I want to buy C2 Personal on Steam

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  • When i pruchase c2 personal ,can i take medals my forum account? or How i connect my forum account?

  • No, I don't think you can. (edit: ignore me, I was wrong. )

    be aware that the Steam version has some problems and a lot of people on here are saying not to buy it from Steam, to avoid these problems, buy it from this site.

  • If you email 'support AT scirra DOT com' and have your steam purchasing details, Tom may be able to setup a 'purchase' badge for your account.

  • Buy Steam version at own risk. You have been warned - lol.

    Seriously, if you have the option, buy it here.

  • You're better off buying direct from the company, just a 3rd party.

  • I will try it too!

  • I dont want to buy c2 on offical website becasue steam is cheaper than website.This program is really expensive in spite of this i want to buy

  • I dont want to buy c2 on offical website becasue steam is cheaper than website.This program is really expensive in spite of this i want to buy

    How is it cheaper on Steam? I just checked: Its 99.99 eur in the Scirra Store and on Steam as well.

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  • I use Turkish liras and steam sale 300 liras ,website sale 370 liras.

  • What does cheaper mean?

    Can't open more than 1 instance.

    Can't launch .capx files from explorer window

    Construct crashes if running for period of time


    and the list continues

    But just those 3 are worth double the money.

    Multiple instances. 2 open capx on each monitor will save you hours and hours and hours of time

    Launching .capx files from explorer window - will save you time (In steam you have to launch steam C2, file, open, browse to file to open)

    The crashes - OMG, the amount of work lost, even with the backup features because of this... and steam response "We will not fix it"

    I say again. You have been warned. Proceed with steam purchase with caution.

  • OK i understand man thank for your help.I must learn more information about this issue.

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