i like one bear and his name is Bobo

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From the Asset Store
Very well animated teddy bear suitable for platformer, runner and more 2D games
  • [insert software/OS/your mom] is *****

    Sincerely, [insert your name, complete with RL address etc. to send antrax to]

  • [insert software/OS/your mom] is s**t.

    Sincerely, [insert your name, complete with RL address etc. to send antrax to]

    Cool my mom loves Anthrax!

    <img src="http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/mikekelley2009/anthrax.jpg">

    Wait wut?

  • wow wow, easy guys, i know insulting is bad but i didn't kill anybody.

    and i didn't bash construct in any way, i just told my old thoughs that were wrong, because i didn't even know how to use the program then.

    but i am going to keep my point.

    how do you feel when you want to make something, a nice game.

    and the only tool you find is super expensive, wants a cut out of your earnings from the game (if you make it).

    on top of that instead of working on hardware acceleration and improving the program they are busy going around forums and battling pirates.

    i mean seriously what money will they lose on pirates, most of all who wont even finish a game to sell.

    so on one hand you have people who give you a better product for free (that i learned to use in couple of days) and on the other a 300 dollars product that cares only about money and wants a cut out of your earnings if you make a game.

    well thats my opinion, im sorry if i offended some users, let them use what they want.

    but i like construct

  • oh and about piracy, why should i be banned if i sayd something related to piracy?

    where did all that hatred come towards me?

    if people like to flame me like that i don't mind being banned.

    but let me tell you about piracy, as i am someone who is raised in a country of internet piracy.

    * there are some pirates who just want to download everything for free, and never care to like and support someone by buying something. i know such people, their ungratefull.

    * and there are people who actualy pay or donate when they have the money, when they really love a product.

    * and if it wasnt for pirates and hackers being your last front of internet freedom, you all would be watching internet ads and pop ups every day, while your data is collected from facebook, while you buy the next FIFA that hasn't changed since 2003

    i don't see you bashing facebook and google for mining and selling your data and habits to advertising companies? is it more important to be a white knight and bash pirates just because you think their bad without any logic put?

  • when i find no pleasure in bashing other work i partialy agree with karshinkoff... BUT:

    Imagine theres only hand-full of cars sellers in town. Most of them sell crappy cars and one sells a rather O.K cars but for a great price.

    I might despise them, their greed and unprofessional behaviour might be obvious. But no ones forces you to buy their cars. Cars are not water - you dont need it to live your life.

    ClickTeam marketing and overall atitude makes me sick. But they are by far not the only part of this reality that makes me feel that way. Still, having no power what so ever to change this situation i just drop it.

    You have all the rights to have your own opinion (which apparently i share with you) but Construct forums are just not the place to share this specific type of opinion. Its in bad taste.

    Construct devs are well known for their dyplomatic approch, and polite, liberal relations with other game authoring programs developers. Thats very professional and wise. They dont care how much other programs similiar to their suck or not - they just focus on their own work, without pointing fingers and feeding their ego.

    Theres a fammily that live next door which i greatly hate. But still, if someone would came and talk badly about them ill just say to him "keep this to yourself". I will tell so, because - do i like it or not, those guys live right next to me and we are preety much "stuck" with each other. So no point in raging war. Same for Scierra. It irrelevant what do they think about others. They just want to work in peace without being sucked into some pointless conflicts.

    Your opinion might or might be not true. But this forums are just not the place for voicing this kind of opinion.

    You have to understand that.

    About piracy i have my own rules.

    Before i buy the product (movie, game, program, music ect) i download he pirate version. If it sucks - i delete it. If its good - i buy a legal version. Piracy is a way for me to try things out before wasting my money on a product that eventualy suck. I come from a poor people country, i dont have money for mistakes. But i am greatfull and honorable when theres a need for it.

    For example: the latest game Magicka. Reviews and trailers blowed me from my chair. So i downloaded the pirate version. And good for me that i did. Because yes - the game was just amazing - for about 4h. Then it turned into constant flow of raging frustration and disapointment. If it would remain as good as in that first 4h - i would go and order it to pay my tribute for the creators.

  • Again, you're free to your opinion, it was the manner you presented it that was the problem with statements like "mmf2 is ********* and "mmf2 goons run around forums and torrent sites closing all the links to their product because they only care about the money." Stating things like that about their character is simply inflammatory. I seriously doubt that the developers would have worked on their programs for so long if all they cared about was money.

    You can dislike their programs, but please remain polite.

  • thank you for understanding, and im sorry for getting too much foul language here.

    i was too anxious to say how thankful i am for this program that i got caried away.

  • I think i read somewhere that V2 of construct might be commercial, so if that happens then your argument is that it would be fine to download without paying for it because it then had a price. Also then if scirra wanted to protect the product they made they don't have the right to or are bad people for doing so.

    Also if your argument was in another form if someone makes a game and wanted to sell it but put some sort of protection system in the game they would be a bad person for doing so because there are other good games available for free.

    Whatever the view you have is though people need to eat/have money to survive and some people choose to make money by writing software rather than working in a office. There is nothing wrong with people charging for work they put into developing a program or game.

  • i dont have a problem, as long as i like construct, if i have the money ill buy it, if i don't ill donate to scirra when i have the money. either way when i like something i will repay.

    thank god robin hood wasn't born in our times huh (: he would hang pretty quickly

  • I think i read somewhere that V2 of construct might be commercial, so if that happens then your argument is that it would be fine to download without paying for it because it then had a price. Also then if scirra wanted to protect the product they made they don't have the right to or are bad people for doing so.

    Also if your argument was in another form if someone makes a game and wanted to sell it but put some sort of protection system in the game they would be a bad person for doing so because there are other good games available for free.

    Whatever the view you have is though people need to eat/have money to survive and some people choose to make money by writing software rather than working in a office. There is nothing wrong with people charging for work they put into developing a program or game.

    i belive you missunderstand few things Zeno. Its not about what they do but HOW they do.

    compare those two:

    1."Dear sir, can i ask you what time is it?"

    2."Hey you, dumbshit! show me your handwatch"

    quite diffrent ways of asking the same right?

  • About piracy i have my own rules.

    Before i buy the product (movie, game, program, music ect) i download he pirate version. If it sucks - i delete it. If its good - i buy a legal version. Piracy is a way for me to try things out before wasting my money on a product that eventualy suck... For example: the latest game Magicka. Reviews and trailers blowed me from my chair. So i downloaded the pirate version. And good for me that i did. Because yes - the game was just amazing - for about 4h. Then it turned into constant flow of raging frustration and disapointment.

    Regarding piracy:

    It's against the law. No, you don't have "your own rules," you have the same rules as everyone else, you just choose not to follow them.

    Whether you pirate things or not, it's nobody's business. It's not a good idea to admit it openly on the forum. In fact, I would go so far as to say that admitting you're a pirate is an offense worthy of a temporary ban. But since we have no definitive rules list (something us mods have a plan to rectify soon) I'll just leave this as a friendly warning, irbis.

    It's okay to talk about piracy in general, but saying you do it is another thing entirely.

    As for the try-before-you-buy excuse... that's not much of an excuse since almost all commercial software has a free trial period or a demo version available... and that includes Magicka. And MMF2.

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  • [quote:2mhsxrx3]It's against the law. No, you don't have "your own rules," you have the same rules as everyone else, you just choose not to follow them.

    oh please spare me this okey? I chose the to follow. I havent voted for the official rules and as a matter of fact - in my country, if a program or product is not on official market, i can pirate it all i want - as the rules here apllies only to available on market product.

    If there would be a rule: stick a bannana each evening into your **** - would you follow? i wouldnt, as i belive it not something enjoyable.

    [quote:2mhsxrx3]It's okay to talk about piracy in general, but saying you do it is another thing entirely.

    then make that rules damn solid so threads like this will get deleted/locket without people buffing their posts count. Also make the rules clear enough so people would get bashed over this forums less offten because it wouldnt be the first time when an user is being bashed and you guys are accidently looking in another direction, but you pop up instantly just to lecture me whats good or/and bad. In Islamic countries if wife leaves her husband the community duty is to stone her to death. In China people eat dogs. So what? thats their rules and culture. In my country its clearly stated "a product not avaiable on general market is not labeled "illegal" when obtained from pirate soures does NOT break any laws". Maybe in your country it differs but please lets avoide discussion whos country has better laws.

    In general Laws are for lambs, who are too stupid or not enough self-concious to know whats bad and whats not.


    As for the try-before-you-buy excuse... that's not much of an excuse

    It wasnt made to be an excuse. You say "jump" i say "i dont have legs", "you say thats your excuse?". no, it isnt. its the state. its fact. this is WHY. I have voiced that out of the blue. As i always say what i think - do people like it or not. I am not justifieng myself as i dont feel any need for it. This is not a court but a program forums. and this topic at some point became quite light-hearted and fun to read. So lets stick to it and leave all those "real-mans-topics" for another occasion alright? i have my opinion - you have yours. and lets keep it that way.

  • I don't care if you're a pirate. I don't care what excuses you use to justify it. Just don't say you pirate things here, or you'll get banned. This forum will not be know for condoning piracy.

    Now instead of getting angry and upset about it, how about you just agree to not go around telling everyone what you've pirated? It's not like I'm asking you to stick a banana in your ***** after all. It is, in fact, a reasonable request presented in a polite manner.

    Or you can continue to fight me on this if you really want, but I don't think you'll like how it ends. Your call.

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