Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • LOL!

    I love your enthusiasm and your wall of texts, irbis!

    *edit* no sarcasm here!

    Here's my suggestion:

    No need to *stab your eyes* right now! Just grab Construct and play with it. While I think 6 months is a nice estimative, it really depends on your skills and your available time everyday.

    Since your game is planned to have different sections, I guess you should begin with the easiest one (I'm thinking the platform / spaceship walking, as it has a behavior just for that). Make a small version of every feature you wish in this game's section, don't focus on details. Then proceed to the next on.

    I think Construct is more than capable of handling a game like yours, it's just a matter of planning.

    Cheers! And good luck!

    If you need any help or feedback, we'll be here

    thank you mate! i really needed someone to cheer me up think of it as descent writer who have a great ideas and rich imagination but dont know how to write. i am propably in similiar position.

    Ill try that with the platformer and see what'll happend.

    because this idea for a game is growing within me from when i was 10 i am so emotional. i have everything in my head already. the spaceships, the weapons, the story, planets, crew, events, statistics, controls, battle system, inventory system, upgrade system, achievemets, hidden content, content that you must unblock. if i close my eyes i can see all this. and i am literaly in pain untill i will kick all this ut of my head. i want to play my game so badly. but i have soo many problems to develope it. i even learned Photoshop, 3d Max, Audacity, and all other programs in order to produce assets for my game but i cant find a proper yet easy to pick up tool to connect all those assest into a game. i cant name how frustrating it is. and things are even worst as i had been working as a payed game designer in past. and back then - the only thing i needed was to make up things, and then give them to programmers and artists - and they dressed my ideas into shapes and forms. and now i am all alone with my head bursting with ideas and without anybody to make my ideas real. they were my hands and now i learn how to grow new ones. and it is a terribly painfull and troublesome process. thats why i aim for the most plain, easy, DUMB game creating prgrams.

    [quote:2tfpi6al]If you don't think the effort is worth it, then don't do it.

    you think of the efford in to general fasion. i am ready to work on my game, as i stated, for all the eternity. pay attention to this sentce in literal way. to work ON my game. not "to learn HOW to make my game".

    so basicly, to produce content and assets. to create. as long as i create something i can work for all my life and i wont complain. but i cant afford wasting my time. i have too few of it.

    you gone a long way with you game, switched engines and learned them, learned programing and gained expirience. also, you had been doing that from time when you were 13yo. this is when you started. well i am 26 yo and i cant race with 13yo fresh and open mind. you walked on foot - i prefer to take the train. as i said: i am doing a game for basicly myself. i am not aiming at Blizzard or Microsoft.

    see this?

    made under one week. without any knowledge and expirience what so ever. without any Adobe Affter Effect. purely on game engine.

    effords are wourthless without good plan and trickery.

    you are a game dev - you enjoy making games.

    i am a gamer - i enjoy playing games.

    its like with martial arts. you train for long long years. and when some guy attack you - you kick his ***** i never had time for such a long learning procces. thats why i use this instead:

    <img src="">

    you martial arts are more flexible, enriches you in many way. but i dont want all that. i just want to kick a **** when i need. because thats my horizon. yes it is narrow and plain. but its my. you're is much wider and valuable. but its yours.

    PS: for past and future notes: sorry if i look offensive. i am not. almost never. i am just an agressive talker but theres no real agression behind the words. its just my style of comunicating.

    yup i EM emotional.

    and sorry for this WoTs (WallOfText). i think i cant write diffrently

  • [quote:1bwp66s5]i mean, come on - in half a year i could just learn C++.

    lol, are you kidding? making a game(that too a complex one) using C++ in 6 months. That's not possible unless you giveup your day's job and night's sleep. In 6 months, you'll basically just get down with the basics of C++. I am learning C++ for over an year in school and all I've learnt is working with the CUI(only text, no graphics)

    Half an year time is the average time it'll take to learn any engine, be it unity, construct or game maker unless you are realllllly passionate about your game. Although i know that construct would be your best choice if you want to start quick. Just try it for an week or two and then decide whether you should use it or not. Other's opinions about how easy a game engine can really be biased since everybody took different amount of time to learn it. So at last, it's you who would decide how eay an engine is.

    PS It's called 'construct' not 'constructor'

    before anything else i need to say i am not here to bash Constructor (i am simply not in position to do so) or do advertise RPVX (as even with all his great pros the number of its cons is just a horror).

    now back to the topic.

    Learning any open-source or comersial engine needs a solid base. even if the support is great you still need to have much of your own knowledge. the thing i expected from Construct(sorry for my mistake about the name) is that i will NOT need to have that base knowledge. Just as i had none with RPVX.

    Also the learning of something well known (C++) is much easier then learning the opossite (Construct). A buddy of my payed for a 4 months long C++ studies. 8h per day, 5 days in week. and that ******* creates his games now. And he was just as much brain dead as i am. But he had the time and money.

    And i must disagree about the game creating when using 2nd party programs. With RPVX i didnt need ANY knowledge to start making games. everything was and still is very readble, logical and "natural". Ive instaled the softwere, started it, and made games. This was very importand and stimulating as with people of short attention span you need small rewards on the way, betwen short amount of time. 2 days ago ive started Construct, didnt know what is where. the only thing ive figured after those 2 days is how to make a player, how to move him and rotate him.

    and thats all. in RPVX in the other hand, after 2 days i had a working finished game.

    as i stated at the very begining. my friend, i am nothing but just a plain gamer. i dont make games. i not planing to make any more games then this one. i dont want any more knowledge then i it is absolutly nessesary. from simple reason - i will not be using this knowledge in my future.

    in RPVX i could just pick up the program and right from the bat product content and games, learning in the process. with Construct it is diffrent.

    Listen, i know its open source. i know its for free. but the problem is the same like with .blender. .blender is possibly the most powerfull 3D modelling and animating softwere in known galaxy. but go ahead and try to mame a simple "car" model in it. i couldnt after 5 days.

    as i gamer i must say "i dont want to learn - i want to play".

    if you dont belive me, track down RPG Maker VX and try it out yourself. then you will propably understand what i am talking about.

    RPVX is very limited and non-flexible. but even a 10 years old kid can make a game with it.

    Construct has almost no limits from what i see but still is 10 times more complicated then RPVX.

    thats why i have such a hard time here.

    my current engine (RPVX) limits drives me insane, but i can afford months of learning limitless Construct.

    so i am screwed.

  • half a year for learning...? thats awful

    i dont have that much time. i wish i had but even so - my attention span is simple to small.

    ive mastered RPVX in exactly half of that time. shame. looks like i am stuck for now, with what i have.

    maybe the next game i will make in Constructor.

    i mean, come on - in half a year i could just learn C++.

  • Construct can easily do that,maybe after 6 month of training you will be good to go.

    *stabs himself in eyes*

  • okey sorry for doubble posting but seriously - holy crap. after researching your game i literaly cant close my jaws.

  • Every time you save, put a new number on the end, eg.




    This is what I do with every program (construct, photoshop, cubase). It's the only way to work if you're doing a serious project.

    I made this infinite space game in 2 weeks in construct

    Just a beta showing procedural galaxy generation.

    <img src="">

    i cannot belive what i see. i downloaded your demo. now i am thinking how the heck i can mimic it.

    procedural generated galaxy? thats something i never though of when making HiddenSpace. not because i didnt know it, but because i always though its something totaly out of my reach.

    i have soo many questions now and at the same time, i feel so small and misrable.

    How you managed to make the background multilayered?(drifting stars infront and in back)

    What technique you used to get such a beautifull planets sprites? (so far i just used photoshop + texture, save it as image and then import)

    where didi you get that nice spaceship?

    where/how you added physics?

    how you managed to make it so the sun move on diffrent layer then the planets?(giving that nice feeling of depth)

    and where the heck i should start in order to create my own things like this!?

    are capabilities of Consructor really that huge? how much knowledge(programing,coding ect) do i have to possses in order to create such gems?

    i am just nailed to the ground really.

    Of course i would kill for my game to look like this and have such features but... i am soo afraid to belive i am able to learn how to make all this.

    I mean, thats why ive chosed to make old style, low res, "retro" space sim. not only because of the atmosphear but mostly because of my lack of skills.

    I mean, everybody would love for their games to look like Crisis right? but any sane person will know thats something out of their league.

    i look the same way up at your creation. its incredible, but dont think i can learn how to make similiar creations. or maybe i am wrong and Contructor is THAT easy?

    please answear, i dont want to let my hopes and hipe go to high.

  • Just keep one fact on your mind: Construct isn't very reliable and can mess your projects big time, so get into habit of versioning and backups! Especially with big projects like that

    huh? O.o thats a bad news. i always forget to make backups.

    what do you mean exactly by "isnt very reliable"? does it crashes offten? or screw up the project? please explain

  • specific eh? hmm

    walking around spaceship - EXACTLY like in Deathwar 3030 ('80s adventure game style)

    <img src="">

    flying in space - Evachron Nova/Starscape/Starflight style (top down 2D)

    <img src="">

    walking on planetes - not yet decided, but my favorite is fake "top down" view Notrium style

    <img src="">

    same view type for hull patching aka spacewalking.

    no 3d what so ever. i am sick of 3d. pure 2D in its glory.

    about the privater:

    my goal is to give the player a game that has whats best from Arcade (simplecity) and SpaceSims(rich in detailes and combinations).

    so no zero g, Newtonian phycisc and all that. This is not NASA playground. its gaming.

    we play the games to do things that we cant do in real life. we play the for their "unreality". i feel no need to make the game mimic real life. at least only to some rational and logical degree. but not to copycat.

  • [quote:2ujg918t]But from what I have seen been done in Construct will be PERFECT for what your looking to create.

    hey dont fire up my hopes

    Thank you for your post Tricky. if you would need some graphical with your game - just whistle.

    I have my ways to generate some juicy starships/creatures sprites and animations. i will gladly share my SFX database with you(to my suprise it grow incredibly to almost 1gigabyte ).

    [quote:2ujg918t]Let me give you some advice - don't make your dream game first. Games are deceptively difficult to make and you're going to make a lot of mistakes while learning how to make them, which becomes a real hassle when working on a large project. Start with something small, much smaller scale and much smaller scope to learn how to make games so you don't overwhelm yourself with a project you're not ready for. What's more, with the lessons you've learned, your dream game will be more awesome because of it!

    thank you, but i am not worried that much. ive been modding various games for years and few of them(the mods. all games on Infinity Engine, Gothic 1 and 2, Doom 3, Thief trilogy) was bigger then many stand-alone games, so i know the schudle things and how to not let the project size smash me to the ground. I have propably the oldest method for that. I start small and then expand, one step at the time. Its like creating the very basic, but playble - and then add new things. like new ships, new star systems, new weaponary, spaceship interiors, star base ect. imagine "X" games when they would add new features with each new patch. much like most MMO games function. the hardest part is not the content, but the system. properly build game systems mechanic are the hardest. when you have that, you can always add new features into the game, over time. i am planing for this game to be "never done" as i will always add new things with years. i also dont indend do sell it. Of course if anybody would ever wish to say "thank you" in more material way theres always that bright and shinny donation button on the website. but aside from that - i am not gone charge anybody for downloading and playing my game or any new content i will ad over time.

    the reason is very plain. as i stated in my opening post - i make this game mostly for myself. I want to play that game. i want to play very much. if others will enjoy it - thats nice, but not nessesary. so basicly i am scratching my own back

    as for the game being complex - thats just an ilussion. it is - will not be, much more complicated then Elite, or Wing Commander Privater. I am just taking what i think is best from many games and putting all that into one game.

    btw - thank you for fast and nice welcome at least to the part when ill learn the engine soo good that i will not need extra help (which i dont belive will happend hah!)

    cheers! and keep it comming.

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  • Hello everyone.

    I am Irbis. From 3 months i am developing a space simulation game known as Hidden Space. If you would google a bit you will propably hit by Dev blog or youtube video from the game or a forum topics on SpaceSimCentral.

    I am 26 years old guy from central europe (poland exactly), with wife and kids. I am a gamer from like more or less 16 years. oh, be warned - my english is terrible - i know that. For my defence i need to say i am a self-learner. So literaly, all the english you see me writing and posting is a product of passive learning by watching satelite TV back in 80's, english subbed anime and manga and of course - the internet. i never had any proper english studies or teachings and this is why my english, when still being rather understandble, is full of all kind of mistakes from simple grammar to spelling and my randomly "eating" letters (heh).

    So anyway. After soo many years of playing games it became vry hard to find a good deep one nowadays. Most of them now are very short, linear, with horible story what so ever, or none at all. They are full of bugs, published uncarved in hurry in lust for money and audience. 3 months ago, i though to myself, that someone should finaly make a diffrence.

    I am a huge fan of indi games, which when being low budged and undeveloped, still shows much higher quality and gameplay then many comersial ones.

    Being a gamer, i am also a huge RPG maniac. RPG in its roots. Which gives the player open ended world, non-linearity, diffrent game paths and most of all - freedom.

    Mass Effect, for e.g. is more like a movie rather then a game. Its short, linear to the blood, "cinematic". But the idea, the potensial it had and which was wasted was incredible.

    Star Trek like. One of my oldest and most childish dream.

    To have a spaceship. Which i can customize as i please, upgrade and enhance. To have my avatar which gains skils and expirience . To have Universe, with planets, solar systems, space anomalies, aliens, trade, space battles, exploriations and discoveries. And rich game world full of secrets, hidden content.

    To be a game i cant beat over one night.

    |I dont care about graphics. My first steps in gaming world was made in games which were text-based, have 8bit graphics and pixels were size of a baby elephant.

    I didnt care then and i dont care know. Gameplay is what it counts.

    I played and tried many games. But none of them fulfiled all my wishes, only few of them at the time, but not all - combined. I was looking for a gooooood cup of coffee. instead ive been served sugar, spoon, coffee seeds, and milk - separatly. what a shame eh?

    So then an idea struck me. If i want to have a game that would satisfy my taste - i need to make, by myself.

    But it is like with making up interesting stories for friends or your kids - and writing a solid 300 pages big book. Two diffrent things.

    But i gained confidence. Being totaly un-talented in area of programing ive needed to obtain some kind of tool, which would do the codding for me.

    I can manage sprites, i can manage SFX, GFX. I know a trick or two in PhotoShop, Audacity ect. But any and every programing language, even the most basic and simple one had been always outside of my grasp. And now, with so small time in hand, i cant afford learning programing from the base. I am just too old, to lazy, to busy and to un-talented.

    I tried few game engines and finaly landed with RPG Maker VX. The interface, drag-and-drop model and overall easyness made this program almost perfect for my needs. At least, till now.

    After 3 months ive discovered how limited, badly writen, glitchy and non-compatible RPVX really is.

    Dont get me wrong, its okey for a simple games. For generic adventure or RPG games. But not for something as complex as HiddenSpace will luckly one day become.

    After talking with Darkone, the "king and queen" of SpaceSimCentral, ive learned about Scierra and the Constructor. And i gave it a try. This is because HS is still in more "on paper" then on my hard disc stage. This is propably the last moment when i can swicth engines without too much of hussle and troubles.

    So i would like to learn few things. But instead of wasting hours on researching the egnines, googling all the internet, i would like to ask you. Who can answear my questions better then you?

    So here it comes.

    HiddenSpace is about space exploriation.

    We have our avatar, which gain expirience and skills. Which can have diffrent weapons. Which can upgrade his suit in many ways. And do the same for his spaceship.

    The whole spaceship is not just a dead sprite on the screen. anytime you can leave the deck and walk around your spaceship. visit cantine, check cargo hold, go to the workshop and work on your weapons, gear or systems. You can goto your own captain quater, have a sleep, check your control panel, listen to the radio, or change your cloths. You can visit other crew members quaters, have a talk with them or a drink. Ask them to aid you whatever you have problems with. After battle you go outside and patch the spaceship hull and holes mae by enemy lasers and blasters.

    When flying in space. You encounter many random events. You discover asteroids fields, derelict spacecraft, anomalies, or a spacewhales hah. you visit diffrent solar systems and their planets with radomly generated or picked surface. You can land on them, walk around. Mine ore, gather materials, herbs. Fight with the lifeforms, catch them, take them as samples or hostages.

    Of cours you also have space battles, which i would like to be a mix betwen real time and tactic.

    Alien rases with their ships. Fighting, trading, drifting out of full in hope for miracle to happend.

    As you see, the game has many diffrent layers.

    Walking on board. Walling on planets, flying in space, fighting ect.

    Now my questions is, before ill waste countless hours digging in tutorials and learning the engine capabilities, which of what i have enlisted and described above can be made in Constructor? And how hard would that be for such programing retareded guy like me to learn and create?

    But let me say that twice:

    I am totaly untalented in area of programing.

    there are many people out there whuch claims that Dark Basic is a simple game engine. Yes, perhaps it is - for a programer. I am not a one, and i will never be. I am just a guy who have beat Eye of Beholder for 27 time. I am a gamer, not a programer. my limits are narrow.

    For anyone interested about HiddenSpace heres couple of links:

    my section on SpaceSimCentral forums

    my ugly dev blog

    game intro

    unfinished spacespace cockpit

    Best Regards