How do I test my apple IAP?

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  • I've been pulling hair for a month to get my IAP Product to work. I tried several methods. But it always return with an error saying

    "IAP error (only reported in test mode): Trying to purchase an unknown product. (Code 4983500)"

    Yes I've created the IAP Product on my iTunes Connect

    Yes I'm pretty sure I'm right with the event sheet "On start of layout" > "Add product ID "Product Name"

    "Request Store Listing"

    Yes I've signed out of App Store

    Yes I've enabled "Test Mode" in the IAP Plugin properties

    Yes I've even deleted and created another binary over and over again

    Yes I've even created a new certificate, APP IDs, Provisioning profile over and over again

    The last effort that I put in to try and figure this out was this...

    So I thought to make this work, I have to get my IAP product to be approved by the Review Board then only I can test it, so what I did next, I submitted my app for review but it got rejected only because the IAP returns that error message when my app got tested by the App Review Board.

    and this is the message that they gave me back...

    We have reviewed your app to be uploaded to the App Store, however we encountered a bug that returns with an error message. Below are the steps to reproduce the bugs

    1) Tap "Shop" logo on main menu

    2) Tap Buy 1 Coin

    3) Error message pops out "IAP error (only reported in test mode): Trying to purchase an unknown product. (Code 4983500)"

    Please fix this bug and resubmit a new binary.

    So now I'm confused, am I suppose to get the IAP Product approved by the apple review board in order for me to test it?


    I can test the IAP Product regardless the IAP Product is already approved by the review board?

    Ashley or anyone please help...

    This is the last thing on my checklist before the game is 100% ready to be uploaded to the app store.

    Additional information:

    Used IntelXDK to compile

    Used the default IAP plugin


    On the iOS Dev Library under "Testing In-App Purchase" Section

    One of the instruction to test is

    In Xcode, set your test device as your scheme’s destination.

    Open your app, and perform your In-App Purchase product testing.

    Use your test account credentials to test the purchase.

    Do I have to use Xcode to test my IAP product then?

    The problem is I am compiling using IntelXDK and as we all know, we can't open .IPA file on Xcode.

  • Hey ondraayyy, have you find a solution to your problem? I'm using phonegap and trying the same thing and get a somewhat similar error message:

    IAP error (only reported in test mode): restore failed with code 4983507

    I created a sandbox tester profile and still the problem is persistent.


  • BabelChild I found a solution to it. Did you "add product ID & Request store listing?"

  • ondraayyy so what did you do to test your IAP if you are so kind to share

    or i should ask how did you test Your IAP

  • Solution: put a normal price on your game and drop iap, it's repugnant and ruins games*

    *no offence intended mate, I just loathe the awful things as I used to be a huge iPad gamer but the way freemium and iap have swamped the App Store these days, I've sold my iPad as I was sick of wading through mountains of f2p crap in order to find a good game. :'(

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  • OldieSteve non taken mate- I can understand your point of view but in some cases is necessary

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