Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • I have a single instance of a tilemap object with all the road-themed tiles in place.

    From those tiles on the tilemap instance, I want to select only specific tiles and then randomly select one of those tiles.

    What would be an efficient way to do that?


  • This is an issue I've been dealing with for years...ever since the C2 days.

    Across two laptops and using both the built-in touchpad and an external mouse (several different types), at least half of the time (lately, as much as 90%), when I click on an object while holding down CTRL and drag to make a copy of that object, upon release of the mouse button, the image editor invariably will open. I do not double-click.

    I have tried every variation I can think of to prevent this or figure out what's causing it. Such as...

    - Releasing CTRL at least a second before releasing the mouse button.

    - Releasing the mouse button before CTRL.

    - Lingering the mouse at the destination in the layout for a moment before releasing anything.

    I don't know how to replicate this outright other than to keep using the shortcut and maybe (but almost always) it will happen again.

    I could use some input/insight from someone who is more technically-minded than I am with C3 and/or hardware. Before I submit this as a bug, I wanted to get some feedback first.

  • R0J0hound Nothing in the file?? Odd. I set it so anyone with the link can view it.

    In any case, the example you just posted is basically the same setup as what I have as well.

    I tested something further...

    I opened the Instant Hit Laser example in the C3 example browser.

    Naturally, the use of Ray Cast intersection works...on the two Rock sprites. I added a new sprite but the laser object (via Ray Cast) doesn't detect the new sprite I added. It goes right through.

    But then I noticed something JUST NOW... SOLID BEHAVIOR!!!

    For some reason, Solid behavior is the key! I removed the Solid behavior from the Rock sprite objects in the example and the laser went straight through, just like my sprite that I added. I went back to my project and added Solid behavior to my Wall object and it worked!! The global variable I was testing with also changed to "1" to confirm the Ray Cast intersection.


    Again, thank you for your time in trying to help me sort through this!

    I'll keep on saying it every time: you are a blessing and I'm glad you're part of this community. I've learned a lot from you over the years.

  • R0J0hound I've tried it both with and without declaring an LOS obstacle.

    Just now, with the Ray Cast action set to cast line from (Arm.X, Arm.Y) to (Arm.ImagePointX, Arm.ImagePointY) after declaring the obstacle. It is still not registering a hit.


    This is the link to my current project if you want to have a look.

    Thank you for your help as always. :)

  • R0J0hound Correct. The Origin Point is at one end; the Image Point at the opposite end.

    I tried both of your suggestions and still nothing worked...

    Further, I disabled the collision check property of the Camera_Arm (thinking maybe that had an influence...it doesn't). At the suggestion of a friend, I have specified sets of events grouped together in different event sheets for organizational and optimization practices (he released BioGun recently and it's a HUGE project). The Camera system is in its own event sheet so I copied the event lines over to the main sheet for the layout just in case *that* was somehow an issue. Also...not an issue.

    I'm not sure if this is due to a lack of my understanding of how a Ray Cast is calculated and what exactly triggers a "hit" or if there's a bug...

  • R0J0hound So, here's where I'm at...

    (I tried to upload a pic to this reply, buuuut, there was an error.)

    NOTE: "Self" here refers to the Camera_Arm object that has the LOS behavior.

    Set global variable RayCastTest = 0

    [Empty event]

    [Action] --> Cast LOS Ray

    --> From ( Self.X , Self.Y ) to ( Self.X + cos(Self.ImagePointX(1)) * Self.Width , Self.Y + sin(Self.ImagePointY(1) * Self.Width )

    [If LOS ray is intersected] --> [Set RayCastTest variable to 1]

    Despite copying this setup straight from two C3 examples included with the editor, I'm still getting a false return on the intersection check.

    Maybe this isn't about the trig but about my understanding of how ray casting works...

    It's my understanding that if a ray is cast, it's true if there is ANY object that intersects with the ray...correct?

  • R0J0hound That's not a bad idea. I can see that working and probably having the same issues you just mentioned. I'll give that a shot and try to refine it if the cos( ) and sin( ) expressions don't work the way I want them to...they should, though, since there's an Example in the C3 start page that literally uses those math expressions.

  • mOOnpunk - Yeah, I should have clarified that better (I updated my post accordingly).

    They are just 2D sprites in the layout and then At Start Of Layout, I stack a series of other sprites at increments along the Z axis. So, yeah, not real 3D walls.


    The custom Camera System I'm trying to set up is to have the 3D Camera follow behind the Player and rotate around accordingly. The Camera will be set to the end of the Camera Arm (which, itself, will be attached to the Player). The Camera will be set to the Arm's image point at the far end.

    As the Arm will do the actual rotating - the Camera being "along for the ride" - to avoid having the Camera on the opposite side of the "3D Walls" (a series of 2D sprites stacked via Z Elevation) and thereby having the view obstructed, I want the width of the Arm to be dynamically reduced to keep the Camera within the boundaries of the Wall. This would mean the Camera is momentarily brought closer to the Player...but as the Player moves away from the Wall, the Arm will grow back to its maximum width and the Camera will likewise be farther from the Player.

    I want to use Ray Casting (Line of Sight behavior given to the Arm) to determine if the Arm is overlapping a Wall and automatically adjust the Width of the Arm so that it is not extending past the closest edge of the Wall to the Player. This would keep the Camera inside the immediate surrounding boundaries of the Player.


    BLUE ARROW: Player facing direction

    GREEN ARROW: Indicates Player rotation

    RED BOX: Camera Arm (origin point is at the right-most end, attached to the Player)

    ORANGE ARROW: Ray Cast

    The Ray Cast is meant to say, "This far to the Wall from the Player...the Arm should not be any longer than this value."


    Besides the fact that this isn't working and thus the need for this post asking for help?

    Right now, the Arm is not updating its width.

    I added a Global Variable to test if the Ray Cast intersection is returning a True value. ...it is not.

    From reading the C3 Manual, It is my understanding that using the action Cast LOS Ray from /origin/ to /target/ will return a True or False and can be used in conjunction with the condition LOS Ray Intersected.

    The problem I'm facing is that there doesn't seem to be a True value returned when I cast the Ray. I want to specify which Wall to cast to and yet nothing works. The Global Variable always remains its initial value of 0.

    This is the latest configuration of events I've tried (I've had it used as a dual condition with LOS Ray Intersected before moving it up to event line 3):

    I would be glad for some insight and help to better understand how Ray Cast works so I can utilize it properly.



    I discovered that objects that could potentially register as a "hit" or intersection alone the Ray Cast line must have a Solid behavior. So not just any object in the Layout will trigger a Ray Cast "hit".

    This was tested by opening the "Instant hit laser" C3 example (find it through the Start Page tab) where I added a basic sprite. The laser when right through my sprite but not through the Rock sprites included in the example. I noticed a major difference between my sprite and the Rocks - the Solid behavior. I disabled the Solid behavior on the Rocks and the laser when through them, just as it did with my sprite. I further tested this in my project and added the Solid behavior on the sprite I was testing an intersection on...and the thing worked! A "hit" was detected.

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  • R0J0hound I believe I understand. Experimentation, indeed, is called for. But since this is for a game jam, I'm going to have to save that for another time. It's not a critical feature, thankfully. Thank you!

  • FURTHER INFO: The layer that the Flashlight object is on has "force own texture" checked and the Flashlight object, itself, is using the Destination Out blend option.

    This is the part that works fine.

    In order to make it so that the hidden objects on the floor stay hidden while the walls are visible, I'm trying to set it up so that the layer with "force own texture" is 75% opaque while trying to find the setting(s) that make it so the obstacle is invisible until it is overlapped with the Flashlight. It is that last part that I'm having trouble with.

    What layer do I put the obstacle on?

    What blend mode do I set it to? Or do I need to set another layer to a blend mode? Both?

    What other layers do I need to set to "force own texture"?

    I sort of understand "source" and "destination". My current understanding is that "source" is the object on top and usually the object with the blend mode active. "Destination" is the object below the "source" and sometimes on another layer.

  • dop2000 or R0J0hound - May I request either of your help, please?

  • In the Example Browser in the C3 editor (see the Start tab), there is an example called, "Simple Lighting" that shows how to create a kind of "top-down flashlight" (or a light shining against a wall ahead of you...depends on your perspective, I guess). This is simple enough and I have used it many times before in past projects.

    What I want to do is a bit more complicated (or so I think...I honestly still struggle to understand how the blending properties work).

    I want to make it so that objects highlighted by the flashlight beam (overlap object) are visible to the player during gameplay.

    The basic level environment I don't need to be part of the blending equation. I just need to know how to do what amounts to "layered blending".

    Here is the current .C3P file as it is so far...https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DMVDP5RRhxB79eYiFfMftpbi42bbLEH7/view?usp=drive_link

    Thank you!

  • WackyToaster That seems so obvious now that you present it to me. HA! Go figure...

    I did check the manual to read up on the actual For Each (Ordered) condition but I didn't think to look up anything on Z Ordering.

    THANK YOU! I'll give that a go.

  • GOAL

    To sort instances of the enemy Hunters and the main character, Buster, according to their Y position in the layout so that characters farther up on the layout appear behind characters farther down. This needs to be updated every tick as characters - enemies and Buster alike - move around.

    SET UP

    I created two Families with the same sprite objects to compare instances of the Hunter character against each other as if they were literally two separate objects. Buster and the Hunters will be in front of or behind each other depending on their position on the Y axis. The idea is that the camera is above and slightly behind the characters for that "angled down and forward" perspective...albeit in 2D.


    ...The problem is that it's not working (why else would I make this post, right?).

    Basically, what I want to do is what you can see in this image...but reversed. What's in the image is backward from what I want. The problem is that I have tried swapping out the conditions in various arrangements but I cannot get it to work right. Sometimes one instance will work properly but the others will not. In one case, as I moved Buster up and down, the Hunter instances would move in front and to the back of each other for no apparent reason (they're all stationary except for Buster).

    This is my latest event sheet attempt... At one point, I had this working for the Hunter instances but I had forgotten to account for Buster as he moved along. And thus my new problem here.

    Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.