Ethics of browser based software & programming languages

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From the Asset Store
Advanced inventory mechanics for your RPG game (Array-based). Take Items, split them, pick up them, read the description
  • Hi,

    Was considering how centralized & exploitable browser based software is since devs can always pull the rug under developers just like Apple banning devs from the Appstore for whatever reason.

    People have learnt a language, they've invested countless years, sometimes decades to learnt he language and suddenly they have no more access to the software, to their livelihoods, to something they love.

    Whenever companies get pissed off at their users specifically, no matter how petty it is, they can cut access to everything if its browser based, or some subscription based suite kind of software like Adobe offers.

    One day we might see politically motivated bans for certain software. Why? Because they can. That's the inherent evil in cloud based services. It supports an almost oppressive control over individual users in a centralized manner.

  • Merry Christmas

  • Good thing that living in the outdoors is still an option.

  • So I should leave here? No wonder this place is cricketting more and more :p

  • Hehe this place has been getting quieter ever since the community discord server appeared...

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  • We have been heading down this road for years now. Unfortunately, even if you decide to do something in, say, C++ and host it on a site you are still at the mercy of the webhost unless you do it all yourself.

    Gone are the days where I would put stuff on tapes or disks for friends that I would do on the C64/Amiga/Windows stuff. Also its heading down the path were once you bought that bit of development software, for example; AMOS on the Amiga, you owned that for life. Even my license for GMS2 will eventually be useless because they will move onto something else. I mean, the license I got for GMS2 no longer exists because I have a permeant license.

  • Hehe this place has been getting quieter ever since the community discord server appeared...

    Where can I find the link? I was looking around the WWW but there is no button. Searching via Discord's discovery module also left me with nothing (search engines are the same)

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