Locked icon need help to export a capx for me

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Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
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    Im writing a book about construct for beginner. And I want to show the readers how to export their games for android.

    but since my license is free, I can't export an example game to show the steps

    So, I need help to mail me an exported capx for crosswalk and cocoonJS...

    please send me the file to

    thank you for your help

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    Im writing a book about construct for beginner. And I want to show the readers how to export their games for android.

    but since my license is free, I can't export an example game to show the steps

    So, I need help to mail me an exported capx for crosswalk and cocoonJS...

    please send me the file to

    thank you for your help

    I've heard a lot of ways to by pass license restrictions. I'm not saying you are not writing a book, but you got to understand that something like this sounds very fishy.

    Especially if you connect all the dots... shrugs????

    Guess you can pay someone to do it for you, but the request falls into a grey area.

    Edit: I'll let the mods/admins decide.

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    well, you can send me space blaster if you like :/

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    I really just wanna to show the process to make an APK

    if you don't believe me, you can make an empty project, export it, and email me..

    That's fine. I'd appreciate it.

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    What I mean is, I need help someone to give me an exported game. I won't mind the content. You can send me space blaster, etc.

    But I won't give a capx, (this is where this post get fishy right?)

    Sorry for my bad english.

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    What I mean is, I need help someone to give me an exported game. I won't mind the content. You can send me space blaster, etc.

    But I won't give a capx, (this is where this post get fishy right?)

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Yip, that is where the post got fishy - lol.

    I'm curious, and mean no offense as I used to write a lot and understand that you don't have to be a pro to write a book, but I have learned that once the book is finished then you had better be a pro (meaning, you master your topic whilst writing it)

    But writing a book for beginners without a valid license is futile because fair enough there are lots and lots of users who use the free version, but you seem to want to cater for those using the paid version - so you should consider getting it - especially if you plan to sell you ebook. Your credibility will be NULL otherwise. And also build up some reputation here, and around the web - offer some examples in the tutorial section, become a authority on the subject (do this whilst writing) then when you are ready to publish, and have proven yourself - your book sales will be better.

    What I'm getting at is you are going to spend a lot of time writing the thing, and getting good at C2, you might as well give it the best chance of success - right?

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    Closing, please do not ask people to circumvent the license restrictions for you, even for stock games. If you're writing a book isn't that a pretty good reason to get a license?

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