Alon's Recent Forum Activity

  • Why not just use the browser version? In Chrome if you use the 'Install' option you get a desktop shortcut with the right icon, no address bar, automatic updates handled for you, and still access to folder projects etc. (using experimental features; should be available by default by the end of the year).

    Thanks for the answer Ashley, I appreciate it.

    I understand it's easier for most people, I don't like the idea of turning of my chrome extensions every time I would like to use C3 and then turn it on to gain extra memory, this is not efficient at all.

    I don't like the idea of making my browser fullscreen to gain the extra workspace that is sure needed, and turn it off every time I want to browse, not a user-friendly experience... Also, I like how clean the desktop built was when I used it for about 2 years.

    I understand it is a browser itself but it's not using my chrome with all the extensions and heavy ram usage, I remember it was much more than what I need (I'm a heavy chrome user, that's the main reason).

    I tried the browser version few times, I just don't feel "at home" when using it in a browser, it's probably also a personal feel and I already got used to the desktop version since I used it from the moment it was optional and it FEELS GREAT! I really love it :)

    The install process is virtually identical to the old one. You now just unzip two downloads instead of one. That's pretty much it. Since the NW.js download comes directly from their own website now, you can install any version, including new NW.js versions as soon as they are released, try nightly releases, use it on different platforms, etc. That was the intent behind the change.

    As I mentioned, I followed the new installation steps and everything works but I can't get the C3 icon, it shows the NW.js so I just renamed it to "Construct 3" as I showed on the image, but it's not an issue I just wondered if it can be fixed so I'll see C3 since I have so many icons on my desktop.

    Again, it's not critical because it's just an icon, "cosmetic" user experience, nothing more because everything works :)

  • It's been a while since I used Construct 3.

    I remember it was around 70MB and simple portable run, no extra tasks easy-pizzy!

    So launch it from my desktop and I got a message that leads me here, something about NW.js updates

    I followed the manual instructions downloaded the zip and put everything on the same directory.

    Everything works but without the icon of construct 3 (it shows NW.js).


    It seems like the setup is more complicated now, and need manual updates every time new NW.js is out which make sense but not so user-friendly for people who doesn't use the browser version like myself.

    I got a few questions:

    1 - Is there a more simple way (like it was) for Desktop build? (Sorry, I can't stand the browser one)

    2 - I noticed that there is no windows-store version when I searched, will it come back soon?

    3 - Is the only way now is the manual instructions? (not a big fan but need to know).

    4 - With the current manual-extraction based on the instructions, how do I get the Construct 3 icon to show in my desktop? the shortcut shows the NW.js icon so I just renamed it to Construct 3...

    5 - Will you PLEASE make a portable build (even if it's over 200MB it's still better) to download and run like it was originally? (will you add auto-update NW.js within Construct?) please consider this.


    I'm sorry for the confusion, I just want to know if the Desktop-Build is going to stay like this or will get back to how it was (much better and simple = download, run) before I subscribe for another year...

    Thanks ahead!

  • Thanks for the quick reply! :)

  • Hi All,

    When the mouse cursor hover each button, sometimes it affects more than just one..

    How can I fix that?

    Thanks ahead :)


  • Hi All,

    I hope that everyone feels well and safe at the current situation.

    I saw some nice changes for the Education Support which is blessed for schools, teachers, students etc..

    Great Job Scirra!

    As some of you already know what's up with the Gamedev scene these days: Some good news starting to flow from companies around the globe for giving MORE for their supportive clients and even for newcomers, it's a very nice positive and thankful thing to do these days and not taken for granted for sure.

    This leads me to a question:

    Will Scirra consider some "time extension" or (hopefully) change of subscription model to normal purchase (one time higher price) in this weird hard-times where people probably have harder times and not just small companies?

    * I'm aware to the new'ish PER MONTH option which is an improvement, but it's still a "RENT" so we still don't OWN the software: Subscription is a Subscription at the end of the day.

    To be honest:

    In my personal case I think it may be too late for me or I will miss the opportunity if Scirra will decide to do something nice (no pressure) for their clients (I'm included hehe) for some time.

    The reason in my case (can only blame myself of course) is mostly because I was so busy with work and family and my Subscription just kept going for empty months... I was mainly working at my day job (I'm an animator) and unfortunately I had to froze my own Construct 3 projects while Subscription kept moving forward. TBH - that's just ONE of the reasons I can't stand Subscription Model when it comes to software.

    So in my case I have until early April to use my Personal License with C3 and I probably just stop the renew by than since with all my love to C3 I can't just spent all the time based on a monthly subscription it makes no sense and I've seen this already a money waste.

    I'm aware that Scirra is a small company, I'm not asking for FREE or anything, I just saw how the GameDev scene starting to change things and thought maybe there is a chance for some nice change consider the hard times we're (all of us, companies and supportive users) going to have.

    I hope that Scirra will consider some change, if it will be a 1-time (higher price) PURCHASE C3 as an addition to the subscription model, I have a feeling that I'm not the only one who's going to be happy about it.

    Unfortunately if nothing will change (I'm not counting on anything, just sharing my thoughts here) I guess that sadly, I will have to consider stop renew my C3 subscription at least for now, instead of just purchasing it once and pay for upgrade versions and keep supporting Scirra as a user for many more years to come...

    A snapshot from my current C3 project (Work In Progress) I may need to port this to another game engine as I work on it on my spare time but the core is already there and lots of addicting fun going on during testing it, VERY inspiring I must say! :)

    Sorry about my bad English,

    Much love to ALL OF YOU Scirra Team and Community, please feel free to share your opinions or ideas, stay safe and I send you all good vibes and a big smile! :)

  • The families are used to group all buttons as one single object so you can refer to them like this in one event. Reverting back to saying if overlapping button 1, button 2, button 3 etc, that's what families are there to resolve.

    That's how I'm using families after all (my favorite feature on C3) but as I said, it's not shorten my code not because of families, but the all UID vs individual objects as objects. I thought there is a way to make the code much shorter, maybe there is but it doesn't matter anymore I'm currently using my original code which is not based on UID, since it's much shorter and still organized.

    But I must say that I did learn A LOT from this discussion, I'm very glad that you guys are helping! :)

  • Thanks for sharing your way AllanR I appreciate it, seems very useful!

    The thing is that I was trying to shorten my code, but all this work-around not actually shorten so I can just use individual buttons as I original did (not in my examples here) but I was curious if using the families and UID will make the short much shorter, well I'm learning new things every day! :)

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  • I thought I need "For Each" instead of put manually the UID for every event to make it more efficient.

    But I don't know how to do that.

    Well, it works but unfortunately it's not going to be very efficient after all, but it's another way to work.

    Since I can't explain what I'm trying to do very well (sorry about that) I've attached a C3 file of how it works in case any noob like myself is interested exploring using the UID + Families.

    It works exactly as I wanted now, using the UID so thank you for helping with the Families mess :)

    Here it is:


  • Thanks !

    The visual works, but not sure if I was clear because of my bad English.

    How do I make EACH button (when click) to do it's individual job, that's why I thought it should use "For Each" or UID in a way since they are all the same objects, different UID for each one of the buttons.

    This could really shorten my code, Thanks ahead!

  • Hi All,

    I have 2 families: 1 for buttons, 1 for text.

    Buttons are Sprites, Text are text-object that are OVER the buttons.

    I'm trying to shorten my VERY LONG code to more efficient using the families and "For Each".

    With my old VERY LONG code it works great, but I can't make it work using for each:

    Instead of using every single button (individual object for each button) and every single text-object for each means (lots of objects) like this:

    Which is NOT efficient at all! I want to to make 1 Button Object and duplicate it to how many instances I ever need, same for the Text-Object (ONLY 1 with instances)

    So I understand the "idea" that I will need to pick the UID or something for each individual instance duplication of the Object and the Text.

    The main idea, I will have only 2 objects: Button & Text with their instances (efficiency!)

    But I don't know how to make it work, here is what I start playing around with:

    I've attached a new project C3 File so you can play with to see what I'm trying to do


    Thanks ahead! :)


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  • Hi All,

    I've tried to make a dedicated layout for preloader tile background as the progress bar.

    When running (F4) it seems like it does the job, and loading but the problem is:

    It will show 100% from the moment it starts and not 0% progressing to 100% as it's my goal.

    Can anyone please have a look on my code and help me out, how do I fix it?

    Thanks ahead!


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