DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • It's how you get used to stuff. I like platforms where I have everything I need there. I don't know how being on Steam affects working in Construct2, but it can't be much. Plus I'm a hobbyist, game dev wannabe. I don't care about a lot of stuff. I want to be able to work on Construct2 and my friends see me doing so...chatting with them etc. Also I believe I can use SteamCloud with Construct2 right?! This helps me work on my games/apps wherever I go just run steam and all the assets are updated to that PC.

    Being on steam affects construct2 tremendously. It has to go through an authentication layer that is bugged, and steam refuses to fix it. But, you have been warned.

    As for why you actually want to use it... you can still add any software /games not in your steam library to be able to show your friends you working in c2, chat with them etc.

  • Thank you xenox for the straight answer.

    Bummer though, I would've bought it if I could redeem on steam. Big loss for Scirra lacking that option as I am pretty sure hundreds of thousands of people think exactly like me. I use Steam on a daily basis. It's online all the time, and I want to run everything through it.

    Take care!

    Actually, steam is the worst place for this software. You want to buy it on scirra, and never use steam version ever

    I brought on steam, and then brought business license here to get away from steam.

  • tokencount(textbox.text, " ")

  • > if they just took the basic idea, I would do nothing. There is nothing new under the sun after all.


    > IF however they stole my game, graphics, sounds and code, then I would look to take action.


    But what if your idea was unique?

    No such thing I'm afraid, and if by some miracle it truly is unique, get a new idea right now, because it will 95% fail.

    People don't like unique, they want familiar.

  • If it hasn't been in development for at least a year, with lots of activity. I doubt it. Games getting promoted are worth that promotion as they are very good, some being in development of over 2 years.

    The games showcased are seriously awesome games

  • Proton I think triggered this error a little while back, they have updated it since. Might be good idea to update 3rd party plugins too.

    But best to find the culprit.

  • [quote:3q0dovwk]yes firefox forces https .

    I can't help... haven't looked into that myself. I just know it has created a number issues for others.

    Mine defaults to standard http and I got latest, but very very few plugins now.

    That is why I think it is a plugin or something.

    You could bypass it, I think.... no, cancel that, that will open a security risk. Best search google or see what the others have to say.

  • Is your firefox trying to force https ? How to disable it? I don't know, it might be a plugin or something. Couple people having issue that firefox is forcing viewing over ssl

    Glad its working on chrome.

    Good to change to port.

    zenox98, yeah, but with win 7 you edit the hosts file thinking it is all good and it doesn't save it hence you got to copy it somewhere else, edit it, and copy it back.

  • Type localhost - it should be a blank white screen.

    Check your hosts file.

    Note: Windows 7 won't let you edit the hosts file. You have to save a copy somewhere, edit it, then copy and paste it over the hosts file.

    And ensure your firewall allows port 50000

  • Include event sheets into layout event sheet, or change each layouts event sheet to be a single one.

    So break your event sheets down into sections, then include them when you need them.

  • Option 2 wins hands down.

    Option 1 is actually harder, especially when you have to make changes (and there are going to be plenty)

    And all cards look the same, the only thing that changes in the data on it, let the array handle the data, including what little images to show that are pinned to your card.

    Also Create cards as you need them. And don't be scared to destroy and write data back into database. Allow the array to do what it does best (handle information) and put your code into functions that have multiple actions

    Fetch card >

    param(0) = Type of card

    param(1) = IsOwnedby

    Param(3) = etc

  • Good track. Need to showcase your stuff more though

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Create an instance variable and add that as condition.


    Use the sprites UID

    Nice to also use function.parms to pass on the information once you get the sprite.

  • touch.x<layoutwidth/2 is a loop so

    Put your custommovement accelerate 300 in, and put self.x-2 and self.x+2 respectively.

    It loops as long as that condition isn't met.


  • You have to use

    Touch Is in Touch

    Simple example moving only on X

    So Touch| is in touch

    system| touch.x < Layoutwidth/2 Sprite|Set X to Self.x-2

    And do same for opposite side but inversed

    So Touch| is in touch

    system| touch.x > Layoutwidth/2 Sprite|Set X to Self.x+2