Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
New examples; compatibility updates; bug fixes
25 September, 2024 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
It's the start of a new release cycle, and we have lots of changes for you once again! These include bug fixes, compatibility updates, performance improvements and more.
One significant change this release is increasing the minimum supported iOS/Safari version to 15, dropping support for iOS/Safari 13 and 14. This might seem like a big change, but in practice it shouldn't be: there are no iOS devices for which iOS 13 or 14 are the last supported version (see here). In other words any device still running iOS 13 or 14 can be updated to iOS 15, and public usage data numbers indicate the vast majority already have. Updating the minimum version allows us to take advantage of more advanced web technologies in Construct, so this should allow us to do much more while having little impact on compatibility in practice.
We've now removed support for minifying with Closure Compiler on export - it now always uses UglifyJS. So far we're not aware of any issues with using UglifyJS, but as ever let us know if you come across any.
Other changes include some new examples demonstrating the use of audio worklets and import maps, some scripting updates, improved performance for hierarchy conditions like 'Pick children', and a big batch of bug fixes. Happy testing!
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Exécuter r408
Nouveaux ajouts
New examples 'Audio worklets', 'Import maps'
AJAX: 'On upload progress' trigger
iOS exports: remove support for iOS 13 and 14
iOS exports: add iOS 18 to version list
Remove support for minifying with Closure Compiler
Tags: change how tags are shown in the Timeline bar, Z order bar and Instance bar
Improve error message if project fails to open due to expression name collision (e.g. instance variable named "Tags")
Corrections de bug
iOS exports: versions could be incorrectly disabled after exporting with AVIF
Android exports: could get stuck on splash screen instead of showing 'Software update needed' message
Tiled Background: loading image from URL ignored wrap mode
Text: horizontal alignment could sometimes result in blurry text
Project bar: some layout properties not copied over after pasting
Animations editor: image points could change position unexpectedly
Ease editor: crash changing the segment type
Hierarchies: runtime crash loading hierarchies from JSON when some of the instances have the "No Save" behaviour (regression r391)
Instance bar: bar not updating properly after making hierarchy changes
Instance bar: expand/collapse context menu options not behaving as expected
Instance bar: making the bar pane small enough preventing pointer interactions
Instance bar: selection lost when scrolling and highlighting search results
Instance bar: clearing the search box not always restoring the state of the bar
Amélioration des performances
Optimize efficiency of 'Pick children', 'Pick Nth child' and 'Pick parent' conditions when all children initially picked
Mises à jour du SDK
Add runtime.sdk.getObjectClassBySid()
Scripting updates
Disable worker mode when import maps used (as browsers do not support this yet)
Update default tsconfig.json target to ES2022
Fix import maps not working when running with debugger
Make runtime.platformInfo always available (even without Platform Info object)
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