Ldk's Forum Posts

  • Hi everyone. This a necroposting i guess. Curious if anyone would still want the capx files. They have not been updated and im sure a lot has changed in C2 since i last used it.

    I was looking for a project and noticed i still have those files available for this old capx.

    If so just respond here and i will make the files perma available on my website.


  • Hi.

    The following is a wishlist i believe would greatly improve C2 as a professional option for a game engine.

    • Polygons with UV coordinates support (there is a thread of someone who made polygons for C2. This can be improved upon)
    • Better asset management
    • Selection history (being able to undo or redo a selection made

    I believe one of the communities biggest issue is asset management.

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  • Ok so i found where the performance suffered that caused all the lag.

    Basicly it comes down to this.

    Basically the sprites fill up too much of the screen with wasted pixels that are still being rendered.

    IOS especially is well optimized for opaque pixels, but when it comes to masked of translucent pixels it doesn't do too well.

    The blue area indicates the benefit of using polygons for sprites.

    It will save a crap load of overdraw

  • If you have questions with some of the variables and what they are used for... feel free to ask

  • Sorry DL was removed.

    Mail me or PM me...

    dekock.lukas at gmail

    will send u the link

  • Ldk: the 2d plugin for UE4 is still experimental. Unity, on the other hand, has a really solid 2d workflow already. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your work, going forward!

    Thank you. Yes i know but im using 3d with a sidescroller camera config to do my game with very cheap lighting and assets.

  • why are you giving away your cool game? I read in the other topic that you had problems with the export. But now that you are offering it in public, basically everyone can steal it. Dont you just want to try to find a solution for your performance problems? I had a look at your game. the only issue is that the pictures are to high detail for a mobile phone and that you have excessive animations with different sprites, instead of using spriter animations. This game can easily be fixed.

    Well i posted it because i was hoping people could learn something from it. If someone steals it and just copies it to make a profit. Then they managed to do something i couldn't which is make it run smooth

    I did try to find a solution but the basic jest of things were that games using more than a 100mb or memory will not work were the some of the responses i received. As such i did not see a point in then trying to optimize

    The sprites included in the version i shared are not optimized. I have more than 40 different revisions. My latest had all the resized sprites with not a single one exceeding 512px but it also include the removal of webgl which would have made things ugly because i removed my coloration opacity layers and you guys wouldnt have been able to see whats happening.

    Also when you look at the dog sprite. You will notice there is a small dot at the bottom. Why is it there?

    Well Protip. When using platformer behavior and not binding it to a box your sprite bottom should always be the exact same location to avoid animation jittering when cropping the sprites. This is a "cheat" to avoid pinning that sprite to a helper.

    The reason for this was that controlling the AI of the dog was too troublesome when pinning dogs to helpers because conditions would trigger across the entire level for all dogs.

    By only having dogs it removed these issues.

  • Version was here

    Not sure if this version still utilizes the webgl fx or not.

    deleted all audio files.

    Download while u can.

  • I know. Sad part is im no longer using any webgl effects on layers.

    Time will tell.

  • Note its all organized well so finding stuff is easy depending which parts u want to look at

  • Hi.

    I eventually gave up on my game running on HTML5.

    I wont refer to it as a big game because lets face it. Its not. I honestly don't know if its NodeWebkit, WebGL, or what. But running at 42FPS the game has noticeable lag on Intel GPU's.

    Currently busy porting my game to UE4.

    Thank you all for all of the assistance during my dev cycle.

    Over the next few days i will make the capx available to the community. Perhaps there is something in there that could help people.

    Just do not use all my animations and sprites for commercial purposes.

    The Capx includes the following gameplay.

    • Normal platform behaviour (run, jump, rolling, fallthrough)
    • Secret areas that are hidden until entered
    • Menu system using uncomplicated elements. Simple sprites are used with move positions.
    • Patrolling enemy that detects player, warns a sniper and the sniper shoots you
    • Hiding from sniper behind a tree
    • Stealth element (hiding from patrolling enemy so it passes you undetected)
    • Enemies shooting you on sight
    • Attack Combos with smooth animation transitions These include Stab attack, if not pressed again you go to idle Stab + Stab = Stab and then kick which goes to idle if u dont attack again Stab + Stab + Stab = Stab then kick then hit the enemy into the ground for a power move
    • It also includes summoning powers. Including the elephant that stomps enemies on the screen. an Eagle that stuns enemies so you can kill them a leopard that kills the first enemy and when the other enemies see the leopard they run away
    • A health system where collecting fruit restores health
    • a firefly collect system. If you collect enough you can use the powers.
    • Player fall to death from a certain height
    • Sliding down walls so u cannot die from a height
    • drowning in water

    those are just a few of the things in the capx.

    Im still on the fence if i want to share all the animations. But i dont see harm in it.

  • +1 for extra programmers

    First off, i in no way regret buying C2. Its an excellent tool.

    However the reason i agree with more programmers. Apart from your issue.

    There are a few others.

    C2 has room for improvement.

    Filtering objects, Undoing selections, object placement during level design.

    The overall feel of C2 is counter productive.

    Designing one level can take up to 3 hours. That's mostly of poor handling of parallax grids in the editor.

    Not to mention one miss click and your entire selection is gone and there is no undoing that.

  • I understand your points. I respect that they are valid. But it would still not explain how a Mac with 4gb ram cant run it.

    Also i did go through an extensive sprite exercise and not a single one is is above 512px

    The only optimization i can do is change my sprites from spites to tileable backgrounds. But only for detailing ones like grass.

    I have another suspicion that i will investigate regarding animations with a high frame count.

  • Hi.

    Game size after export is 46MB.

    Memory use in game is 429MB

    In C2 estimated Memory use is 509MB

    CPU util in debug is 14%

    DrawCalls 1.8%

    Engine 4.5%


    Nvidia 670GTX

    16GB RAM

    Windows 7 SP1 64Bit

    Quad Core I5 processor

  • I am currently using version 173.

    I have not tried HTML5 with CJS no.

    I tried XDK which throws errors while opening the export stating the .js files are so bugged and have so many errors that it refuses to debug because it would return to much errors.

    Export to CJS works but performance is horrible.

    Export to Ejecta Works but performance is horrible.

    Export to Nodewebkit works but performance is horrible.

    I will try the HTML5 to CJS but i seriously doubt it will work considering 4 other wrappers failed.