go to layout "5" for instance for layout 5 aso.

    I have many enemy units that also use the go to layout function. so that makes much work

    for each level event sheet, instead of just including a general settings event cheet.

    Have searched this forum, and the wiki. But cannot find any

    Please ask if something is unclear.

    Please help.


  • Thank you both! Both examples helpes alot. Now I can continue on my little puzzler. With my eyebrows intact

  • Hi, I'm sure it's pretty easy. But I have used many hours ripping my hear off, My eyebrows I'd like to keep.

    I'm making a puzzle game. Where you have to push block to get you're treashure.

    It's grid movement based. The block's should not be pushable if it collides with another block, or the wall.

    Please help

  • Ohh, ok that sounds easyer! I alwais have a way of finding the moust difficult ways doing things:)

    Thanks to both of you for you're answers!

  • I found the solution, Or something that works for me.

    I'm making another object. Then I attach it to the spaceships image Point 1. (Calling the new object Pointer)

    Making Pointer invisible on start.

    Then in add force towards angle, I put



    And voila!

    In case someone else gets this problem.

  • Hello!

    I'm working on a game using physics.

    I just wonder how to use Set Force Towards Position to an image point. (if that's possible)

    Scenario : A thruster game. I have an image point on the nose of my spacecraft. And when I steer,

    I want it to add force towards the position the nose is pointing by pressing thrust key (Up arrow).

    Any help would be thankfully recieved

  • Thanks a lot! This worked

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hi all!

    I'm working on a ball & paddle project, where I want to be able to use the mouse.

    How do I make it only follow the Y, and disable X. In the axis?

    So the paddle only goeas left and right, not up and down.

    Tell me if I'm unclear.