OldieSteve's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I'm working on a simple game where you shoot a ball up the screen and it bounces of various objects and lands in one of several scoring slots. its working okay but I now want to add multiple balls, not at the same time, but lets say you have 10 balls and once you fire ball 1 and it comes to rest in a slot, it stays there and you get ball 2 to shoot.

    I know I could do this by copy/pasting all the events for ball1 10 times. but thats a very poor way of doing it I suspect. there will be a very simple way to go this I know of it. but I don't know how.

    if someone could give me a little hint on how to do it, that would be super.

  • Updating some of the animations in

    Cool, looks a lot like Flashback

  • Haha, good idea thank you

  • you need an account to gravatar.com add there to your email u using on scirra.com a image and will automatically change... after a few minutes

    Hmm okay, I guess I'll keep the default one then, I don't like creating accounts all over the place, I'm rather picky and careful who I share my data/info with. Paranoid? Yes maybe

    Thanks anyway.

  • Having done some research it seems you cannot get a standalone key if you buy on Steam. so I guess I should take everyones advice and not buy on Steam. shame really as I have £40 on there but I guess I'll just have to wait the 3-4 weeks to save up and buy from this site.

    Thanks again

  • Hi,

    I would like to change my avatar but I'm pretty dumb and can't figure it out, it keeps wanting me to create an account at an avatar site and I'm not interested in that, just want to upload my image.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Greetings folks,

    I'm Steve from the UK, I'm 53 (yes, that old) and been a gamer since Dec 25th 1977 when my mum bought me an Atari 2600 VCS. My first actual "computer" was a Sinclair ZX81 (1kb memory (yes kb.. Not mb or gb!) no sound, black and white only and pixels the size of a house brick but ohh I did love it so.

    I've pottered about with programming only a little and I was never truly competent at it, I've toyed with:-

    BBC Basic

    C64 Basic


    Blitz Basic


    I'm currently using C2 in order to see if I can learn it and it's not too complex, if it's ok for me then I'll be buying it.

  • Low fps then, okay thanks

  • What's Jank?

    I did google it but got a wide variety of possible explanations.

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  • Oh.. that's worrying

    The thing is, money is rather tight and I have £40 steam credit after getting a refund and that's half the cost..

    Mmhmm I don't know what to do now.

    Would it be possible for me to buy the steam version and then get a key for the standalone one?

  • Hi,

    I have tried searching for this but had no luck. A pretty pointless question but I'd still like to know.

    If I buy C2 from steam, is there a way of linking it to my forum account so I get one of those nice icons on my avatar saying I'm a legit buyer?

  • Wow thats amazing!! how fast you did that.. crikey

    Thank you so much, I think I'll learn a lot from checking that out step by step.

  • > Something along the lines of this h t t p : / / bipingo.com/img/TableTopBagatelle04. png I want to shoot the balls up the side and then fall down and slot into scoring zones, but my ball is just bouncing around like crazy even with gravity insanely high.


    On the sprite of the ball the gravity should be assigned a number, just put that number lower

    Thanks, I've been playing with it and its a little better but my balls are still bouncing around like ping pong balls, I can't see to add weight to them so they fall down and stay down. Tried having the world gravity crazily high and high ball density in physics but it doesn't seem to help.

  • Do yet see any stuttering or jank when testing the in-built demos, such as the ghost shooter example?

    For reference, I use firefox and the built-in ghost shooter rain example runs steadily at 60 fps, so I'd expect your system not to jank when testing.

    Nope, that demo is butter smooth.

  • What system / browser(s) are you testing on?

    Have you tried disbling the addons?

    Is there anything showing in the browser console?

    Is it possible to upload a .capx here or provide a link so we can test it also?

    System: 6 core 3.6ghz CPU, 16gb ddr3 ram, GTX 770 2gb GPU, SSD hard drive.

    Browser: Firefox

    Do you mean browser addons? The only one I think I have is an ad blocker, I don't see how/why that's affecting it but I will try disabling it. As for browser console I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean

    Well the game is the breakout tutorial from this site, I would upload the file if I knew how to do it. But I don't think I do. Sorry