Chrome 36 breaks old content - please re-publish old games

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  • Edit: updated to include the broken release numbers & date range

    The Web Audio API was introduced by Chrome in 2011. At the time it was a sorely needed improvement to audio playback in HTML5 games, so we started supporting it in Construct 2.

    The specification subsequently was changed and some method names changed. We later updated Construct 2 to match the latest specification.

    The latest Chrome 36 update has now removed the old method names. Any content published between the introduction of the Web Audio API and the time we updated the Construct 2 engine to the latest spec is now broken. It will crash with a Javascript error the first time a sound plays and the game will freeze. Most likely this means the game is totally unplayable.

    We are trying to make Google aware of this and have notified them in Chromium bug 396075. Please star the issue and add a comment if it affects you to raise awareness. I am hopeful Google can add back the old names for backwards compatibility.

    In case they don't you will need to re-publish all old content using the latest version of Construct 2. This includes games on the Scirra Arcade. The latest stable release is r173. Note that you will also benefit from all the performance and compatibility improvements we've made since then, but there may be breaking changes as well. You can find a summary of all breaking changes by reviewing the release notes for every stable release going back to the time you exported.

    The affected versions are between:

    Construct 2 r66, released November 7th 2011 (introduced the Web Audio API)

    Construct 2 r121, released March 5th 2013 (updated to new method names)

    So if you exported your project using any version between r66 and r121, it is probably now broken and needs re-publishing. Note this includes all versions through 2012. If you exported your project using r121 or newer - basically any time in the past year - you will not be affected.

    If in doubt re-publish anyway to ensure your games keep working and keep an eye on bug 396075 for updates from Google.

  • Starred

  • Thanks for the heads up!

  • Does this also affect the games that are on googleplay made with construct2?

  • I Hate when companies break backwards compatibility . I know that that makes lrght.lighter apps, but there are sit uations where you can 't upgrade: maybe you are not the admin, may be you have some immutable distro. In my case, I have an Asus computer with an exptessgate linux install that includes an outdated chromium I can't update.

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  • arcalaus how are you using C2?

  • Starred!

  • Done

  • Thanks for the info, Thanks Ashley

  • I posted this on a few different Facebook groups I'm in. Definitely VITAL information.

  • Hi Ashley,

    Thanks for the vital info. I have starred the bug post. Last count I saw was 30 stars.

    I'm using r168 for my current project. I have modified the Facebook plugin to suit the project requirements. Hence the reluctance to upgrade to newer stable releases, till the project is finished.

    Will this bug affect r168? I'm sure there'll be a definite answer to this question when the said "date range" is pinned. But if there's a ready answer that 2014 releases won't be impacted, it'll put many a soul to ease



  • Did my check:

    Chrome 36.0.1985.125

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct2 r168 game with sounds

    Ran perfectly. Please let me know if I need to test on something else too to be sure.

    the game is not intended for mobile platforms, so I didn't check the android version of chrome release.



  • I've established the range of broken versions:

    Construct 2 r66, released November 7th 2011 (introduced the Web Audio API)

    Construct 2 r121, released March 5th 2013 (updated to new method names)

    So anything exported using r66-r121 is now broken, notably anything exported during 2012. I've updated the OP.

  • I've established the range of broken versions:

    Construct 2 r66, released November 7th 2011 (introduced the Web Audio API)

    Construct 2 r121, released March 5th 2013 (updated to new method names)

    So anything exported using r66-r121 is now broken, notably anything exported during 2012. I've updated the OP.

    So all those using the pirated version floating around have a few choices to make - lol.

  • I've established the range of broken versions:

    Construct 2 r66, released November 7th 2011 (introduced the Web Audio API)

    Construct 2 r121, released March 5th 2013 (updated to new method names)

    So anything exported using r66-r121 is now broken, notably anything exported during 2012. I've updated the OP.

    Probably best to re-export anything old anyway.

    Specifications can change in hidden ways, and the game engine is being constantly improved.

    That any the latest game engine uses a newer version of jquery.

    I suggest re-exporting every four months.

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