DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • A little messy, but this worked for me.

    Im writing a book about construct for beginner. And I want to show the readers how to export their games for android.

    but since my license is free, I can't export an example game to show the steps

    So, I need help to mail me an exported capx for crosswalk and cocoonJS...

    please send me the file to

    thank you for your help

    I've heard a lot of ways to by pass license restrictions. I'm not saying you are not writing a book, but you got to understand that something like this sounds very fishy.

    Especially if you connect all the dots... shrugs????

    Guess you can pay someone to do it for you, but the request falls into a grey area.

    Edit: I'll let the mods/admins decide.

  • That s a good idea. You mean downloading images for that level at that moment via Internet while loading.

    So the player may have to keep internet on all the time right?


  • you can load your images from url external image files, not packaged with game this keeps it smaller. You will have to have a loader screen on each level while images download.

  • Hi guys,

    newbie here. i've just learned grouping/organizing my events and stuff. some group events, i am already contented. i am just wandering is there a command in scirra in which i am able to lock these group events so i wont accidentally delete or move something.

    thanks in advance!

    No program should allow this as it causes more headaches than it is worth.

    Solution is "don't delete it. Don't move it" If you do, there is the undo action and you can set autosaves / backups so you will never loose anything.

    I keep 150 backups. In various locations offline and online so There is no way I am loosing anything

  • Nothing - I used to listen to music whilst writing/coding etc. But I am more productive listing to the keyboard buttons. Songs bring in memories, and memories lead to reminiscing, and reminiscing leads to the dark side of time

  • I'm already saving of sub 1500$ PC build.

    Wow that is going to be a mean machine I built mine for just under, a little shy of $1000 and it is almost top of the range.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • >

    > > someone that you own

    > >



    > > I just want to buy sure that it's some I'll frequently use

    > >


    > Use the free version until you are sure. If you're already using the free version, how long do you have to use it before you become sure you'll use the paid version? If that's say 3 months for example, then just set aside $10 a week and by the end you'll have enough for the license if you decide to get it.


    Unfortunately, the free version doesn't cut it for me. 4 layouts, 100 events. In my opinion, that's too limited to get any experience. I understand why they went this way, but for people like me, it doesn't give me the full experience. To me, it's like taking a bit of a burger that only has the condiments.

    You've been a member for ages, a little bit of money put away each month will more than pay for C2. You can also make some pretty decent stuff using the free version and you can put that free games up all over the net. If they are even the slightest bit good, I am sure you can pick up a sponsor.

    Learning to build a game with 4 layouts, 100 events will make you a better C2 game developer. Trust me, you can build awesome things with 100 events and only 4 layouts.

  • Again reported because all your links go through adfly (spammy)

    I like the idea, but don't make it spammy. I understand you got to finaince your stuff, but adfly type stuff is only going to hurt you.

  • Speaking about cost etc. is it possible to transfer a license to someone that you own?

    This has been asked a few times. The simple answer is no. Most digital downloads have this in place.

    Same as you can not resell your license.

  • > Here you go... far better - lol


    That was pretty clever

    I can't take credit for that, it comes from the forums somewhere... my method, not the image above is slightly different, and not as simple as the image above.

  • Thanks, I'm a little bit embarrased but I attach my example only that people understand what I want because English is not my native Thank you very much!)

    nothing wrong with trying. Its the only way to learn

  • Also-- are ya'll saying that i have to put all three formats of the same video clip into the project to get it to play on ANY browser as opposed to EVERY browser ??

    Yip, you need all three video formats to play in all the main browsers. Google html5 video player - that is what this is, it will show you what browsers play what files etc etc

    There are no tutorials yet, as it was just released to beta a week or so ago.

    The main man "zenox98" has put a capx above which should solve it for you.

  • Codeman320

    I don't follow, but if you create that compares points = 300 it will automatically trigger when points = 300.

    The game runs down the event sheet top to bottom every tick so it repeats the code continuously and triggers that code when it is true/applys to situation.

    If variable points = 300

    then do this

    set points to 0 (so it can count back up to 300)

    will trigger everytime points = 300.

  • Here you go... far better - lol