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More flowcharts improvements; new examples; bug fixes and other improvements
18 December, 2023 ()
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We've been hard at work reviewing your feedback and making more improvements to the Flowcharts feature. This release includes lots of changes and fixes for Flowcharts, and we know there's more work ahead, so stay tuned for more updates to this over the next releases.
Other changes include some improvements for Text and SpriteFont, SVG Picture, and other general improvements and bug fixes, detailed in the changelog below.
Please note: this is our last scheduled beta release of the year. The team will be taking a well-earned break over the next couple of weeks, during which time there will not be any beta releases and support may be limited. We'll be back to normal in early January.
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Exécuter r372
Nouveaux ajouts
SpriteFont: support all the same CSS color strings as Text (e.g. "red")
Text: add support for 'outlineback' BBcode tag
Flowchart controller: loop condition & expressions to iterate outputs
Flowcharts: save and restore state with savegames
Flowchart view: add preview of the selected node at bottom of view
Flowcharts: add/remove node outputs from the Properties bar
iOS exports: drop support for iOS 12, and add iOS 17 version option
iOS: block double-tap showing magnify tool
Button, File Chooser & Slider Bar: block context menu appearing
SVG Picture: make 'Set image' actions asynchronous
Flowchart view: decrease the view margin area
Corrections de bug
Flowchart view: UI state not restored properly in some cases
Flowcharts: crash opening flowchart from Project Bar context menu
Flowcharts: crash undoing node resize and column resize changes
Flowcharts: possible for nodes to change position in unexpected ways
Flowcharts: incorrect feedback when making node links
Flowcharts: better effort to place new nodes if there isn't space in the selected position
Flowcharts: unexpected behaviour after deleting an output which is already connected to another node
Flowcharts: missing text on the dialog to confirm the deletion of flowcharts
Flowcharts: unexpected results when resizing a node from the left border
Canvas snapshot of part of screen not working (regression r369)
HTML Layers not working in some older browsers
SVG Picture: avoid flicker when changing image at runtime
Possible crash removing dynamic layer with HTML elements on it
Remote Preview: could get stuck if cancelled before connection established
Find references/results bar: not fully styled for dark/light themes
Scripting updates
Add async method ISVGPictureInstance.setSvgUrl()
Ensure runtime mousedown/mouseup events fire same as in DOM for simultaneous presses
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