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  • Based on the latest file version I shared (first page) is it too complicated to limit the Max Width so it will stay in fixed width?

    1. I want to stretch the Tile-Background dynamically (WYSIWYG) on the layout, so I can always get back and tweak it later as well without messing with the code.

    2. I want to be able to change the "MAX HP" variable without changing the actual width.

    So even during the game I can add or sub from MAX HP at anytime.

    I'm guessing it's a math related (percentage / formula) and that's something I'm not good at but maybe there are other ways, I have no clue... but as always like to explore and hopefully learn something new.

    Thanks ahead!

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  • See Blend Modes official template in C3.

    Thanks, I'll check it out :)

  • Thanks! that's sounds EXACTLY how I would do it as animator in my animation progress (not related to programming).

    I never used mask in C3 I'll try to found more about it in the documents.

  • Now for something related, but I guess it should be done differently but not sure how exactly:


    What if I have a fixed width for animated health probably as Sprite (animated image sequence) and not Tiled Background.

    The width should be based on the fixed size of the sprite and somehow... reduce / cut from it, basically I don't want to stretch it using the width like with the Tiled Background, so what is the solution.

    I've created a quick ugly animated example (it seems like animating sprites in C3 is not a good idea)

    My Example File


    If you don't mind please have a look and share your mind, I'll be happy to learn something new! hopefully it's not confusing as the math-formulas but I'm still curious.

  • That's very cool dop2000 thanks!

    I sure like using this Tween solution with the different ease modes.


    I'm looking at the code, it makes more sense to me but I notice that you're using Min and Max

    also there is "0" at the end, Can you please explain a bit how it works?


    max(Self.Current_HP-Global_Damage, 0)


    min(Self.Current_HP+Global_Heal, Self.Max_HP)

    Thanks ahead! :)

  • dop2000 so I created a simple example file (not the cleanest, but I visual it's nicer for me)

    I got pretty much most of the basics to work:

    I limit the minimum and max of the "current_HP" to not break the visual container.

    I didn't set the container to every thick, because I just want it to be steady as a HUD that won't change anyway.

    But Tween is where I got lost, since I try to get away from formulas (if possible) I tried this:

    End result to be: "Current_HP - Global_Damage"

    I also tried HP_Bar.width...


    Is there a way to simplify it without the formulas? just wondering, if not.. I guess I'll have to "copy past" but I tried my simple-brain first.

    My Example File

  • You can also try Tween with different easing options.

    Every time the health changes (increases or decreases), restart the tween for healthbar width. End value: maxWidth*(currentHealth/maxHealth)

    Oh nice! that sounds interesting, I never actually used tween yet... or the timeline for animating stuff, maybe it's a good time to try them out.

    Basically anything that is more "user-friendly" less math-formulas for my simple brain will be nicer :)

  • Thanks for the explanation!

    I'll try to re-create something simple and implement it on the way I would in the game using instance variables and such just to explore it and make sure I understand how it works.

    If there are other / extra examples related to this, I'll be happy to learn from different ways of as well, the more the merrier :)

  • Thanks for the quick reply and example! :)

    TBH - I don't understand any of it even that it's only 2 events...

    Maybe I should make a simple example so I can try implement it as "damage" variable = smooth amount in X speed.

    I guess that the dt is delta? which is probably related to the speed of how fast the health will drain, but still I only guess things for now.

  • How can I make the health reduced by "Damage" (variable) smoothly instead of immediate result?

    Visual Example: (Street Fighter 2)

    If anyone don't mind sharing an example file and explain step-by-step how things are working it will be very appreciate since I didn't have a chance to do health-bar related things beside simple count without an actual health bar.

    If there is a plugin / behavior to make my life easier I'll be happy to check it out.

    Thanks ahead!


  • Thanks! :)

    So... if I'm not using Families in this case and I will use "Player_1" (the container) only.

    Will I be able to change animations to ALL the sprites that are inside the container as well in the event sheet instead of doing it individual one by one? (per sprite) ?

    Because I will have to have both individual control (As I can just point specific sprite on the even sheet of course) but what about ALL ?

    For example, if I change "Player_1" animation will it also change the others?

    Same for Z-depth, who will be on top and so on...

    In general I need access to control ALL in one, and also individual of course (per sprite as I already)

    Sorry for the confusion.

  • The reason I'm using families is because the control of the position, z-depth and animation in the code later on, I must have all of the animation sprites with same names / speed to work together.

    I tried to use Containers but, I don't know how to work with it... maybe I should give it a try but from my last experience I gave up on it because I couldn't understand how to control it.



    I made it work, but is it efficient enough?

    I don't want to have sync / lagging / delay later on that's why I wonder:

    UPDATE #2

    I just tried to use Container as you suggested :)

    So, I still have the Family for the reason I explained above, but not even sure if I need it ??

    Also, is it going to sync better even when I'll add few more sprites (more equipment, each animated, same idea as I explained above)

    Thanks ahead!

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