Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • i didnt say you havent. chill. thanks to you now i know ground.

    i was just pointing out the missing 3rd option. no hidden meanings anywhere.

    the options now for me are:

    1.learn Python

    2. re-create my intro on Construct mechanics

    3. wait/look around for a person with skills and knowledge in python who would be willing to do the "python" job for me.

    so... any volunteers?

    i can repay with perhaps various game assets.

  • theres also a 3rd, which almost all of you are missing, and i am not sure why:

    someone will help me.

    i know i would.

    after all this is how "community" is supposed to be.

    on diffrent GameDev forums it works perfectly. why most of you here work alone?

    like a bounch of hermits living on secluded islands.

    dont feel offended by my words, its just a view from outsider perspective.

    you may be used to how it is and you are not aware of it, but for me it literaly hits the eyes.

    [sorry for this off-topic btw. but then again - i am de-railing my own thread so i am the one who suffers the most ]

  • lol awesome but hell of a misleading.

  • >

    > i know how to break animation/movie into frames, but thank you anyway.


    Yes, I'm certain you did, but perhaps not in the context of Construct as I explained since you are new to it, hence my suggestion.


    > my question is - are you aware how much space it takes? even with a "slideshowish" 1frame/second a 1 minutes long "movie" will need 60 frames. now get this: my intro is almost 5 minutes long and has been recorded and directed for 60FPS. now thats 300 seconds x 60 frames per one. thats 18 000 frames dude. 18k images. now add 48000freq 32 bit float audio and youll end up with blue ray-size video.

    > even if i would make then jpg and kick all the needless parts thats still a massive weight. the lone intro would propable weigh more then the actual game.


    > seriously, cut this for me

    > and tell me how it came out. thats my intro


    As I stated before, space is project specific and so are the ways of cutting it and reducing space, so the only people who would be aware of how large something is going to be, are the people working on that specific project. There is no way I would've known how long your video is, so there was no way for me to make an estimate on space, only you would've known that.

    It obviously goes without saying that something as long as 5 minutes is a different situation.

    That said, looking at your video, it's long but it's not complicated at all. I was under the impression that it was a video with a ton of characters and action going on. But it's instead a lot of static shots that Construct can handle just fine, text over the top, some simple scrolling in some shots, and some light flashes with some music in the background. This can all be reproduced in Construct without the need for video, by using scrolling within each layout where scrolling applies, events to control text and movements, and the audio object.

    first of all - sorry if i sound rude. thats not my goal or target.

    about the bulding avi on engine... i done that before. actualy, the intro was buuild up on RPVX engine. but you see, it took me over a week to set everything in order. i know it can do the exact same thing in Construct from the very first moment ive seen its structure. but it doesnt change the fact - why build a house when you already have one? in game developing i always aim at efficiency. to not waste time for needless work, when it can be done just as good but in shorter time. thats how i roll.

    for examples. i have literaly bazzilion of sprites and i can create any animated sprite of buldings, structures, any creatures, all kinds of vehicles(flying,swiming,driving, space) all of them being 3D renders converted into sprite sheets. and all that without a single "expirience point" in 3d modeling. ofcourse i can waste half a year learning .blender. but why would i when i can have everything i need without it?

    Thats not a show off, just describing how i see things. thats mostly because i had been working as a payed game designer in my past(just for less then 2 years but still) and my work-methods aims always for the best productivity.

    i am not interested in "making games", i am interested in "finishing games".

    my game, its story, skill tree, tech tree, upgrades, planets, systems, alien rases, ships, creatures, artifacts, skill system, expirience system, damage system, battle system, mining system, crafting tree - it is ALL already writen and solid. i have 60 pages long, writen with font size 12 huge Word file containing the whole game, described and planed from the base to the roof. i dont design the game "on road". i write the game on paper, then translate it on computer.

    my project is much more organised then it seems at first.

    and back to topic heh... i know how to make the movies INSIDE Construct. i can do that anytime. he thing i DONT know i how to make the Construct play movies. both will lead me to the same result - having working in game movies - but second will also reward me with new knowledge, when the first is just repeating what i know already.

    [quote:1uq42f6a]Well the simplest way is to use the avi object.Examine my tutorial which i have uploaded.It shows a full video within the window and that's done without any python scripting.And learning Python is part of learning how Construct works as well.Most of my problems were solved by using python scripting.

    sadly the avi tut doesnt work for me.

    a new window is poping up with label

    Aplication 1 (DX9 Runtime)
    and message: Video is not available, decompressor "vids:IV50" could not be found.[/code:1uq42f6a]
    the sound is playing though. but badly (its being riped from time to time) and actualy - none of my video players play the file also (lol) which are Media Player Classic, AllPlayer, Bestplayer.
    but anyway, my question is - do YOU know how to make an avi file be played within the game the way i described previous using Construct?(fullscreen, no timeline, buttons, end on "any key" pressed).
    because currently - thats all i need from Python IF he actualy is the solution. i value my brain space and i always try not to trash it with knowledge i will use just once and never after.
  • ooooh man, "expresions"... sorry for wasting your time. now i feel so stupid. i just tried googling wiki and forums with "commands" and "codes" and coudnt find anything... thats because "expresions" is what i should be looking for. this is when my terrible english shows out. i should figure this one out.

    Thank you Ashley! ill manage from here

  • Learn al there is to learn about Python.You can do some amazing stuff when you combine python scripting with Construct.And it's not as difficult as the dreaded c++ language.

    learning Python defeats the purpous of learning Construct wont you agree...? if i would be able to learn ANY programing language - i would do that long time ago. i am here because i HAVENT, and i cannot now. simple as this.

    but you can help me if you wish. as i understod you have the skills of Python scripting.

    i would be most greatfull.

  • [quote:2qhycts8]1. I no longer use the AVI object, the timeline bar it has is a deal-breaker, and there probably won't be any upgrades to the object again. No problem however, because a guy sent me a pm about some free software that will perfectly extract every single frame of a video and export each frame as a .jpg file. So what you do is make the extraction, resize the files to whatever size you want it to be in your game window, and then run the frames as an animation. It works flawlessly. Here is the software suite:

    With this, you'd easily be able to make FMV games, or use super high resolution animated video as your in-game background.

    i know how to break animation/movie into frames, but thank you anyway. my question is - are you aware how much space it takes? even with a "slideshowish" 1frame/second a 1 minutes long "movie" will need 60 frames. now get this: my intro is almost 5 minutes long and has been recorded and directed for 60FPS. now thats 300 seconds x 60 frames per one. thats 18 000 frames dude. 18k images. now add 48000freq 32 bit float audio and youll end up with blue ray-size video.

    even if i would make then jpg and kick all the needless parts thats still a massive weight. the lone intro would propable weigh more then the actual game.

    seriously, cut this for me

    and tell me how it came out. thats my intro

  • In text and not only. is there a list of all the emmm "codes"? commands? i dont know how to call it. few examples of what i think as "codes"

    [code:3co6gxlq]"what do you think?" & newline & Global('ROTFL')[/code:3co6gxlq]
    in my current case i would like Construct's text object to display a percen value of something.
    i have two main variables, which are "Shields_Total" and "Shields_Current"
    and i would like the text object to display not the actual value but what % it is of "Shields_Total".
    any idea how to form that? 
    another one is a condition based also on % of some value. for example
    IF value "Shields_Current" equals to or lower then 50% of "Shields_Total" then... 
    as you know, the values changes with ship upgrades ect but i want the effect to stick to the % values. so when ever the ship shield value/variable is on 50/10 or 5000000/10000000 condition will get trigered.

    ill pay you 10$ to make this guy a moderator or official Construct helper.

    seriously hire this guy as user support.

    Thank you Tricky. you saved my day - again!

    thank you soooo much!

  • [quote:1eqde4c5]2. What?

    2.Question makes no sense.

    fixed. check again

  • 1. Movies.

    is there a way for Construct to play movie files except the AVI plugin? and if not - is there a way to set the movie to be played: a) fullscreen, b)without that ugly timeline tab c) without buttons.

    as you propably guesed already - i need to put the game intro. but i just want it to play and be stoped/skiped when any key pressed. just like in most games. but not in "media player" way. it looks ugly, amature and just weird.

    2. Displaying layouts on layouts. aka add object -> layout

    Ive noticed theres a way to do that but i cant figure out how to properly use it. i want the layout to be scaled to the resolution of my desire and set the "camera" on things i want. but when i check "fit to screen" (or whatever that object atribute is called) it scales my layout just to much and goes outside of it.

    3. minimap.

    the original plugin doesnt fills my needs for various reasons. is there a way to make a mini-map by myself? or edit the plugin? my dream mini-map has a graphical frame and background, objects - depending of their types are displayed with diffrent icons ect. how is this possbile? is itat all?

    4. Easy way of telling the bject to go MOVE from x/y to another x/y.

    i know how to change the possition, but how to force the object to just GO there? imagine a UI slowly moving from top outside of game screen down to Y coordinats. which behaviour have this?

    5. Beams.

    My latest nightmare. basicly i want a beam to be displayed betwen two points. like a laser beam. exactly the way its been in "Rain" demo, from the Construct website. same technique - diffrent visiouls. i would check it myself but only the exe is available - not the .cap file.

    6. Particles and Plasma

    is there a tutorial for them? i will propably need them but i just dont know where to start. And by all means their usage is not clarified anywhere or user friendly.

    7. Layout looping.

    In RPVX there was this great and simple thing. every map had a box "loop verticaly/horizontaly". what it does? exactly what you can gues - it loops the entire map/layout so when the player or any object in that matter hits the layout border it comes out from the other side. but be aware that this is made very fluent and unnoticed. its just like the missing layout space is being draw without any transition. i know how to make it by conditions and position event but it gives more of a teleportation rather then loop effect, feeling.

    8. How to properly import 3d .obj files/models? i tried using the "3D Object" plugin but the object doesnt display.

    9 Canvas plugin

    okey, what exactly are they? describe on examples please. both the theory and usage.

    10. Object Pairer.

    basicly - wth? i mean the obvious usage of this is to pair/link two or more objects togather. em i correct? and why.

    11. Ribbon

    How to use? or rather - how to place this ribbon distortion effect on a sprite?

    12. How timeline and events are working betwen Layouts? basicly - imagine two levels, and two layouts being each one of them. now imagine an enemy, player character and a bomb. i come into level 1 from level 2, leave a bomb on enemy and retreat back to level 2. will that bomb explode after i leave the layout? and how to make it explode? or - how to make the other layouts run without players presence on them? like AI going here and there, colecting, searching, just exploring.

    13. Make object "accesble".

    Basicly, imagine a layout with nothing but ocean sprite. all the ocean cant be walked on as our player nor the character is "Jesus Christ. now lets spawn couple generic islands here and there. how to make it, so the player will be able to move long just within the islands borders. i know you can make the object "solid" so players must go around it, but is there a way to do the exact oposite? to make the whole Layout "solid" by default and pick which parts will remain unsolid?

    Thats very important for me as i am trying to develope procedural generated planet surfaces. i know how to do that on paper and i knew how to do that in my previous engine. i just need the functions now.

    14. Motion Blur

    Call me noob and ignorant but what the heck is Motion Blur? i can set it by events but i dont exactly know how it looks.

    15. someone really should add the tooltips when you hover over functions in conditions and events window. it would be soo much easier, and instead of wasting my time writing all this, and yours on reading all that - it would be all described in the engine window

    16. Saving and enabling content to travel from betwen games.

    imagine player X who have finished your game with outstanding score. you want to reward him by unlocking a new spaceship. so now when he starts the game again he has a new spaceship unlocked and ready to play.

    17. Mouse Cursor

    How to turn it off??? i want to use my own custome cursor not that generic lame white arrow. how can i make it dispear?

    18. reverse particles

    ive seen that "fontain" type particles that showers from one point. now the question. is there a possiblitie of reversing the movement? so the particles instead of being shoot - out, will be sucked IN? like a vaccum or something? this is extremly needed effect for me. otherwise ill be forced to do that on animated sprite

    19. Fog of War.

    Starcraft style. so:

    unvisited area is left pitch black. when visited you see the terrain, some object types. and area currently seen without the blakness and all object types being seen.

    20. Titled sprite.

    when i fill the screen with that it looks okey. but if i zoom OUT i can see a tiny, white lines betwen the tiles, blinking with movement. ruins the whole titled sprite/terrain idea. any ideas how to get rid of that?

    21. Bone movment

    my inner sense tells me this movement is something incredible. to i totaly dont know how to use it. any manual our there?

    22. Effects on sprites ect

    there is REALLY lots of them. is there some sort of gallery where can i preview all them on screnshots or something before adding to the game? the descriptions really doesnt tell anything usefull beside the obvious.

    thats it for now. dont hate me (too much)


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  • [quote:1b9x85ej]Yes, if you hold ALT while you click to set your image point, it will be changed for all frames of the animation.

    oh my god THANK YOU so much!

    it was like digging with a spoon.

    [quote:1b9x85ej]Well you can specify to loop a soundfile when you load/autoplay it. I bet you noticed that. You just should make sure that the event is only executed one time, and not all the time. Depending on the events you use the TRIGGER ONCE WHILE TRUE condition might prove useful.

    you mean the "trigger once whole true" under "special condition"? how should i add it?

    after my normal conditions or before? or as a sub-event? i am asking because when adding it after the conditon the sound stoped working. as a matter of fact i wanted to use it for diffrent puropus too but it doesnt work also. so what i am doing wrong?

    also how do i.... emmm. loop commands? i mean more like - "how do i point which commands should be looped"?

  • > maybe the event is responsible?

    > because i have attached the sound to an constant action. literaly to the moving. so every time my object moves a SFX is constantly playing untill he stopes.


    If you have an event that runs every tick and plays a soundfile, I imagine it would go crazy. Try to play it only every x ms for example.

    oooh so its not like the Construct play one after another each at the time but starts raining with them? but how can i do that it playes right after another? should i check the exact duration in ms and then enter command "wait" wih that ms?

    i dont know how to execute that

    imagine spaceship, when it moves - the engines makes an ambient sound. and i want that sound to play endlessly on loop untill player stops moving. how you would do that?

    another question but not connected to sound is: how to set the same image points for a whole set of animation frames? my sprite has 10 of them and i just dont feel like setting two for each of them manualy

  • [quote:t5f837yu]Construct most certainly does support mp3s. Use the "play music" action to do so. One look at the Xaudio wiki page clarifies which formats are supported.

    yes but:

    [quote:t5f837yu]XAudio2 has two main ways of playing sounds: as music (actions under the music category), or on one of several channels (actions under all other categories). Music can only play one thing at a time, like the game's music track. There are lots of channels, however, and these can be used to play lots of sound effects simultaneously.

    so i cant use mp3 as file format for SFX.


    Do you have specified the correct path to your sound file? It should be apppath&"" if the sound file is in the same directory as the cap file.

    fixed that. aparently ive been missing the wav when having the ogg. thank you

    but that still does not fixes the main issue: the sound quality. wav sounds as bad as ogg. its okey for about 1 second then it goes crazy.

    maybe the event is responsible?

    because i have attached the sound to an constant action. literaly to the moving. so every time my object moves a SFX is constantly playing untill he stopes.

  • First of all i am a bit disapointed that Construct cant play mp3 file but oh well.

    i am trying to play a sound effects here and it either doesn play or play badly.

    whenever i try playing wav files (and they are metting all the requaired prosperities) they just dont play.

    when i try to use ogg they DO play but the sound is not only bad quality (like being riped and twirled or like 1 milisecond echo) but have that ugly pick at the end when it ends playing.

    when i preview the wav it plays just right.

    when i preview the ogg - Construct crashes or just doesnt start previewing

    runing the game with debugger and wav sound leaves me with such window:

    [quote:2z5txax7]Debugger first-time message:

    XAudio2: Failed to load file from disk. Check the filename exists and that file is of a supported format. (0x80004005)

    any idea what the heck? and i would gladly use that XAudio2 tutorial from the wiki but the link is dead or broken leaving me with 404 error.