newt's Forum Posts

  • That kind of depends on how your doing your movements.

    In my case they are given a set amount of time to reach their destination before their told to move again.

    But that's not really what I was worried about, I was getting lag when I created a new instance, and my theory was that that creating an obstacle map was causing the lag.

    Actually what I've found is that using the "Solid" attribute for the map was really what was slowing it down.

    Just adding the object as an obstacle works much, much better.

  • [quote:qlg2wfe2]As for bugs i have noticed a few already since i started using it. Things like crashes after reaching a certain particle amount (i think about 3500), the odd crash after previewing examples and lots of error messages when closing the app. Some things like the particle crash could easily be worked around by doing some testing and limiting the max amount.

    This kind of illustrates a point I would make.

    [quote:qlg2wfe2]4. While checking the RTS behavior (of which I am very fond) I discovered that some of the sprites - when they reach the target destination - do not stop moving; instead, they start rotating around it at great speed. This is quite unacceptable if it happens on a public release. Are there any more of this type of bugs?

    The particles, and rts behaviors aren't exactly bugs. More like an unexpected behavior.

    The devs could change them for ease of use, but in doing so that might limit their use for someone else.

  • [insert software/OS/your mom] is s**t.

    Sincerely, [insert your name, complete with RL address etc. to send antrax to]

    Cool my mom loves Anthrax!

    <img src="">

    Wait wut?

  • Check the minimize/maximize up near the right.

    (not the main window)

  • I'm getting some slow down when a newly created instance with the RTS behavior is spawned.

    So I was wondering if any one knew if its from the instance regenerating its own map, or if its possibly from the turret behavior adding targets?

    Keep in mind it only happens when I have many instances already created (25-50).

  • (Cough) Isn't it Boo-Boo? Just lock the damn thing

    Perhaps its because he really, really stinks?

  • Definitely going to need a dummied down example for me.

    Something without the function object would be nice.

  • You could do something like:

    ->sprite compare x value= clamp(.x,platform left edge, platform right edge)


    ->sprite compare x value= clamp(.x,platform2 left edge, platform2 right edge)


    ->sprite compare x value= clamp(.x,platform3 left edge, platform3 right edge)

    -->sprite set sprite.x to .x


    Ok .x just stops it, but you could do a last x using a private variable, or:

    + System: (Sprite2.X) Equal to (clamp(Sprite2.x,Sprite.Left+50,Sprite.Right-50))

    -> Sprite2: Normal user input

    + System: Else

    -> Sprite2: Inverted user input

    .... Kinda works.

    + System: Else

    -> Sprite2: Bounce

    Works well.

  • ^this

    I was talking in chat about this, and suggested Python as a possibility.

    There's tons of stuff existing for sorting, and there's probably a lot for A* as well.

    But the thing is that wont take into account your movement.

    Yes it could find this node to that easy as pie, but how would it know when to jump, and at what speed?

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  • Trailer soon!

    I've kept you guys waiting quite a bit, so I've decided to start putting together a teaser trailer.

    Cool I love Polar Bears!

    .......wait, wut?

  • Its a long shot, but you could try a family, and a private variable.

    Both are presumably broken for this kind of thing, but who knows maybe 2 wrongs can make a right.

  • There's the id and uid, but that wont really help with picking.

    What you can do is compare it to something you already know, size, private variable, position, etc.

  • heh Scirra logo ftw!

    Actually, seeing that, I bet you could literally draw your map using the image manipulator, and an imported image, perhaps even using the canvas.

    Haven't quite figured out how to do an erase yet. Hence the 0,0 at the end, that's just there for formatting the last append.

  • Yes that's correct.

    Really all its doing is treating the position as a single component rather than a separate x, and y.

    If someone were to make a plug, this method would be ideal as a behavior to me.

    What you would do is add the behavior to the object, then open a edit screen like what we have for the bones, or path plug, click where you want the tile to be placed, and then in events have an event that would generate the tiles.