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  • Thanks again umarfarooq, you're very kind! yes I hope that one day we'll have Keyboard + Mouse Input built-in switches in general, it's much easier and efficient for sure! :)

    I just reported this nw.js bug on their github, I hope they will find a solution for it.



    Speaking of nw.js - Ashley sorry to bother you but I wonder, if they'll fix the bug sooner or later, will C3 automatically always have the latest nw.js version? or on next stable update?

    I'm asking because I'm not sure how it works since it's C3 + built-in nw.js, can you please explain?

    Thanks ahead!

  • Thanks for the kind help, I appreciate it! :)

    I guess what I'm trying to do is much more complicated than related to specific action, that's why I was sad to find out that there is no built-in "Ignore Mouse Input" in C3... such a basic event lots of users could use to switch on/off for general use instead of limit it to specific action.


    My issue is more complicated because it's based on a BUG in the NW.js that I the only way to solve it is to put a delay (after I tested it).

    The problem is when you open a NW.js Dialog Window and CANCEL it and click more than once on the CANCEL button... it will OPEN the dialog again.

    I have this issue on any open dialog (save file, export image, import) the only way to avoid it is to put at least "wait 0.25 seconds" after click the NW.js cancel button...

    Since my project is much more complex I can't just use the wait 0.25 on every function since it activate and deactivate other groups (hard to explain the all thing but it's complex).


    That's why I need a simple IGNORE the mouse click (IN GENERAL) and not for a specific condition, so it will also ignore many clicks on the CANCEL or OK NW.js window buttons.

    Sorry for the long explanation, I'm just trying everything I can to solve this but there is no such simple event in C3 such as: "IGNOR MOUSE INPUT" which makes me go crazy because it could be so much simple to do in such complicated project instead of go around it to try find a simple solution.

  • Thanks for the quick reply umarfarooq :)

    I guess that there is still no simple built-in action for this consider it's C3 and it should make life easier like Activate/Deactivate groups for example, bummer...



    The thing I don't understand how to do is, even if I use a Boolean to check... what ACTION will make sure that Mouse Click in general won't affect anything for X seconds.

    Since I don't want to check the mouse over a specific area or object, but CLICK in any place over the layout in general.

    For example, I created this Global Variable Boolean: "Mouse_Can_Click" init True

    If Mouse_Can_Click = ??? (no action for IGNORE mouse input)

    The only Mouse Actions I have are "Set cursor from sprite" and "Set Cursor style" but Nothing about ignoring the mouse input... I probably missing something, can you please help?

    Thanks ahead! :)

  • Hi All,

    How do I make the mouse to IGNORE any clicks?

    Not by clicking on specific object or area but on ANYTHING, just ignore the Mouse Clicking no matter where it clicks for X seconds.

    Thanks ahead!


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  • Yes, what dop suggested is more like what I'll probably go for a "ready to use X number of Layers".

    It should do the job.

    My current code is based on controlling the Z-Order of the current layer, Basically: one layer of instances have 3 the default Z-Order: Top, Mid, Bottom I'm not using all the manual numbers for unlimited Z-Order since it also change their scale based on the camera), so what I may do is each layer + default 3 Z-Order (Top, Mid, Bottom).

    So 1 layer basically is not enough once there are plenty of other objects, (I just tried it, it's a mess) so I want to give the user some extra layers to have more control this is why I think I should add layers for the created instances.

    I'm didn't decide how to approach the control of each instance specifically yet because currently if the mouse cursor is OVER an instance, it picks the top one and using SCROLL DOWN I sent it down on the Z-Order of the current layer, SCROLL UP sent it to TOP... moving them to other layers I should also let the user KNOW on which layer it is, so I'll probably need to design a "VISUAL" layer icons, that was my original idea but please share your thoughts.

    I'm not sure if I can make it or not, because it could be complex for my level but I'll try to play with it soon and see for myself, I'm very hyped to try it already... I hope it's not too complicated.

    One thing is sure, I ALWAYS naming my Layers, I never use the numbers... so I can follow them on the code easily (and I already have plenty of layers for the core software).

  • My alternative idea was similar to this, creating a "ready to use" layers and play with them.

    or an easier approach to do just limit my users to X layers, I'm considering this because it could work and hopefully won't be hard to code as well.

    Thanks for the advice everyone! :)

  • Iirc it's not possible. What are you trying to do? Showing/Hiding it should be sufficient.

    No, showing and hiding is simple.

    My project is a creation toolset, I need to let my users to CREATE / USE / DELETE their own layers.

  • Hi All,

    Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the Editor.

    Is it possible to Create a layer + "Layer Name" and Remove/Delete it using Code?

    If possible, can someone please share an example file or screenshot to see how it's done?

    Thanks ahead!


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  • Thank you so much for the visual and written explanation, this is VERY helpful!

    I will look at it more carefully soon with C3 open :)

  • Thank you Everade this is what I was trying to achieve!

    Can you please explain what you did as I'm still a newbie that learning, if you can analyze what you did on specific lines or screenshot for more visual way to explain.

    I'm not just looking for copy/past but trying to learn and understand on the way, thanks for everything! :)

  • Ok i think this is what you want:

    Thanks again for taking the time, Yes more or less this is the direction but notice if you tweak sliders on one instance than tweak another, when you reset it will tweak also the other instead of only the selected one only.

    Hehe sorry for the mess I'm still trying to solve this without super confusing code and I'm already lost easily...

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