> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad"> Well... so cocoon is off the table then...
> I need a "here-and-now" solution. Not another bright promise of something that -might- happen somewhere in the future.
I can't imagine the stress you are under with family and financial pressures, but I wouldn't write off any options quite yet. It sounds like you need a "right now" solution as well as a more permanent one.
If you can just get something to work in the next week or two, it sounds like you are set for a little bit. After that, there are definitely more permanent solutions. Remember that all you really need for an HTML5 wrapper is a working webview. Any professional iOS/Android programmer should be able to get that up and running fairly quickly. I suspect that you will be able to get the performance you need without too much in the way of modification to your game now that both iOS and Android webviews support webGL.
Also, have you tried the desktop version of PhoneGap? It looks like it might come with some additionally flexibility that PhoneGap Build doesn't include:
Oh? So PhoneGap comes in two shapes? Whats the difference between the cloud and the standalone version?
Oh I fully understand and agree with you. We were left pretty high-and-dry when we were promised Mac OSX, Linux, and WiiU when we purchased our business licenses and then barely managed to make our Windows version of the game work (we had to downgrade our C2 and NodeWebkit just to export working exes and support Steam). It ***** even more when you have to answer to investors / clients / crowdfunding backers.
But I have learned two things talking here about it:
1. Nobody here saying "just give your source" seems to understand the legal NDA and copyright issues of doing that. It's not like we can ask Scirra to give us their C2 source when Construct crashes.
2. This stalemate between people who actually make games and encounter issues and people who think thats entirely the fault of the game creators seems to never end. Even when other engines actually demonstrate better performance.
Yeah. I am always lost when I hear people casually requesting me to give up source of a commercial products. They really don't understand what they are asking for and sort of punishment will rain on my head if something would went wrong.
I think Cocoon.io is a pretty solid choice for mobiles if you dont mind their splash screen at the beginning of your games that is.
Here is the complete documentation for it:
I have been using it and it is quite fast compilling everything and pretty straightforward to use. However after 2 apps you need to pay in order to use it
If everything what Shinkan said is true - I cannot use Conoon <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> Too much downsides. And that splash screen... That'll be the first thinbg the client will ask me about and to remove. I'll give it a read, maybe there is a way. Considering the situation. Thx Hasui =)
Im a cocoon.io user since from the start.
1. InApps (RemoveAds & New premium item)
2. Ads (Appodeal & Admob)
3. Share with automatic screenshot of the game
4. 14mb Apk size (My project)
5. GooglePlayGames (Leaderboard & Achievements)
6. Facebook plugin
1. Not all custom/default plugins and effects are supported by cocon.io (If not supported, it can cause to poor performance, black screen or build error)
2. Going to another layout sometimes causes 3-5seconds or more. Let just say your Main Game Layout has 30-50mb memory image)
3. webgL 2.0 is not supported (causes black screen/build error too) so better use v239 and below version of construct 2
Ouchy. PROs are awesome but those CONs are deadly :/