OldieSteve's Forum Posts

  • Thank you very much!

    I have a "mouse is over" event, but not "mouse is not over". I guess I'm looking in the wrong area, I'll see if I can find it elsewhere.

  • How do I..

    Stop my tank "jumping" back 2-3 pixels when the gun fires? I just cannot figure out whats causing it, yes I'm both a newbie and rather dumb <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

    Here is my game file, please no laughing at how basic my game is <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />

    Arrghh.. url was modified <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /> - I'll try again (just remove the spaces)

    h t t p://s000. tinyupload. com/index.php?file_id=04583749528261585293

    (The tank follows the mouse pointer around and its left mouse button to fire)

  • Thanks

  • Hi,

    I'm working on a very simple (or should be) tank game, like the old Atari 2600 combat.

    I have the tank rotating and moving slowly to follow the mouse pointer but its going through other sprites even though both sprites are set as "solid".

    What am I doing wrong?

  • No, I don't think you can. (edit: ignore me, I was wrong. )

    be aware that the Steam version has some problems and a lot of people on here are saying not to buy it from Steam, to avoid these problems, buy it from this site.

  • Thank you both very much!

  • Hello folks,

    I've been busy beavering away trying to learn C2, its very very slow going as I'm I'm ancient and not very bright but I'm patient and I'm trying my best. However, one thing I did realise today was, with time and enough practice I *might* be able to create games with C2.

    However.. I will never be able to create my own artwork, even 8bit sprites. I have zero artistic ability and that's never going to change. So I'm wondering is there anywhere you can download free sprites (I'm willing to credit them, however no one will ever see my game but that's besides the point.)

  • Thank you all.

  • okay I just found out the gpu is intel HD graphics 5500

    yeah I know integrated graphics suck but its as far as the budget will stretch and I won't be doing any gaming on it.

  • Hello folks,

    I'm looking at buying a budget laptop and I'd like it to run C2 so I can go on using the software and learning whilst I'm away from my main PC.

    The laptop specs are:-

    intel core i5-5200u cpu

    8gb ram

    1tb HDD

    13.3in screen (1920,1080)

    (I'm not sure what gpu it has as it doesn't seem to be listed)

  • here's a simple way of doing it:btw what game is that in your avatar? looks familiar (spectrum?)

    Sadly it won't load

    Says I'm using an older version of the software.. I'm on 212

  • You might want to explain what ck2 and eu4 are?

    ..unless I'm the only one who doesn't know. heh

  • Oh thank you very much I'll check that out when I'm on my PC later

    The game is called Mazogs and it was on the ZX81 which is the ZX Spectrums daddy

    There was a Spectrum version called Maziacs which was looked better then the ZX81 version but wasn't as much fun.

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  • Solution: put a normal price on your game and drop iap, it's repugnant and ruins games*

    *no offence intended mate, I just loathe the awful things as I used to be a huge iPad gamer but the way freemium and iap have swamped the App Store these days, I've sold my iPad as I was sick of wading through mountains of f2p crap in order to find a good game. :'(

  • Thanks to both of you, I think this is a bit over my head atm so I'm going to file this game and come back to it at a later date when I understand more of C2.

    Thanks though, much appreciated.