DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • I've established the range of broken versions:

    Construct 2 r66, released November 7th 2011 (introduced the Web Audio API)

    Construct 2 r121, released March 5th 2013 (updated to new method names)

    So anything exported using r66-r121 is now broken, notably anything exported during 2012. I've updated the OP.

    So all those using the pirated version floating around have a few choices to make - lol.

  • Google auto updater also works well, but you have to have apk on their servers.

    This looks great, but it isn't being developed anymore, and I haven't the time to pick up another project.

    Another open source updater but it too seems shelved.

  • A good quality scanner goes a long way. Also open photoshop, and remove all background white space(the paper) I turn it transparent. THen take your image and put on clean background (e.g white) or keep it transparent (my preference).


    A mouse pen of sorts is on my christmas list - lol


    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    is on my christmas wishlist


    Updates, I am looking to implement a auto update system.

    Anyone have experience with Auto Update APK?

    Anyone have recommendations with another service that doesn't require 3rd party install and can be built into game/app.

    Usage would be:


    For the last couple months I have been busy putting together a shop that can sell apps/games without relying on marketplaces.

    It is supposed to be a place that users can purchase games directly. Single purchases, combo's, specials, coupons etc

    Upon payment (multiple gateways) They get an email that has auto generated software license keys linked to their account, and download links to purchases.

    Currently user clicks link and apk downloads, then asks to be installed. User installs.

    When they run app/game it asks them insert license key that does a check and unlocks game.

    Updates will be released to active key holders, but the hiccup is the updating process... The whole system above is useless if user has to uninstall and reinstall with each patch release.

    Any views / recommendations

  • zenox98,

    That'll explain it

    I thought it was released with 173. My bad.

    Yip, it is very simple to use. Nice addition.


    Marking as Resolved.

  • Problem Description

    1) Incorrect link

    2) Missing manual entry

    Hi Ashley, trying to use the file chooser and link in C2 goes to Progress Bar I also can't find the Manual entry for 'File Chooser Plugin'

    An oversight perhaps

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • A large numbe of people have created point and click adventure games using C2.

    C2 is fantastic engine and is more than able to do this.

    However, are you able to do this??? what I mean is, a point and click adventure game will require a fair amount of C2 knoweledge to get right. And will require a number of months to a year to build/learn the engine.

    You should rather look at engines geared towards this. [Edit]Two examples above and this as a third option C. Please note that both require lots of time to learn the engine.

    Whatever your choice, it won't happen overnight, you won't find already made tutorials/examples - meaning you will have to make things, which means you will need to become proficient at whatever engine.

    I would go with C2, because you aren't limited to 1 genre (c2 can make many category's of games). But, it might not be best for you.

    I assume people who now develop free plugins, behaviours & effects for the community will now stop. ?

    In fact that could also apply to tutorials and examples on the forums. Cynical i know but thats how it goes.

    plugins/behaviours/effects: So? It takes time, and these guys have families to feed. I think it will be a positive move, and expect better 3rd party extensions and support.

    Tutorials/examples: Probably, but you should also see a lot more quality, and less junk. A large portion of the current tuts are the wrong way to do things and are teaching bad habits/practices.

  • Link: Googles Lego Builder

    Just found this html5 game - pretty cool indeed.

  • Of course: I forgot avast updated - it must have re-enabled itself.

    Let me check it out.

    Edit: Yip, it is Avast. Sorry about that.

  • Feedback: Haven't experienced the issue since R174. Disabling the cache seems to have fixed this for me.

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  • Problem Description

    On preview, Javascript error.

    Invalid procedure call or argument

    ,line5 (col 13)

    Dev tools says <head> <--lol, nothing wrong with <head>

    This only happens in Internet Explorer.

    Attach a Capx

    Any capx, even blank.

    Description of Capx

    Error is even in blank capx

    No 3rd party plugins.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Run preview using internet explorer 10.0.18

    Observed Result

    Error message.

    Expected Result

    No error message

    Affected Browsers

    Internet Explorer only

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win7 pro 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Latest beta r175

    worked prior versions.

  • kyatric did this awhile ago I guess it is a great place to start.

  • Use functions:

    And don't use every tick not for something like this.

    here is really simple capx. Of course when you add 1 to variable "roundnumber" then you run the function.

  • how to use a speed variable???

    variable speed = 10

    Every x seconds set variable speed to speed + whatever

    every tick: scroll to x: scrollx + ([variable speed] * dt)