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  • Check this out:

    will show you a fast way to draw a matrix, and poke random values into a Array.

    These can later be loaded and saved from disk, Ajax, or the node webkit plugin.

    Easy way is to use web storage.,.. Node webkit is a little more complex.

    There is a Load and save system too, so each room could be a layout that you generate, and save on exiting, and loads on entering. It should keep everything the same, like the music playing and some off the other objects.

    That is the new save/loiad system ^^

  • Scale your text object in the editor... It does not auto scale so you either need to scale it in the editor, or at runtime with your code.

    You are only displaying the first few letters because the text object probably is not wide enough.

  • I'm sorry but comparing art (charcoal v.s. ink v.s. oils) to a development platform or runtime environment for software is a ludicrous analogy. Does the paper or the canvas limit the number of charcoal strokes you can use versus oil strokes? Does the frame you hang your art in to display it limit it to only being compatible with watercolors and not oils? Is a viewer not able to view your artwork if it's in inks but not in charcoal?No. Not only is this like comparing apples to oranges, but it's comparing apples to buildings. Vast differences.

    You have a point, but please ask yourself this :

    Can you successfully make an color ink drawing with a piece of charcoal? Well no...

    * Can you make HTML5 render a realtime 3D scene like exactly like Battlefield 3? Well no...

    * Can you make cool fun games with HTML5, yes.

    * Can you make Charcoal drawings with Construct 2, No...

    Comparing HTML 5 with anything else is like comparing apples to oranges.

    HTML5 does not act like Flash or Unity, because it is not Flash or Unity.

    HTML5 is an art medium, and can be compared to other art mediums like Charcoal, IDTech4, Flash , **** Kangaroo photography composition and Unity quite well.

    If one is trying to do something that is in the scope of HTML 5 and they are failing, then they may need to work on their approach rather than blaming the art medium. (or the Kangaroo)

  • Try using the DeBug layout option rather than preview. It can tell you a lot more than we can about performance.

    Yesterday I just popped it up to see how the debug operates. I was able to fix 6 HUGE oversights by me. (one that was spawning 200+ additional objects because I forgot a "Trigger once" block!).

    Ashley really made a nice tool for us. I have a few other commercial game engines I develop with. None of which give the user so much insight and control.

    He even made so we can Peek and Poke values into the Global variables, so we can tweak stuff during runtime!

    The big delay might mean you have a similar problem to me. I could not see the extra 200 objects because I am using a very powerful gaming rig (4Ghz OC'd 8 core CPU, nvidia Titan 3 way SLI). The extra 200 objects are nothing to this rig, but it would probably set a netbook or tablet ablaze.

    I am glad you asked here. I have been looking for an excuse to rave about Ashley's awesome new tools for us!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • +1 Cool tip thehen :)


    Take a look in the event sheet, under appearance there is sprite mirror, and flip in case you want to do this during runtime. For static objects thehen's tip is much more easy, and fewer events. I am going to start using this one.

  • I remember a students rant on Charcoal sketching VS oil paints and watercolors.

    His argument... Charcoal makes makes messy, blurry surreal images in his hands. And he can do much more realistic images with watercolors and Oil paints.

    He went on to boldly state "Only surrealists, and the untalented use charcoals."

    I then introduced him to Escher

    Seriously... It is not the medium, it is the artist insight and talent that makes a masterpiece.

    If a person can not make something great with the tools provided, they either need more practice, or they need to choose a different medium.

  • Hope you are having a great Birthday!

  • Ashley

    Wouldn't it make more sense for you to test on Windows 7? There are far more Win7/XP machines than Win8.

    How can they claim windows 7 compatibility, if they do not test on a windows 7 box? I wonder if Valve knows about this?

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. compile + run application

    2. drag and drop image on window


    Observed result:

    Node webkit drops program and displays the image like Chrome or firefox.

    Expected result:

    Application to load and process image.

    Browsers affected:



    Internet Explorer:

    Operating system & service pack:

    win 7

    Construct 2 version:


  • JWstudios, cvp, ramones,

    Thank you all so much!

    I came looking for a solution, and come to find 3 excellent solution's!!

    You guys rock, thanks!

  • The drag and drop is a neat behaviour, I love how easy it is to use.

    I am trying to make a map editor, and right now I need to find out how I can drag and drop multiple sprites.

    The obvious was for me to add drag and drop to the sprite and backgrounds I wanted to move, but the only sprites effected are the ones directly under the mouse.

    I have all the objects with a "Selected off =0, or 1 for on", I want to move only the ones with selected = 1.

    Is there some way to tell all the selected sprites to track the mouses X and track the mouses Y movements?

    Thanks in advanced. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • For crisp clean graphics, and fluid animation, give Blender a try.

    Great for making smoke poofs and fire animations. The fluid and physics simulator make so you can do some neat special effect's.

    You can even set the materials to non-shaded to give a flat-solid-lifeless look like things from inkscape.

    Another great tool for game design is Neo-Texture-Edit. It generates 100%seamless tiles. Great for game tiles!

    Make humnan is another cool resource, you can make a human to your specs, pose and animate them in blender!

    Anyway, go to sourceforge and poke around, you will find all kinds of great liitle tools and utilitys.

    Imagemagick is a commandline tool for images, you can make scripts to re-size entire folders of images. Neat for batch prossessing and compositing.

    FFMPEG- will let you convert and tweak any video and audio files.

    SWF tools will let you make small SWF files from a veriety of image sources.

    Wings 3D is a solid modeler that will produce 100% watertight models for animating or 3D printing.

    Sculptris- A killer application from Pixologic! Sculpt with millions of polys! Neat for faces, and making tree stumps!.

    Texturemaker- Like neotextureedit, only $70 more expensive... THey have a lot more tools than Neo like a particle engine and a few ways to geerate random textures.

    GenTex- If you are wealthy, and have $200-$5000 to spend on applications Genetica litterally has a "Make me a cool texture" button. Very overpriced, but very impressive!

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Member since 29 Dec, 2012

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