Construct 3 Desktop - Launcher (Release & Version Management) [Deprecated]

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  • Construct 3 - Launcher V2.2.1 Released!

    Small update that fixes some issues from the previous release. The web database received an update and should be more reliable now.

    Full Changelog

    To view it, go to the Main Post and click the Software Changelog tab.


  • I'm using the latest launcher.

    both: C3 and NW.js are up to date with latest versions.

    I use the Stable version but I also tested the latest Beta just in case.

    It seems like I can't draw tilemaps using the desktop version while in the browser I can:

    I hope it's fixable, thanks ahead :)

  • It seems like I can't draw tilemaps using the desktop version while in the browser I can.

    Sounds like a C3 regression. Please report it directly to them on GitHub. NWjs bugs are still being investigated.

  • Thanks, I just reported it as you suggested.

  • I'm using the latest C3 Desktop built + NW.js (updated from the latest launcher).

    I've noticed that my player is lagging (milliseconds of stops while moving) so I tried C3 debug first and I noticed that the FPS are lower and not always stable.

    When I tried it on Chrome and the FPS are pretty stable and no lagging at all but I can't stand using a browser for C3, that's why I share this.

    Is it a C3 Desktop issue or NW.js?

    If it's a known issue, is there a fix on the way?


    Destkop Built (hard to see the lagging/stops but it's there)

    Chrome smooth (but I can't stand working on a browser)

  • I'm using the latest C3 Desktop built + NW.js (updated from the latest launcher).

    I've noticed that my player is lagging (milliseconds of stops while moving) so I tried C3 debug first and I noticed that the FPS are lower and not always stable.

    This is again an issue that you have to report to Scirra. The Launcher doesn't have anything to do with the Construct 3 runtime itself. It just downloads and runs NWjs automatically.

  • This is again an issue that you have to report to Scirra. The Launcher doesn't have anything to do with the Construct 3 runtime itself. It just downloads and runs NWjs automatically.

    Thanks, I wanted to make sure if it's just me or it's a known issue :)

  • Thanks, I wanted to make sure if it's just me or it's a known issue :)

    I'd recommend to open a separate topic instead. This topic is really just for feedback regarding the Launcher itself.

  • The minify on this launcher doesn't work and sometimes is closing without saving/message or anyting.

    Any updated version?

  • The minify on this launcher doesn't work and sometimes is closing without saving/message or anyting.

    You mean Construct 3 project minification doesn't work and it's randomly closing?

    The launcher has nothing to do with Construct 3 itself, it just downloads/updates NWjs and makes it possible to select a Construct 3 release version.

  • maybe is Nw.js? If i export the same game with minify in browser version works, if I use the nw.js version not :(

  • maybe is Nw.js? If i export the same game with minify in browser version works, if I use the nw.js version not :(

    Please report it to Scirra. They still investigate NWjs related bugs: I can't fix Construct 3 bugs, even if I wanted to.

  • I tried to download the nw.js update through it and it failed. I run it in administrator mode and I was using nw.js 48.0 already before trying to update to 49.2

    What can be wrong?

  • I tried to download the nw.js update through it and it failed. I run it in administrator mode and I was using nw.js 48.0 already before trying to update to 49.2

    What can be wrong?

    Tried to reproduce using both stable and custom release types and it worked fine for both.

    Please make sure that your launcher is up-to-date first. You can check your app version by hovering over the launcher icon in the top-left corner, inside the main menu. If you are up-to-date, please post the given error code. The code can be found in the caption of the error message window.

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  • It was updated and I also reinstalled it but after a while, now it works. Weird.

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