newt's Forum Posts

  • How would you deal with multiple instances?

  • Well if you disregard the command line gobbledygook, some of the GUI stuff is pretty good.

    Desktop icons that don't rely on the outdated .ico format, but based on the images actual size, and transparency for example.

    Not that the command line stuff isn't a biggie tho...

  • In layman's terms can you tell me how A* works given platform physics?

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  • How about using a private variable?

    If you set that objects variable to say 0, that could mean it is not created.

    Then when you actually create the object set its variable to 1, and have a condition that checks if is 1.

    Might need a trigger once on the comparison event.

  • Why not make both available?

    Question is, will we have to have anything else loaded from an external source?

    Like the media folder, xml, etc.

    We do have the Resource plugin that could handle externals.

  • You could try both pairer, and container, but container's are always paired to each other.

    Unless your picking from multiple instances, families may be a better option.

    You can have as many as you like, and as many members as you want.

    You can have one with red/green, green/blue, red/blue, or red/green/blue.

  • So I put a editor in your map, so you can edit while you....


    <img src="">

    Details follow....

    From the Wiki:

    Operator 	Meaning 	        Example 
    at, @ 	Array access 	{1, 7, 4} at 2 (= 7) [/code:th8qqjys]
    With the format used for "Set XY":
    You can make an array:
    So basically what I'm saying is: with this you can simply paste an array into your events instead of importing an external file.
    Included in the cap is a basic editor, and an example of a pasted array.
    Hence the editor in your map... blah, blah, blah.
    Pimp my cap?
  • Quasi, seems that site hates hotlinking.

    <img src="">

  • Well I think all those who want some kind of tile editor want to (in my opinion):

    -to be able to "paint" with the mouse click tiles that are placed orthogonally (like some kind of by default snap to grid), these tiles having the ability to be over or below moving elements/characters/player. Or being able to draw the tiles in the different layers and they fit accordingly.

    Yeah snap to grid would probably be something everybody would want, but the tiles would still be 4 sided, so iso/ ortho would already be available that way.

    -the tiles to be grouped in one "single large image" or "single set of images" where you can select 1 or a few more to do something like a cluster of tiles paint (for example a tree is made of 3 tiles so you can repeat the middle tile to make taller trees, but selecting the 3 tiles at the same time lets you draw many trees doing 1 click per tree).

    I guess this is the most important or basic.

    Sounds nice, but would require a lot more events than its probably worth.

    But Tokimsom ask for tiles that has properties/values in it; making sound per tile can be done by using an invisibles areas below the graphics if you ask me no need for precision there, but a graphical transformation per tile touched can get tricky without per tile interaction...mmmh...

    Um, yeah you cant really import private variables, or create new objects.

    That's just way too specialized.

    Basically you want it to be as simple as possible, so that everybody can use it.

    But set up so that you can do more if you want.

  • [quote:vccy17n5]Does a construct array have any of those restrictions?

    That I don't know, but you can always use int(), or str() applied to what you retrieve from your array to be sure.

    Other than that, I don't know what to tell you... frame rate issue?

  • Perhaps its an int() issue

    How often does your variable actually equal 0?

    Not 0.1, or less than zero, or perhaps even str()

  • Still kind of hard to figure out what you want to happen.

    I can tell you I was able to grab data from my array "Array(3, Sprite.Value('an#'))", after I set it.

    Just wondering, you do know that two conditionals in the same line are treated like "and"?

    So if one is not true the event is skipped.

  • Noticed a lot of posts about editors and arrays lately.

    I think you should probably figure out what functionality you have to have first.

    Like a strip, or single tiles.

    A strip would be fine for an external editor, but not really feasible for importing into construct.

    That is to say unless you use frames, but you have to remember that each frame adds to the total ram each particular sprite takes up.

    50 tiles at 4 frames each... you get the picture.

    Now its been shown that you can use a strip via tiled background, but then again setting up the events for that would be a bit contrived for less experienced users.

    So to me it looks like it should be tiles, but how do you want the editor to act.

    Do you want to click, or do you want to paint?

    Do you want a few basic tiles, or many tiles for corners etc.?

    There's actually a lot to consider, especially when you take into account you may want something somebody else doesn't.

    So what are the absolute basics everybody can agree upon?

  • First off since collision mask are working now I'd suggest getting rid of the dummy you have the platform behavior applied to.

    You can apply the behavior to the character, and get rid of some of that 44 megs of vram.

    Tick auto rotate on the behavior, then auto flip, and auto mirror in the sprites preferences.

    Delete all the left angle animations, and be sure to update the remaining animations collision mask's.

    Now then I didn't figure out what the issue is with the random frames, but I'd venture a guess it has something to do with a negated, or inverted animation comparison.

    Inverting a condition doesn't work with everything.

  • Post a cap, or a screen. Its kinda hard to tell from your description.

    I will say if your using "for each" on the array it may give you issues if your using a z.