DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • There are a number on the internet.

    The author of one that comes to mind offered it free here on the forum on amazon.

    It was called : So you want to be a game designer!: A balanced book of practice and theory.

    There are more all over the net, but remember that books get dated quickly.

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  • > The entire adobe suite: photoshop to after effects.


    It gets pretty expensive then though! Photoshop+lightroom alone cost approx 12€ a month here. That's 60€ for the whole suite (jeez I want to use flash sooo bad!).

    The subscription plan is pretty affordable if you are making money from your business. Write it off against expenses.

    Buying the products outright is very expensive.

    You can also rent on a month by month, so if you need xyz, and for 2 months, then you can budget that cost into your quote.

  • There are so many ways to do this...

    Simplest way is to create variable called pause.

    Pause button toggles variable as 1 or 0

    On each button you want to lock place a condition pause = 0 (which means unpaused)

    I've attached a very overly complicated capx. I say overly complicated because I am using an number of tools to stretch your thinking.

    Black button is the lock/unlock button

  • The entire adobe suite: photoshop to after effects.

  • The loading time is the downloading of the game - more specifically the game assets (images/audio).

    The good news is that once downloaded it doesn't have to be downloaded again / unless the game is updated.

    The only real solution would be to use external image files:

    Here is what ashley has to say... 5 sec google

    [quote:19cd54rg]Using external image files

    If your project has a lot of large detailed images which add a lot to the download size, you can make your game load quicker by adding them as project files instead. That way they won't need to be downloaded before the game starts running. You can then load them at runtime using Sprite or Tiled Background's Load image from URL actions - just enter the name of the image as the URL, e.g. "mylargeimage.jpg". You know they've loaded when the On image URL loaded trigger fires as well. This means you can request large images on the start of each layout that needs them, and show some kind of "Please wait..." message until they've loaded.

    I suggest you read the manual and tutorial section as this is covered in both and use google as the forum has multiple topics on this.

  • Ashley,

    Took 10 days off so haven't actually used r174 that much, however the few hours of work I did before taking family away had zero caching issues. So I believe the issue was resolved with r174.

    I should be full steam ahead tomorrow so will bump if I spot it again. But for now this is resolved.

    Thanks for sorting this out.

  • It works but the player does not follow the line smoothly...

    Then you have 2 choices:

    1) fix it

    2) hire someone to fix it.

    I'm not trying to be rude, but that is a awesome example and if that isn't good enough, or good enough to get you on your way then chances are very very slim that anything anyone else offers up isn't going to be of any help, unless we build it for you...

    As zenox98 says, you will never find an exact example, heck, you are lucky if you find anything remotely close to what you are after.

  • DUTOIT what is happening with downloaded files after closing the game? are they stored somewhere on mobile or are they deleted and must be re downloaded next time you start the game?

    Good question. I'm not sure - I would imagine it is cached with game data. But honestly I haven't got a clue.

    Edit: I see new beta has "File chooser plugin" which allows you to access files from users system. So you could download the files to a location and retrieve it - ??? - this is speculative as I am downloading beta version now, and haven't even tried it.

  • Will do - thanks

  • add an instance variable as a condition

    Don't know how you doing it...

    but for example.

    If objectX colliding objectY then disable objectY solid

    condition: instance viarable = "yourchoice"

    Untested, but you get the drift?

    Here is a little example: I am toggling it with button, but you can toggle it with event/condition whatever

    What I mean is, I need help someone to give me an exported game. I won't mind the content. You can send me space blaster, etc.

    But I won't give a capx, (this is where this post get fishy right?)

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Yip, that is where the post got fishy - lol.

    I'm curious, and mean no offense as I used to write a lot and understand that you don't have to be a pro to write a book, but I have learned that once the book is finished then you had better be a pro (meaning, you master your topic whilst writing it)

    But writing a book for beginners without a valid license is futile because fair enough there are lots and lots of users who use the free version, but you seem to want to cater for those using the paid version - so you should consider getting it - especially if you plan to sell you ebook. Your credibility will be NULL otherwise. And also build up some reputation here, and around the web - offer some examples in the tutorial section, become a authority on the subject (do this whilst writing) then when you are ready to publish, and have proven yourself - your book sales will be better.

    What I'm getting at is you are going to spend a lot of time writing the thing, and getting good at C2, you might as well give it the best chance of success - right?

  • > Oh, I misunderstood too.

    > Let me guess windows 7

    > I've had same issue with assigning default editor to files, especially custom file extensions.


    Probably win 7. That's weird because it is working on my pc with win 7.

    It used to work on mine(win 7 pro), BUT, it stopped working. I eventually had to get a guy in to sort it out. He wrote a bash script which deactivated something or other (I know a lot, but I don't know everything - no one can ) and it started working again.

    He did tell me why and that windows 7 and vista were prone to it becoming an issue. But, in all honesty it went in one ear and out the other.

    It also could be unrelated to your friend.

    I have lots of software which makes changes (programming software)

    I make lots of changes to windows 7 which could have triggered something.

    I run into problems every now and again and I use tweaking.com windows all repair all in one software (its free) and it does what I would have done anyways. It can reset everything back to normal again (from user permissions to that annoying pop up each time you start a program) you get to choose, which suits me.

    Wait a bit for Ashley, he knows a great deal, and will give some valuable insight.

  • Jayjay - lol, I suck at this telling the diff. I must make a effort to check which section of forum - lol.

    Thx for coming to rescue again

  • Oh, I misunderstood too.

    Let me guess windows 7

    I've had same issue with assigning default editor to files, especially custom file extensions.

  • Warnings? Maybe he using free version and you have over 100 events? Maybe you changed file permissions to read only, couple of things. Could even be his antivirus/system not wanting to open capx file.

    Of course, maybe the file is corrupted too? Need more info like what error message he gets etc