DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Add action:

    select the text file

    scroll down till you see set text

    you get a text input bar...

    Text [ start typing counter and a drop down list will show, select the variable counter. ]

  • I would highly suggest your read the manual and do some examples (open c2, new, and look down that list.) pick one and actually try to redo it, thereby learning.

    To answer your question:

    Add Event

    Click system

    Scroll down and find every x seconds (choose your desired seconds in your case it is "1")

    Now create a global variable called counter

    Now add an action

    Same thing hit system, now find Add Too

    select counter variable and make it 1

    So every second will add 1 to global variable "counter"

    To dispaly in text file.

    Add action

    Go to text file and set to variable "counter"

    And the button. Create a sprite, call it button. Add touch to project

    Add event. Touch ... on object "button"

    Add action. Add too... you get the drift

    What newt is saying is you can't make a profit using the free version of C2. You need a personal license at least to sell games/templates/ etc

    Assets/music etc you can sell on the store without a license as long as you don't use C2 for anything that you sell.

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  • If using as 'a company', then you have to upgrade to business irrespective of monies earned.

    THis is how I handled it:

    So I structured it as....

    brought a personal license and contracted myself to the company, then once 'I' had hit milestones I upgraded to business license and filled in the company's details.

  • What does cheaper mean?

    Can't open more than 1 instance.

    Can't launch .capx files from explorer window

    Construct crashes if running for period of time


    and the list continues

    But just those 3 are worth double the money.

    Multiple instances. 2 open capx on each monitor will save you hours and hours and hours of time

    Launching .capx files from explorer window - will save you time (In steam you have to launch steam C2, file, open, browse to file to open)

    The crashes - OMG, the amount of work lost, even with the backup features because of this... and steam response "We will not fix it"

    I say again. You have been warned. Proceed with steam purchase with caution.

  • Buy Steam version at own risk. You have been warned - lol.

    Seriously, if you have the option, buy it here.

  • It needs to do that, but you could wrap your code up using

    System. Every [add number seconds here]

    And possible toggle pause/unpause every second????

    And the battery will have zero effect (Zero Savings) running your app the way you discribe. You lose more battery juice using a screen, wifi, etc.

  • Very promising.

  • Agree with littlestain. When the html page is not infocus (i.e minimized) the game stops.

    Only option is 3rd party plugins or some custom hacks.

  • That should be fine. " " or ' ' as long is you are consistent.

    Sounds like you trying to store text directly so you have to change all the " to "" or ' and then put quotes around the whole thing.

    And yes, the size is specific to your json file [width, height, depth]

    oh, and is your json for array or dictionary?

    as dictionary with ' ' would look like this...

    I create a basic structure using c2, then download to json. That way I get the formatting perfect. Using 3rd party json editors only works once you have the basic structure down.
  • You need to structure your json file so that C2 can understand it.

    An example of a json file Cdata2.zip from the tutorial.

    This is the important part, and obviously opening and closing correctly

  • well...let's say ..I have the 100 levels in the game and want to know the Score for each level...

    I think it's better to have one Array object than 100 Variables...(Level1_Score; Level2_Score;..Level77_Score..)

    ...but I could be wrong..

    Well in this situation a array would be best. I under the impression OP wanted to carry level 1 score to level 2 to level 3 etc.

    But, if he wants to store a score for each level then array would be best.

    Store level / score

    Array Push back "Score" on X axis

    Array Set value at (array.width-1, 1) to level

    Array set value at (array.width-1, 2) to score

    Fetch Level / score

    Array for each x element

    System compare array.at(array.curx) = "Score"

    System compare array.at(array.curx,1) = level

    Add action to return score so set text array.at(array.curx,2)

  • Great news. Congrats.... err, I think... lol.

    Couldn't think of anyone better to step into those shoes.

  • Create an event sheet called variables. Now put all your variables into that sheet.

    Now whenever you want to use a variable in an event sheet. Include the event sheet called global variables.

    Arrays are the best for data, but totally overkill for something as simple as a variable. Dictionary is better suited as it acts like a variable, but again overkill.

    Include your global variable event sheet into your level event sheets.

  • It should run fine