Voir un historique complet de toutes les corrections de bug dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.

6 favoris
Text: fix center/bottom vertical aligment when BBcode enabled
9 favoris
Gamepad: could skip button pressed/released triggers in worker mode in certain circumstances
5 favoris
ShadowLight: did not position light correctly after loading savegame
7 favoris
Tween behaviour: fix 'set end value' for single property
6 favoris
Scene graph: 'On created' triggered twice for instances in both a container and a hierarchy
4 favoris
Layout view: possible incorrect rendering with Z-elevated instances on parallaxed layer
6 favoris
Layout view: mesh points did not snap to grid correctly
4 favoris
Animations editor: could not move animations in subfolders to the root level
4 favoris
Animations editor: unexpected resize of elements when clicking on the dialog's resize handles
5 favoris
Animations editor: selection could be moved by clicking outside the selected rectangle
4 favoris
Animations editor: blurry animation preview
4 favoris
Timeline bar: crash using the Layout View's context menu option to set keyframes
5 favoris
Timeline bar: crash turning editing mode while showing an instance with a mesh
4 favoris
Timeline bar: crash pasting keyframes between different tracks
4 favoris
Timeline bar: could not copy only property keyframes using keyboard shortcut
4 favoris
Timeline bar: crash toggling the UI elements for a timeline folder using the corresponding checkbox in the Timeline bar
4 favoris
Timeline bar: crash using Cmd + click to select multiple tracks (macOS)
4 favoris
Custom eases: incorrect custom ease picked at runtime
7 favoris
NW.js export: possible incorrect state for 'Is fullscreen'
4 favoris
Another speculative fix for viewport sizing issue on iOS
4 favoris
iOS/macOS: editor pen input could fire click and double click twice, causing unexpected behavior
4 favoris
Safari: possible console error when using positioned audio
4 favoris
Firefox: possible crash clicking at edge of window during guided tour
7 favoris
Possible crash dragging text in editor (regression)
6 favoris
iOS exports not working if using both legacy file: protocol and module scripts
5 favoris
Crash using 'Show collision polygons' with SVG Picture (regression r228)
11 favoris
Issue with Google Drive cloud saves
4 favoris
Revert speculative fix for iOS viewport sizing in r233
5 favoris
Work around Chrome bug seeking videos in preview
9 favoris
Minified exports that failed did not report an error
6 favoris
Work around Safari bug that could prevent video playback working in Remote Preview
9 favoris
Speculative fix for viewport sizing issue on iOS
11 favoris
Animations editor: image points changing position after resize (regression r216)
14 favoris
Ensure correct Z ordering for instances in a hierarchy
5 favoris
Timeline and ease sub folder names not saved
6 favoris
Animations editor: crash undoing changes involving moving and adding frames after closing the editor
6 favoris
Text input: 'Scroll to bottom' may not have covered a newly added line
8 favoris
NW.js: exports not working when using module scripts
5 favoris
Possible issue resizing nested dialogs
5 favoris
Layout View: could not paste with Ctrl+V when in popup window
4 favoris
UI could update incorrectly when switching focus between popup windows
4 favoris
Sprite plugin: instances not undoing changes properly (regression r231)
5 favoris
Layout view: touch not working in r231
4 favoris
'Recreate initial objects' not working correctly in r231
5 favoris
Properties bar: unable to select text input fields without dragging (regression r230)
5 favoris
Tilemap bar: first tile of the rectangle tool changing unexpectedly (regression r230)
10 favoris
Scene graph: possible crash adding instance to a hierarchy
10 favoris
Scene graph: keep correct Z ordering when creating a whole hierarchy at runtime
8 favoris
Scene graph: fix crash undoing undoing changes while instances are selected
8 favoris
Scene graph: avoid adding undo points which make no changes
7 favoris
Dragging of items in table controls sometimes did not work
6 favoris
Tilemap bar: crash using the patch selection tool (regression r230)
14 favoris
Animations editor: instances changing size unexpectedly after adding and moving frames in the editor
11 favoris
Event sheet view: 'call function' actions could disappear when attempting an invalid drag-drop
7 favoris
Touch: gestures not measuring time correctly in worker mode
7 favoris
SVG Picture: did not use correct downscaling quality in editor
7 favoris
Not all keyboard shortcuts worked in popup windows
7 favoris
Possible crash pressing Escape to close dialog in popup window
7 favoris
Properties bar (mobile): update the properties bar after undoing
7 favoris
Properties bar (mobile): modifying numeric inputs by dragging not working
8 favoris
Animations editor (mobile): activating move tool locked up the rest of the UI
7 favoris
Animations editor (mobile): improve consistency of 2 finger gesture to zoom/pan while a tool is active
8 favoris
Properties bar: property groups could show incomplete list when using a pen device
7 favoris
Layout view: allow selecting and moving instance in one motion when using pen device
9 favoris
'Wait' in function block did not handle local variables correctly
6 favoris
SVG plugin: possible crash rapidly changing SVG file
6 favoris
Audio: changing tremolo effect mix didn't work
5 favoris
Recent projects: did not list separate entries for copies of local project files
5 favoris
Physics: possible crash loading savegame with joints connected in chain
8 favoris
Network requests in preview could fail after a timeout (regression in r226)
9 favoris
Layers bar: could not click lock icon (regression in r229)
12 favoris
Event sheet view: could not resize columns (regression in r229)
5 favoris
Work around bug in Safari 14 causing issues in editor
10 favoris
Another fix for Android exports not working on some devices since r226
7 favoris
Project Bar: possible crash cloning object types in a family
6 favoris
Mesh editor: incorrectly allowed dragging mesh points with middle and right mouse buttons
8 favoris
Layout view: could not scroll with mouse wheel when different cursor showing
9 favoris
Platform behavior: improve detection of landing on a jumpthru moving upwards
13 favoris
Platform behavior: could not always jump off a solid platform moving upwards through another solid
8 favoris
JSON: setting key could fail after attempting to access before it exists
14 favoris
'Wait for previous actions to complete' in a trigger could incorrectly wait on async actions in other triggers
5 favoris
Animations editor: crash picking an external editor on macOS
9 favoris
Could not reorder instance variable/behavior/effects (regression in r227)
7 favoris
Mesh distortion: did not save state with savegames
8 favoris
Drawing Canvas: pasting objects could detach them from their hierarchy
6 favoris
Instance variables dialog did not always show description
5 favoris
Debugger object highlight did not handle layer rotation correctly
5 favoris
Wrong script size in export statistics
7 favoris
Copy/pasting event sheets/layouts did not preserve tab colors
10 favoris
Speculative fix for Android exports not working on some devices since r226
6 favoris
Z order bar: previous selection lost when pressing Ctrl/Cmd to select multiple instances
7 favoris
Mobile layout: sliding panes not working properly (regression r227)
6 favoris
Timeline bar: crash using custom ease with cubic bezier paths (regression r220)
4 favoris
Firefox: preview/remote preview not working in private browsing mode
8 favoris
New minifier not loading (regression in r227)
8 favoris
Project 'Scripts type' property accidentally hidden
8 favoris
Animations editor: fix "External editor" tool in the desktop builds for OS X and Linux
8 favoris
Animations editor: unexpected pixels painted when drawing sharp lines with low opacity
6 favoris
Animations editor: sliding panels not working in mobile layout (regression r226)
8 favoris
Animations editor: toolbar buttons occationaly not working (regression r226)
11 favoris
Could not preview in free edition after attempting remote preview
5 favoris
UI state: avoid saving state that causes unexpected layout after restart
8 favoris
UI state: tabs outside the main pane not restored when opening a project
4 favoris
Animations editor: prevent setting negative values when modifying collision polygon vertices
5 favoris
Animations editor: ESC key not working if focus is on the main panel (regression r225)
6 favoris
Scene graph: 'remove all children' context menu option was not working
5 favoris
Scene graph: possible crash using the 'remove from parent' context menu option
7 favoris
Tilemap bar: tools not working properly when used on a layout opened in a popup window
5 favoris
Tilemap bar: toolbar buttons not working when detached to a popup window (regression r218)
4 favoris
Z Order bar: crash attempting to open the bar in the mobile
6 favoris
iframe: did not always handle query strings correctly when loading local project file
4 favoris
Audio: convolution effects did not always work in Safari
5 favoris
Layout View: could incorrectly show resize/rotate cursors over other parts of UI
3 favoris
Share plugin: could not always share files in iOS apps
12 favoris
Animations editor: editor blocked when pressing escape while focus is on a text input