DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • I just added a damage sprite, so damage goes <- and covers the health. Using health sprite width will just shrink it. You need to cover it with something to make it appear like it is decreasing.

    Very raw, but you get the idea see below.


  • Your best bet is to publish games via your own website. You can get a cheap bluehost setup and install wordpress. Put your games in there and make the website private and give out password to friends and family. They can then browse website via ipad, phone, desktop web browser and access your creations.

    That is the easiest option, unless someone can come up with something else?

  • Multiplayer links I found useful:



    Look at the whole series - very nice example.



    Nice simple Example player turns or AI



    All are basic, but that is all you going to get in terms of examples as C2 can't handle anything too advanced. Simple turn based games type deal.


    but I must say I'm really happy with the purchase.

    Don't get me wrong - I am happy with C2, my issue is that I work on multiple monitors, so an instance of "mygame version1" on monitor one, and "mygame version2" on monitor 2 is what multiple instances are all about.<img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I also dislike going through steam, specially after i got game maker studio. So i didn't get it and am waiting for a sale here, directly from scirra instead.

    I got mine via steam, and to be honest, I should have just brought it here. Steam is not geared towards applications.

    I knew about steam not being able to open multiple instances of c2.

    I knew about the file association glitch.

    I figured for the discount price I could semi tolerate it until it was fixed.

    BUT, it just isn't worth it - period. Gonna, try to make $5000 from this steam version so that I can buy the business version here.

  • I have fallen in love with dictionaries. Especially now that I can load an external json file into it. I can then save project and edit the external file because editing via c2 is a pain in the *ss - lol.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Same problem here. Just tried closing it now. And it closed all open files, but didn't close the program.

    Recipe up to this point:

    I did leave my pc on last night and I know that ccleaner ran last night whilst I was asleep. I tried closing it now cause it wouldn't launch applications saying something about java not being something. (Still rubbing sleep out my eyes)

    Something about the temp file. I presume ccleaner wiped out the temp file directory and C2 doesn't like that.

    I'm drawing at straws here. Lots happens on my machine, very hard to pin point a single instance that could be the cause. But it was fine last night before bed, and now when i just sat down it gives problems. The only diff is the ccleaner clean / wipe last night.

    I didn't schedule registry so that isn't it. I guess temp file missing something that C2 needs to function/close or junk system file. That is what I have... first time it has happened though.

    I am finding issues with the steam version unrelated to this though. But I am running the steam version of C2 if that helps narrow down. But I guess most here aren't.

    Edit: Yip I see why I couldn't launch my project files (run layout) I see all the scripts stored in temp. I won't be wiping those again whilst using program ;)

    Edit: Nope ccleaner wasn't cause of C2 not closing. Just tried again and couldn't recreate it. It Closed down no problem.

  • Ashley,

    Thank you for checking. I wouldn't have posted, but it has happened a couple times today. And all were with various .capx files so can't get the exact recipe for crash. To be honest it hasn't happened since I posted. It must have been a combination of things that, when I selected the font and font size and went okay - it crashed the program. Or that is what I recall being the last thing I did when crash occurred. If it happens again I will post back with more details.

    If it is just me, then chances are its me ;)

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Doesn't make a difference - any project.

    Steps to reproduce:

    0. Game memory is just over 10mb

    1. Editing object type text font via properties window.

    2. most times it takes longer than it should to open fonts window.

    3. BUT, every now and again it crashes program.

    Observed result:

    Out of memory error pops up, then program (construct 2) crashes.

    Firstly not possible game memory is between 10 and 13mb

    Expected result:

    Supposed to open font window to change fonts for text box via properties bar.

    Browsers affected:

    None: it is software issue.

    Operating system & service pack:

    AMD Phenom(tm) X6 1090T Processor 3.2 GHz

    Installed Memory 16.0 GB

    windows 7 home premium - service pack 1 - 64bit operating system -

    Construct 2 version: 139 brought via steam


  • GeometriX,

    Yip, really - lol.

    I have been hacking away to create a temp fix.

    Problem is that you can't associate .capx and caproj files with the steam version of C2. Because steam doesn't have a valid .exe file only a url and the exe file that is in the steam apps folder opens the free version download.

    I have been hacking away with a fix - create a .bat file that opens an instance of C2, but can't get the file to load.

    Notepad: paste

    "%~dp0\steam.exe" -applaunch 227980 /fxsload=\"%1\"

    save as c2.bat in steam.exe folder

    Associate c2.bat with .capx and .caproj files.

    But this only opens c2 not the file - my smarts are not strong with this one.

    Oh, well, I'll have to do it the old way of open file via C2

  • You also can't open files from explorer. So you can't navigate to doc/projects/myproject.capx

    It won't open an instance of C2.

  • patrick,

    Just signed up using your link too -lol. Nice Find, nice share. Decend amount of space too <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Any fix on this or work around?

  • I'm in the same boat. Played around with C2 for a week or so and purchased the steam sale version yesterday. This is really a nice product. It is very simple to use once you get the jist of it.

    I was going to wait on buying it and use the free version, but the 50% off on steam was to much to pass up <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • C2 comes with 84 examples in the examples folder, and there lots of ...

    That is a like walking around in a kids sandpit, I'm thinking about taking a stroll around the beach <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Seriously, its a start, and only a fraction if you think about the possibilities of c2. No game/app/other is alike and we each require out the box thinking examples to aid us in our individual creations. Not everyone is building platform, shooter type games. Not everyone is building games for that matter. But the nuts and bolts required can only be found by walking down the road in multiple pairs of shoes. Many various examples if you will.

    There are multiple ways to do the same thing not just one right way.

    But, I agree, 84 examples and the tuts I have gone through are top notch stuff. Seriously, good nuts and bolts.


    Thanks for the youtube link(s) I can't believe I missed that channel.