DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Manual Entry

    It covers it nicely. I was playing around the other day. Pretty cool addition indead.

    Take note of this [quote:2ik7anv7]Due to the complexities of video compression and the patent-encumbrance of h.264, Construct 2 does not provide a video importer like it does with audio. You must encode your video files yourself, and then import them as project files.

    Also what browser as not all browsers play ogg files. You have to import each format as project file.

    THese are the formats:

    WebM source

    Ogg Theora source


    The play/stop/pause etc is easy once it is set up properly - check the manual entry.

  • Cheers guys, my capx is a bit of an unholy mess at the moment but I'll try to mock up something like what I want to achieve and post it up soon. I did manage to get something sort of working with solids, but as before - and even with the refined collision boxes - they glitched around a lot when they clumped up, and sometimes jumped through walls in the tunnels, which isn't ideal!

    Actually I got sort of halfway there with a combination of MoveTo and the Boids flocking behaviours. The mobs chase and keep a good distance from one another without glitching - now I just need to figure out a way to get them to navigate around obstacles.

    monitz87 your solution sounds interesting, I'll definitely give that a go too. I must admit half the functions in MoveTo are a bit of a mystery to me, I just use it as a lazy man's shortcut to something I'd usually do with Custom Movement!

    Have you had a look at pathfinding? I'm not very good with it.

    Great examples shipped with C2 - its my go to resource from pathfinding to multiplayer.

    Open C2. Click 'New' and scroll down that page.

  • > pirx, Yes collisions affect clicks - lol. That is the hitbox as monitz87 says. But it isn't a solution as you usually want the whole button to be clickable.


    I never suggested altering the button's collision polygon, I just said he should disable collisions on buttons which belong to invisible layers (and enable them when the corresponding layer becomes visible), so they don't register "On Click" events, which would basically solve his problem.

  • Steam deleted a lot of topics last year. Mine included as I was annoyed at "STEAMS" poor support and unwillingness to fix authentication issues which made C2 unstable and prone to crashes.

    I know ashley/tom comment there if you raise a concern.

    But why comment there when you can comment here.

    part too: game assets, I don't understand how that works, but I can already do this by dragging my assets into c2. What you ideally need as a show case that people can choose assets and the internet is full of those.

  • Are you guys plan on doing sales or, some price reduction? If not, I'm gonna look elsewhere.

    Elsewhere? wheres that 'steam' or competitor products'? Because you can't get it legally anywhere else.

    STEAM comes with loads of issues, be warned. Cheaper isn't better, and I still hope they raise the price by 500%, because as it currently stands it is grossly undervalued.

  • I don't use buttons in C2, never have - I use sprites, but I agree, it doesn't work.

  • There are so many ways to achieve same results. And they all work

    I Agree with monitz87 and harishankar, post a capx lets get to the bottom of this

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  • pirx, Yes collisions affect clicks - lol. That is the hitbox as monitz87 says. But it isn't a solution as you usually want the whole button to be clickable.

    Groups work, it just isn't the best way to do it. I used it on a previous project, but it takes some out the box thinking.

    The capx I posted is a nice work-a-round. There are other ways too - lots of ways, actually.

  • Whiteclaws Thanks... curious then why we don't see many (any really) true multiplayer games on the market. Yah theres words with friends and stuff like that but those are too slow. I want tanks shooting at each other (Im currently making a scorched earth clone ) or platform fighters. I feel that's the next thing with mobile games and C2 really does make it easy. People have got be getting tired of playing against the computer by now.

    Check out "Desperate Gods" you can download the source or I can look for it. It was a gamejam type thing. Its a board game with multiplayer and turn based type deal. It's goal was to be as close to real board game play as possible.

    Oh, it is made in Unity3d

  • Did you adjust your collision polygon? did you give it enough space? Are you using solid behavior?

    Else, the other way works well, just a little more complicated. If you post a demo capx with behaviours set up and moveto (basically having enemies chacing hero) this will save time in creating a moch up and I will try and put a "force field around them" lol. Its night here now so will try tomorrow sometime.

  • I'm pretty sure IOS and Android exports are now free. In fact you can use Unity Free edition to publish games(including IOS and Android). it's just that the Unity Splash screen must be seen and there are numerous other missing features. Such as GPU optimizations, skins and tons of stuff. But I don't believe Unity has addons anymore. It's just a a single package. But if I just missed the addons section recently. eh I'll stand corrected. I'm just going from memory.

    I do agree. Ashley is an amazing programmer. And on top remains decently active in the community. Astounding.

    I wish they were free - lol But alas, they are not. The free version is great up till a point, of course it is completely dependant on the games you planning to make.

    I am a huge unity3d fan, they are top of my list. I just find that dev time in C2 (of course game dependant) is so much more quicker.

    But unity3d is pricy (justified of course)

  • I thought it was $70 a month or $1500 flat.

    $75 then you want to export your game right? lol, so start adding in the addons at $75/m or +$1500 each because android/iOS not included etc

    I was hoping the multiplayer would be a subscription based model of even $25 a year would finance another dev.

    Ashley is a "god" with what he achieves programming wise. A true legend. I tip my hat to him.

  • lol, $300/month that's why... can fund a whole team to work on features etc

  • Because nota_do = sound is a condition, so you can only left click mouse button on nota_do if it equals sound. If it doesn't then nothing happens. Use sub event and Else

    I suggest you read the manual and learn how events work.

    You should really spend some time getting the basics down, do the example games etc.