Character Changing Animated Elements - Solution?

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  • Maybe someone can help me find the most efficient solution to what I'm trying to do:

    1. I have a character that is animated (frame by frame) WITHOUT a weapon.

    2. The character have many different animations (Idle, Walk, Jump, Fall, Few Attacks, etc..)

    3. The character animated in a way that it does all animations WITHOUT a weapon

    4. I've animated OVER the character (separate layers) the animated weapon to fit EXACTLY to the animations of the BASE character (without the weapon)

    The reason I didn't PIN a simple still weapon to the BASE character as image point to the hand is because it is more dynamic animated and not just rotating. (it looks much better to me as animator)


    In theory, this is what I want to do:

    Using the BASE character as the main animation (it's PINNED to a simple box for the controls)

    animate different weapons and use ABOVE the BASE character.

    Same idea goes for other elements for example: Helmets, Clothes, Armor and other parts that I can customize ABOVE the BASE character, all animated frame by frame on a dedicated transparent layer of course.


    The Problem:

    I've tried to PIN a weapon animation with EXACT same amount of animations, frames, position, speed to the BASE character animation, so it will sit above it and I will have control either to switch between other weapons if I like.

    But during gameplay while Idle, Walking and Attacking the potential of my idea looks nice!

    but after some time... I guess it's related to the fps and it's not syncing 1:1 at the same time that's I see the delay.


    What do you suggest to make this works based on the Animated Elements way I described?

    Thanks ahead! :)


  • Same idea goes for other elements for example: Helmets, Clothes, Armor and other parts that I can customize ABOVE the BASE character, all animated frame by frame on a dedicated transparent layer of course.

    Wow, give me some of that dedication!

    Anyway regarding the desyncing... are you 100% certain that all values are the same and stay the same? It would just be the obvious thing that you have overlooked a value somewhere.

    If that´s not the case, you could set all equipment having an animation speed of 0, then do something like

    That should work.

  • Thanks for the suggestion, hehe I enjoy animating also it makes the "game" looks better :)

    Yes, everything is 1:1 same as I mentioned, position and each animation speed (they even have the same names so I could actually match them one by one.

    The problem is not just the frame-matches but also the position changed by pixel here-and-there when moving or jumping so everything is not following with some small delay.

    I think I should re-produce something more simple because I probably do something wrong or missing something if the PIN should work 1:1 without delays like I currently have.

  • Well, Pin is actually known to have some issues in that regard.

    Maybe try replacing the pin with a simple Every tick > set position?

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  • Well, Pin is actually known to have some issues in that regard.

    Maybe try replacing the pin with a simple Every tick > set position?

    I tried actually set position on every tick before I tried the PIN, but I still had this delay / lagging issue.

    I wonder what's a good safe 1:1 ratio solution to make sure all animated layers (sprites above each other) will stick together based on what I've already tried (Pin, Position, Animation properties exact as the base etc..)

    Hmmm... maybe my project is too messy already and I should re-produce a more simple one to make sure, I just have a feeling I'm missing something, unless! there is a much more efficient way which I'll be HAPPY to know and try of course :)

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