i like one bear and his name is Bobo

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From the Asset Store
Very well animated teddy bear suitable for platformer, runner and more 2D games
  • actualy. i hate polar bears.

    they suck.

    change the topic name for something more true!

  • We don't usually lock discussion threads unless there's a fight going on. Just because the OP is wrong doesn't mean his thread should be locked.

    I guess I'll change the title though.

    I only suggested a lock because It's more of a open topic anyway and i don't see the point in people bumping the thread because they have seen a cog icon somewhere etc...

    With the new title it works well though lol.

  • With the new title it works well though lol.

    I'm not so sure. I think your plan backfired, it seems people are bumping this thread even more now.

    actualy. i hate polar bears.

    they suck.

    change the topic name for something more true!

    Well what kind of bears DO you like irbis? Jeezus, I'm not a mind reader you know.

  • Well what kind of bears DO you like irbis? Jeezus, I'm not a mind reader you know.

    i dont like any of them. well maybe except Bobo the Yogi sidekick. they are selfish and greedy.

    i much more prefer dogs or snow pather(hint hint)

  • >


    > Well what kind of bears DO you like irbis? Jeezus, I'm not a mind reader you know.


    i dont like any of them. well maybe except Bobo the Yogi sidekick. they are selfish and greedy.

    i much more prefer dogs or snow pather(hint hint)

    Okay, I can take a hint. Thread title changed! But this is the last time.

  • thank you! this is soo much better!

  • stop it! seeing titles like this makes me wanna reply and now I did it and I don't even care about the original topic... Goddamn deadeye again it's all your fault!

  • (Cough) Isn't it Boo-Boo? Just lock the damn thing

  • In keeping with the current theme of bear like creatures...

    <img src="http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2009/2/25/128800795098943480.jpg">

  • (Cough) Isn't it Boo-Boo? Just lock the damn thing

    could be. In my country its prenounced "Bobo" and i havent knew the original ^^

  • Try Construct 3

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  • (Cough) Isn't it Boo-Boo? Just lock the damn thing

    Yes it is, but I wasn't gonna say anything...

    And hell no I won't lock what is currently the most fun thread on the forum*


    sad situation... someone make a more fun thread please

  • (Cough) Isn't it Boo-Boo? Just lock the damn thing

    Perhaps its because he really, really stinks?

  • mmf2 is bullshit. i tried it just because i though consturct is buggy because it didnt want to load its templates, which i dont really need.

    and it crushed sometimes when i opened more then one project and jerked around in events.

    but thats nothing, its super stable and its running great for days now.

    mmf2 goons run around forums and torrent sites closing all the links to their product because they only care about the money.

    construct is free and BETTER in EVERY WAY.

    its been a couple of days now, and ive learned so much, i have a great game going and im learning more and more, the events are just like a programming language, letting you think out of the box and create new stuff.

    and the creators are great too, 5 starts for construct, screw mmf2

  • While I'm glad you like construct, bashing other programs doesn't really help matters, and can be off-putting for people interested in the program and community. You're certainly entitled to your opinions, but insults aren't really necessary and don't help the tone of the conversation. Protecting your intellectual property doesn't mean all you care about is money, either. Let's please remain respectful of other users, developers and software even if you don't like the other programs! We want this to remain a friendly place!

  • That post was way over the top, you bash Construct for being buggy, then do the same for MMF2 because you wanted to switch apps and it is a commercial app so it has a price but you don't want to pay for it.

    If you read this -

    You would see that the developers of construct used to work with MMF and that probably helped make Construct the great app it is today as the events are using the 'Click programming' thing.

    I use other game development apps also like GM and MMF2 because sometimes one is better for a certain task than the other, MMF2 is very good for apps and also it can make java and flash apps for example.

    It's sad how some construct users have to bash on other apps like MMF2 and GameMaker here. Not only did you just do what Ashley said he did not want to happen and make it a flame war but i am surprised you did not get your post edited or banned for speaking so openly about piracy either.

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