> > someone that you own
> >
> > I just want to buy sure that it's some I'll frequently use
> >
> Use the free version until you are sure. If you're already using the free version, how long do you have to use it before you become sure you'll use the paid version? If that's say 3 months for example, then just set aside $10 a week and by the end you'll have enough for the license if you decide to get it.
Unfortunately, the free version doesn't cut it for me. 4 layouts, 100 events. In my opinion, that's too limited to get any experience. I understand why they went this way, but for people like me, it doesn't give me the full experience. To me, it's like taking a bit of a burger that only has the condiments.
You've been a member for ages, a little bit of money put away each month will more than pay for C2. You can also make some pretty decent stuff using the free version and you can put that free games up all over the net. If they are even the slightest bit good, I am sure you can pick up a sponsor.
Learning to build a game with 4 layouts, 100 events will make you a better C2 game developer. Trust me, you can build awesome things with 100 events and only 4 layouts.