Voir un historique complet de toutes les nouveaux ajouts dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.

11 favoris
Flowcharts: show UI feedback when making node connections
9 favoris
Flowcharts: 'Start' action parameter to set as current flowchart
13 favoris
4 new examples
10 favoris
Flowcharts: add more conditions to the Flowchart Controller
15 favoris
Add 4 new examples
27 favoris
Physics: 'Teleport' action
6 favoris
Video Recorder: 'System audio' option for 'Start screen recording' action
18 favoris
3 new examples
11 favoris
Text: add support for right-to-left (RTL) text
15 favoris
Add Z elevation for Drawing Canvas, QR Code, Video and User Media objects
21 favoris
Browser: actions to set window size/position
12 favoris
Local storage: 'Is persistent' condition; 'Request persistent' action
15 favoris
Project Properties: option to disable spritesheets
20 favoris
System action 'Set collision cell size'
16 favoris
System condition 'Layer name exists'
15 favoris
HTML elements: now have Z order actions, allowing changing Z order at runtime
13 favoris
Drawing Canvas: 'Convex' option for 'Fill poly' action
9 favoris
Add new 'Alpha clamp' effect which properly handles premultiplied alpha
11 favoris
Add new 'Alpha ramp' effect
8 favoris
CSV plugin: add delimiter parameter for parse/generate actions
16 favoris
6 new examples
6 favoris
CSV plugin: 'TabCharacter' expression
7 favoris
Text editor: support for .tsv (Tab-separated values) files
5 favoris
'Ghost Shooter TypeScript' example
4 favoris
Project Bar: add help link in TypeScript menu
2 favoris
Mobile IAP: 'On transaction finished' trigger; 'TransactionID' expression
2 favoris
Project Bar: add option to create CSV file
17 favoris
Add 'Offline support' setting for web exports, allowing opting-out of offline caching
13 favoris
Project Bar: allow multiple selection when using 'Reload from folder' for files
18 favoris
Windows WebView2: add 'Export for Remote Preview' setting
9 favoris
Text editor: support for .md (Markdown) and .ini files
11 favoris
File for WebView2: support for listing content of a folder
17 favoris
6 new example projects
5 favoris
Android exports: display target Android version/API level in options dialog
11 favoris
File System: 'On any file operation complete/error' triggers; FileTag expression
7 favoris
Cryptography: 'any' triggers for hashing and encryption/decryption; Tag expression
7 favoris
NW.js: 'On any binary file read/written' triggers; FileTag expression
11 favoris
New examples 'Elemental conveyors', 'License test', 'Rhythm square', 'Test your might'
10 favoris
Data editor: allow empty string in rename dialog to revert to default row/column name
8 favoris
AJAX: 'Set with credentials' action
6 favoris
New example 'Text icons to HTML'