Voir un historique complet de toutes les nouveaux ajouts dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
Properties bar: add editor only check boxes to control the visibility and lock state of individual instances
Linux export: integrate Browser fullscreen and window size/position actions
Instances bar: context menu option to select the layer of an instance
Instances bar: change the currently active layer by clicking on the layer name, when it is shown
Layout view: context menu option to find an instance in the Instances bar
Timeline Controller: 'Unset instances' action to clear state from 'Set Instance' action
Instances bar: context menu option to select all the instances in a folder
Platform Info: 'Is Linux wrapper export' condition
Instances bar: support duplicating instances by dragging into the Layout View & cut/copy context menu options
Add manual links to Export Statistics and Project Statistics dialogs
New examples 'Audio worklets', 'Import maps'
AJAX: 'On upload progress' trigger
New examples 'Astral swine', 'Item sorting'
Minify mode 'Debug advanced'
File system: support for accessing known folders in Windows WebView2 exports
New example 'Visual novel'
Support for minifying with UglifyJS
New examples 'Rock and rush', 'Tesla twist'
Text: 'Set resolution mode' action
System 'Recreate initial objects' action: add 'destination layer' parameter
Audio: NormalizedVolume expression
Animations editor: add 'Cancel' button to Image Format dialog
Animations editor: display lossy quality level in status bar
Flowcharts: add new 'Comment' node
New demo game 'Fuji leaper'
Flowcharts: add a color property to nodes
Flowcharts: allow selecting links individually to delete via keyboard
Flowcharts: allow editing a node's caption via double-tap or context menu
Flowcharts: show context menu to add nodes when letting go of a link over empty space
Pick nth child: parameter to allow indexing in all children or only those of given object
Show better error message if failed to open project due to invalid folder names
New 'Playable Ad (zip)' export option
New examples 'Ghost chaser', 'Laser dodger'
'Deprecated features' dialog to help update old projects
Text/SpriteFont: new 'CJK' word wrap mode
New examples 'Pusha Pusha', 'Jungle Master'
Gamepad: support for trigger rumble effect
Gamepad: condition to check which rumble effects supported
Mouse: 'unadjusted movement' option for 'Request pointer lock'
Z order bar: add context menu options to focus the Layout View on a selection
New example 'Coral savior'
New examples 'Grukkle Onslaught', 'Spider solitaire'
Parameters dialog: autocomplete for tags
Multiplayer: add 'Avoid solids' and 'Platform mode' options for local input prediction
New example 'Custom canvas drawing'