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  • Thanks for the reply Ashley!

    I'm sorry I tried to follow but I'm still confused. based on what I explained (first thread above)


    How can I create these 2 Sprites that related to the family and PIN them to the "Player_1" sprite?

    I tried to Create using the system create object, but it won't PIN them after created.

    I tried to Create by spawn them from "Player_1" as soon as it's created but I get the same result...

    Both Sprites created, but not PINNED to "Player_1"

    so am I not spawning right? or there is something I'm missing related to the PIN action?

    Thanks ahead! :)

  • Thanks for the explanation!

    I tried this:

    But now it won't pin the created sprites to "Player_1" anymore...

    How can I PIN them as soon as they created? because I will probably add more sprites to this family and ALL must be synced perfectly.

  • I have "Player_1" = invisible Sprite that holds the controls and collision.

    I've created 2 different sprites inside a Family: "Player_1_Animations" (will add more to it later)

    "Character" - include the base character animations (Idle, Walk, Jump, Fall, Hurt, etc..)

    "Character_Weapon" - include ALL the different weapons (same animations as above)

    Each of the sprites in "Player_1_Animations" family have ALL the exact same animation names, same speed, and they fit PERFECT if they are above each other (play as one)

    So far so good...

    The problem is that when I first Create "Player_1" to the scene, it will only show ONE of the Family sprites, either the Weapon or the Character but not both.

    How do I make ALL family members appears as soon as the Family created?

    I'm planning to add more sprites to this family but I want to make sure it works first.

    Thanks ahead for any help!


  • Thanks! nice trick I'll use it until the bug fix :)

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  • I try to organize and clean up my animations on the sprites on my project.

    I decided that some Animations should be on the ROOT and in some cases I don't even need the folders anymore so I tried to drag them out..

    The problem is that I can't drag & drop the different animations out of the existing folders to the Root.

    Same for Sub-Folders (inside other folders) Can't drag out to the root.


    I can't just delete the folders before I move the animations back to the Root.

    Can anyone please tell me how I can do that? what shortkey or something I need to do in order to make it work?

    Thanks ahead!


  • I have a stage where I a SPAWNER object creating stuff on the layout from Left to Right (enemies, platforms etc..)

    But even after the default C3 "loading" when starting, when I get to the layout it will show how the Spawner create things. (fast, but it's there)

    Can I make in the layout before (loading layout or something) to make sure that it won't go to the next layout (stage creation) UNTIL it's finished creating it?


    Please explain step-by-step if possible, it will sure help a noob like me.

    Thanks ahead!


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  • This is again an issue that you have to report to Scirra. The Launcher doesn't have anything to do with the Construct 3 runtime itself. It just downloads and runs NWjs automatically.

    Thanks, I wanted to make sure if it's just me or it's a known issue :)

  • I'm using the latest C3 Desktop built + NW.js (updated from the latest launcher).

    I've noticed that my player is lagging (milliseconds of stops while moving) so I tried C3 debug first and I noticed that the FPS are lower and not always stable.

    When I tried it on Chrome and the FPS are pretty stable and no lagging at all but I can't stand using a browser for C3, that's why I share this.

    Is it a C3 Desktop issue or NW.js?

    If it's a known issue, is there a fix on the way?


    Destkop Built (hard to see the lagging/stops but it's there)

    Chrome smooth (but I can't stand working on a browser)

  • If it's acting differently between browsers then I guess report as a bug?

    I did via Github :)

  • Well, Pin is actually known to have some issues in that regard.

    Maybe try replacing the pin with a simple Every tick > set position?

    I tried actually set position on every tick before I tried the PIN, but I still had this delay / lagging issue.

    I wonder what's a good safe 1:1 ratio solution to make sure all animated layers (sprites above each other) will stick together based on what I've already tried (Pin, Position, Animation properties exact as the base etc..)

    Hmmm... maybe my project is too messy already and I should re-produce a more simple one to make sure, I just have a feeling I'm missing something, unless! there is a much more efficient way which I'll be HAPPY to know and try of course :)

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Member since 20 Feb, 2014

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