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  • This is really amazing way to resize and rotate a sprite!

    Is there a Behaviour or Plugin for the same task?

    I'm a beginner C2 user, such tool is very impressive and useful.

    Sorry about my bad English.

  • Cool, I'm not allowed to post links yet since I'm still a noob around the forums...

    So I will try to send you the file via PM?


    I guess I'm not allowed to PM either... hehe

    How can I send you the .capx file?

  • I've created a global number "headVariable = 0"

    and when the player touch the hat/helmet headVariable = 1 and destroy the hat/helmet (there are 2, one out of the layout which will change the position) and one that is for collide and collect.

    So... when I moved the "Every tick" event as a sub-event when headVariable = 1

    it's working on the X only, the bumping head on the Y won't affect it.

    Any idea what I did wrong, or how I make it work when the headVariable = 1 ?

  • Thank you galacticfan!

    Your explanation is very good, I did exactly what you've explained and it works, but the problem is that there is a delay... so when my character is running (it's not so fast, just a bit slower than the default speed) the helmet/hat is following him...

    So I guess the "Every tick" is not like: "Always" if there is such thing in C2, I have no idea.

    Maybe there is a similar solution using the Pin behaviour? but I'm not sure how to accomplish this exactly.

    Is it possible to use the Pin behaviour to imagePoint X+Y ?

    Thanks ahead!


    Working! I just added a pin action after and it works now!

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  • Hello everybody,

    When my character is on RUN animation, his head is bumping up and down.

    So I've created a new Image Origin and put it on his forehead on every frame.

    Since I'm new to C2 I would love to see an example file or video?

    I'm trying to do something like this:

    EDIT: The link to the youtube video removed because I'm newbie at the forums.

    Search on YouTube for: "Construct 2 Tutorial- Image Origins" and you'll see what I mean on the 29 seconds of the video.

    A step-by-step explanation from the beginning, will be very helpful.

    Thanks ahead!

    * Sorry about my bad English.

  • Well, if I remove it we're back to the part where it plays once... and no more lol

    Wow... I never thought that my first experience with C2 will be so confusing.

    I can't give up yet... still trying to mess with it, there must be a solution!

    Maybe there is a "secret" plugin or behavior I need to download?

  • I tried to clean almost everything else like the other buttons to make sure that I will find what is wrong with my code... because I have no clue why there is no sound at all when I use your way, maybe I did something wrong and I missed it?

    Please let me know what is wrong here, so I can fix it:

  • Yes, I followed your instructions.

    Maybe a good solution could be with variables like some kind of more manual trigger/toggle option of the sound but I'm very new to C2 I still need to learn how to create variables hehe...

  • Thanks Rabenmutter,

    I just tried your way and the result is just like the very first problem:

    If I press "UP" many times (while the player is on the air) I can flood it with so many jump sounds.

    Any more ideas, or example files will be welcome.

  • Yes I did, but it didn't work.

    SOLVED? (I'm not sure if it's a stable solution)

    I just added another event:

    Hero > Platform is on floor >> Set animation to "Idle"

    And it works... I mean, it make sense in a way but I didn't imagine it will be so complicated just to deal with the audio, I didn't even start with the real complicated stuff.

    I'm not sure if that's the best solution, I will have to test it in more situations but for now it's not repeating unless I'm jumping lots of times into a really low platform so it repeats and get higher volume...

    Now I'll need to see how I solve the same problem... with different thing like "Shot" animation, because what if he is ALREADY touching the floor... it won't work, only if he shots while jumping.... that's why I think this "SOLUTION" is not good.

    Anyways, Thank you so much for taking the time and helping me in this, it's the best way to learn different solutions, you are very kind and I appreciate it.

    Anybody who have example files with less events to keep it simple, I'll be happy to download and explore it to see how you solve this issue.

  • I've added it, but still no sound after the first "UP".

    Wow.. I guess it's not as simple as I thought it will be hehe.

  • Yes, it's like resetting the event when I press the "C" button.

    The good thing is that when I press "UP" it only works once as it should, but.. won't play anymore unless I click "C" again.

    I flipped the order, so the trigger once is now before (above) the "Jump" animation, but now there is no sound at all, so I Undo that.

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Member since 20 Feb, 2014

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