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  • Thanks for the reply :)

    As I explained I did the other way around... it's not even close to the native result from look, to the more complicated manual way to code and tweak in future (in case of add/remove/re-design the top menu) the all idea of C3 is ease-of-use that's why I chose to learn and work with after all.

    So when do it manually it is always much more work when I will expand or tweak it, unlike in Click Team Fusion it's a built-in super easy to use and no need to code anything, just use the Event Sheet to control what each button does. I really hope that there is some hidden way to do it in C3 or some secret plugin I never heard of but.. oh well, I guess there is no such function for C3.

    I hope that there will be a way to do this in the future, maybe via plugin or some... magic, because this is a MUST for software projects development.

    The reason I won't bother suggest it as a feature/idea is because 99% of very useful suggestions have the same attitude, something like: "You don't need it because you can [insert a very long work-around way to do something that is almost the same] and you're done!" so I'm tired of even suggesting it but all I'm saying it is a very useful needed feature for people who are not just making games but also software and a top-menu-bar is... on almost any software we're using daily, the average user is familiar with it.

    For now I'll just stick with custom designed buttons / menu-bar I did... it looks GREAT! but not easy to re-design on every tiny change as it's not a built-in functionality and software usually need lots of tweaks and changes as it evolve so it won't be the best way to do.

    * Sorry about my bad English

  • Hi All,

    I'm using NWJS on my current project since it should work as a native application and not for browsers or online use.

    So far I've created my own TOP Menu Bar using button and text, but still.. I would like to add a traditional Top Menu Bar (appears on windowed mode and full screen mode) to the top of the window that it will look a typical software.


    I'm asking this because I'm not sure if C3 is limited because it's not using native runtime, or OS or anything else (I hope it's not limited) or if there is no such option / feature to do that in C3... (I hope there is!)

    A good example is: on Click Team Fusion, it's a matter of few clicks to change, tweak, add and remove selections and separators to the top menu bar, I can easily control what each function does via the event sheet.

    Example of what I'm trying to make (Took me couple of minutes to create this in Click Team Fusion)


    I don't know if there is such feature to add a top menu bar and edit it (like in Click Team Fusion) or there is a hidden plugin that can help me do that.

    Can somebody please explain how I do that on C3 please?

    if C3 can't do such thing at all, or if it's hidden somewhere I would like to know, Thanks ahead! :)


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  • Hi All,

    Whenever I export (save image via the Drawing Canvas Object) WITHOUT effects, it works great it will show everything on the canvas as expected.

    BUT! since I have effects (adjusting colors etc..) to the objects, whenever I export WITH effects.

    The objects do not appear on the final .PNG image (they're gone)

    How do I export WITH Effects ?

    Thanks ahead!


  • Many good ideas are getting implemented. This one seems quite useful so maybe it will not go unnoticed.

    I agree, I think it could be VERY useful, thanks for the encouragement :)

    I just post it, please HAVE A LOOK and feel free to vote, I don't remember how it works...

    As you already know my English is bad but I did my best to describe it + Few Examples.

  • Make a separate group for Load button, deactivate and re-activate it with a delay. Another option is to use a boolean flag (instance variable on the button). Use it to disable the button, check for this flag in "On clicked" event.

    I believe it should work with the button switch (on/off Boolean) but still what a messy work-around it will look on my current code/groups so I really hope that a NWJS bug-fix will arrive sooner or later, if not... I'll probably try to solve it with the suggested ideas. thanks! :)

    As for "Ignore mouse input" - you can suggest this as an idea.

    As I said, from my many bad experiences before suggesting ideas is 99% a waste of time... I explained why, that's why I stopped suggesting features...

    I strongly believe that "Ignore User Input" (on/off) for Mouse, Keyboard, Joypad should be a built-in but, maybe Scirra will realize in the future when other users will look for such basic efficient function to use.

  • Ok, I feel bad now, it's the second time I was wrong in this post.

    This is a bug, but I swear it wasn't happening yesterday! Your project must have infected my NWJS with this bug :)

    I reported it on Scirra bug tracker:


    No Problem sensei, as I said I'm always learning from you and I appreciate it!

    I'm actually glad it's a bug because it means the code is fine (in that department at least)

    Thanks for reporting, I hope it will get fixed because it is a weird one that users will notice sooner or later anyway.

    To work around this bug - after opening the dialog you can deactivate the group with "On LoadButton clicked" event, and when dialog is closed/cancelled, wait 0.5 seconds before re-activating the group.

    As I mentioned before, I tried this with 0.25 (which is enough) but the problem is, not sure if you remember when I Enable one group I Disable other group (Load / Import) which are sub-groups in a main EXPORT IMPORT group and it's so much complex and tricky to do that in my case now (I tried all day long hehe) also there is a SAVE LOAD group that holds the sub-groups of Save and Load (separate groups) and if I disable these... the moment I enable it back (after the wait is finished) on cancel, both the Enable / Disable options are ON or OFF together so it makes the One OFF vs ON to BOTH ON or OFF so it makes my specific code a messy and of course the "bug" won't be solved completely that way.


    In other words, this solution is a messy one for my current project so I hope it will get fixed in a more "natural" way either than expanding the code manually inside each group (because I have no other choice as I explained).

    Thanks for exploring this, I really hope it's something that will be fixed soon so we can give it a try and see how more natural things will work with the NWJS dialog window.


    Still... I don't understand why we're not having a simple: "Ignore Mouse Input" (or Keyboard/Joypad) as a general built-in event/action, it's a very basic need that could help not just in this case but in so many other cases.

    I wish we had it but from my experience, asking for features is always denied with the same answer of "not needed" and show a very longer way to do things to walk around so I don't even bother suggesting this feature.

    Just imagine how simple things would be with such built-in function in C3 ! (I would use it a lot, especially for game projects)

  • I'm using Desktop version, simple code, no bug.

    Just tried what you did, but even without the 2 lines...

    What's the conclusion? Desktop-Built Bug? (I'm using the latest STABLE version)

    or nw.js Bug? (already reported)

    I don't even need to click fast as double click but just chilling a second and click while my mouse cursor is on the same spot... this is wrong for sure!

    the bug won't appear on the browser from what I tested (my software will use .EXE with nw.js since unfortunately we don't have native export in C3)

    So it's not the code, but still... I'm confused! :|

    Get The Test File:

    C3 Project File - DOWNLOAD to Test this weird bug

  • Can you post a screenshot of "On dialog cancel" event? And also the contents of the browser log when you double-click Cancel button.


    Sure, but before I do that... I got a question:

    Do you test it using Chrome / Browser ?

    Because I'm using the desktop version (I hate the browser version for so many reasons)

    Anyway.. I just did a FIRST TIME test within Chrome Browser! and... there are SO MANY BUGS!!!

    Everything is wrong with the code using the browser, I can't even begin describing the slowish loading, the delay between clicking buttons.. OMG! I'm going back to my favorite Desktop Built!

    I noticed that in the Browser there is no such BUG! only on the desktop built... it can't be the code now, is it? that's why I must ask what you used when you had no issue, the browser I guess?

    Also, I'm sorry I mislead you with the TextBox solution, turned out it only works with C2 runtime. In C3 runtime it doesn't block mouse clicks...

    No problem all your help is always appreciated, work or not, it worth trying I'm learning a lot from you! :)

  • It's not on this screenshot.

    You need to check the events where you open the dialog, and On Dialog Cancel. Add browser logs, see which of these events are firing again when you double-click Cancel button. If you can't figure it out, post your project file.

    That's what I actually did all day long, anything related to the Dialog trying to hunting it down, no matter what I disabled (for example Cancel) or any functions related, anything the bug was still there that's why I strongly believe it is something on the nw.js and not in the code, because even if it's just what you saw on the screenshot and nothing else, the bug is there.

    I'll have to wait for either the nw.js bug fix or a future feature for "IGNORE MOUSE INPUT" so I can handle it somehow, I believe that there are other ways to do that... I do have some ideas but I'm trying to go for the simple most efficient ways first.

    I'll keep trying to look if I actually missed anything, I'm using the Ctrl+F to find anything related to the window dialog so I don't believe I missed it when disabling most of them and still.. the bug was there again and again.

  • Not sure if you've seen my previous comment. I don't think there is a bug in NWJS, and the bug report you logged will probably get closed because you didn't provide a sample project file. It looks like the bug is in your events.

    Sorry for the delay, just saw that!

    If that's a bug on my code, that's actually good news for me! :)


    The thing is that I have no clue what could it be, take for example one of the NW.js window dialog and maybe you'll notice something I didn't?

    Basically I couldn't do that code without your help dop2000 sensei so even if it's there I probably can't see where is the issue in these lines. (import / load / save have almost the same code.. not exactly) but the bug is the same for anything that is related to the Window Dialog.

    BTW - Even if I disable many lines such as the functions and the other Boolean variables, the bug is there.

  • > I put a huge Text Input object on the size of the layout, made it invisible

    No, invisible TextBox doesn't work. It needs to be visible with transparent background (you can do this with CSS). I used this method in another app and it works great.

    The thing is that I tried it with and without visible, it's not working because it is a NW.JS bug.

    Also.. it's a very unnatural work-around way to do something so simple such as "IGNORE Mouse Input" in general which should be a built-in since... ever?

    I mean I know it's a solution, but in my case it doesn't work after testing it as you suggested and I appreciate it because I do need a solution for this annoying thing.


    Unfortunately, I'll have to wait for nw.js to fix it and hopefully that it will also be updated in C3 updates.

    because I don't think such awesome useful feature "IGNORE Mouse / Keyboard" to come to C3 anytime soon (I wish!)

  • I told you my very easy solution in another post - put a big transparent Text Box object above everything on the screen. It will automatically block all mouse input, you don't need to change any events.

    I remember trying that, I put a huge Text Input object on the size of the layout, made it invisible... but I can still click and also the bug I described is still happen so I guess it's not working for me or I just don't know how to make it work.

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