Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Independent layer scrolling; more scripting APIs; bug fixes
13 July, 2021 ()
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Don't miss out on the latest and greatest new features in Construct 3
New this release: you can now scroll layers independently of the layout using a new Set layer scroll action! Once you use this action, the layer will have its own scroll position separate to the layout scrolling. You can then restore the layer to scroll with the layout using the Restore layer scroll action. There are also LayerScrollX/Y expressions that you can use to get the scroll position for a specific layer.
This release also adds a range of new APIs for the scripting feature, particularly focused around layers and layouts, and also covering the new independent layer scrolling and vanishing point features.
Finally as ever there are new examples, a batch of bug fixes, and also some more updates for Mobile Advert. Stay tuned for more updates!
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Exécuter r256
Nouveaux ajouts
Independent layer scrolling with 'Set layer scroll' and 'Restore layer scroll' system actions & LayerScrollX/Y expressions
New examples 'Hidden objects', 'Input sequence'
Added mobile orientation controls to 'Rocket barrel' example
Mobile Advert: deprecate 'User Personalization' actions and conditions
Mobile Advert: return new values in the ConsentStatus expression according to the User Messaging Platform SDK
Corrections de bug
Mobile Advert: consent status was only updated correctly in test mode
Android: apps using worker mode could fail to start on some devices
3D shape: could sometimes unexpectedly disappear when using vanishing point outside viewport
Event sheet view: could not undo adding a group
Event sheet view: wrong background color on free edition events remaining box in dark/light themes
Scene graph: scene graph UI incorrectly shown when using global layers
Animations editor: crop tool keyboard shortcuts "ALT/OPTION + C + CTRL" and "ALT/OPTION + C + CTRL + SHIFT" not working as expected
Animations editor: using the crop tool from the toolbar plus CTRL to crop with no padding was not working on macOS
Timeline bar: crash closing the bar while a timeline is playing
Could not export with advanced minification (regression r254)
Scripting updates
Add IWorldInstance getter zIndex
Add ILayout properties scrollX/Y, scale, angle
Add ILayout methods setVanishingPoint(), getVanishingPoint()
Add ILayer properties: scrollX/Y, scale, scaleRate, angle, parallaxX/Y, zElevation, isTransparent, isForceOwnTexture, blendMode, backgroundColor
Add ILayer methods scrollTo(), restoreScrollPosition()
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