Mascaroth's Forum Posts

  • Ok, I will try this.

    Thanks for the quick answer

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  • Hi, This is actually my first post to this forum and I'm new to Construct.

    I have searched the forum for an answer, but couldn't find any..

    I'm making a 2 player top down shooter for my first project.

    The controls for each player is going to have 8 directional movement.

    The controls for player one, are the directional arrow keys.

    The controls for player two, are 'w a s t' on the keyboard layout.

    I have fount that using the 8 direction under behavior is working just perfect, but..

    My problem is that direction keys controls player two aswell.

    So I was going to change that. But.. The only way I saw possible to change the controls for the behavior were under the application properties..

    How can I use the 8 direction behavior for both player 1 and 2 with different controls?

    I will really appretiate any help with this.

    Thanks in advance