Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • From article:


    Every Developer, doesn't matter small or big, that decided to publish their game on Kongregate portal, would notice a sudden and vicious drop in their game's score and tag ranks... in the last week of every month. How come?

    Hah. I can imagine the same happening on Newgrounds also.

    They too have monthly awards.

  • Well, why not just add Kongregate API yourself. They do have documentation, how hard can it really be?

    Tells people to do the work themselves.

    Admits he has no idea about the difficulty of the task.

    On a "visual programming" game engine's forums.

    What a groundbreaking contribution to the case.


  • [quote:sadlp5y5]A lot of people seem to be upset that there's the option to run it in the browser or on the mobile. Even if it's not something you're going to make use of, can you not understand that others might see benefits from it and it's a nice to have feature?

    Sounds kind a ironic coming from you How many times did you shot down a feature request simply because you couldn't see/understand the benefits that it brings? I remember the number quite well. And I too was like "oh gee what problems do you have this time with adding such a small bit".

    For the record - I have nothing against adding new features. I am all in for it. But I'm baffled and borderline insulted to hear you using this argument now. A very valid argument, as I've said. But apparently it sounds fine only when leaving your lips. Not someone elses. Double standards or what?


    You know what? Frak that. That's enough. That was the last straw. I'm Out. At this point I don't even care what you have to say. What new excuse you will come up with. You guys are a lost cause. I am crawling back to effects/plugins section. I am too old and too tired for this bias. But say farewell to any traffic I was sending back to you with my creations and games. And from now on - if someone ask me what do I think of Scirra and Construct - I will give them a full, detailed reply, this time around.

    Maybe think of hiring people from Hello Games, to join your team.

    You guys are perfect match.

  • > Actually, it was THE reason I've spent them last time. Well, shame on me. Got lured/fooled by those:



    It didn't lie. You can publish everywhere. To be fair, the image didn't say it'd be EASY.

    I know right? Guess I should have read the fine print in that size=1 font

  • >

    > >

    > > Yes, sorry for the terminology. As a Designer I speak a different language Built in exporter Is probably more in line what people mean when they talk about native export here.... Completely agree with the case against native, as I've read the blog post several time trying to wrap my hand around it. I could care less what codebase is used if performance is similar.

    > >

    > > So let me rephrase that.... How big of an hassle is it to have a "built in exporter" for mobile development? As a designer I'm jost looking for workflow improvements, less hiccups, and hassle.

    > >

    > > Optimal workflow... Create game. Hit export, upload to Store...

    > >

    > > Current workflow... Create game, hit export, import to 3rd party wrapper, build, get plugins working, .... it's not working... try again.... contact support... if you're lucky. Upload to store.

    > >

    > > I'm only looking for workflow improvements. How you guys solves it it's up to you. I trust you completely... native or non native, i could care less, as long as my game is downloadable from app store without having to use XDK and such.

    > >


    > Couldn't have put it better!


    > I think what the majority of sensible users are asking for is a built in exporter and wrapper all in one, that then spits out an apk/ipa.

    > This will definitely cushion the blow of subscription fee disappointment and convince users that the fee is worth it.

    > If they can do this then I'm definitely sold!



    That's the miracle I've been talking about, and literally the only reason I would spend my money on Scirra's product again. Actually, it was THE reason I've spent them last time. Well, shame on me. Got lured/fooled by those:

    • Post link icon

    Irbis One of the most excellent post I have seen on Construct 2. Here is a little hope if you develop for mobile I made this

    That's what keeps me coming here!!!

    "Sadly" I've moved from Mobiles due to "export nightmare", non-existing software/hardware normalization, and overall mobile specific troubles. Plus - there is little to no user-dev interaction or community building on mobiles due to casual, "easy come easy go" nature of the platform. And community interaction, beside the money, is the top reason I make games. Hence I migrated to Desktops. And now I have a different sort of headache because Node Webkit.

    But, oh well - at least I'm getting that user-dev experience. Which is nice.

    Shame you have to spend additional $73.99 (almost the price of the engine!) on MadSpy Steam API plugin. Which doesn't fix NW.js problems of course, but at least enables you to deliver a more "complete" experience to the end-user.

    • Post link icon

    Well apart from the fanboyism/hate relationship that there is currently (which I don't get but whatever), PixelPower does have a point:

    Scirra does tend to not fix bugs coming from a third party ("Close as won't fix" anyone?), which break our games multiple times in the past for sometimes a very long wait (the jank/stutter), imagine a bug similar happens and break C3, oh my god, I hope they have a plan for that, because telling users not to update their browser would be downright stupid.

    Construct Classic = windows + directX. Feature creep all over the place. Abandoned, left unfinished. Left for community to extend and "clean up", after it's sinkage.

    Construct 2 = HTML5, new tech at the day of release. Jack of all trades - master of none. Is being maintained but not really extended. Far from "finished" state, but its Devs claims otherwise, of course. If not for community workers such as Gigatron, Rex, Pode, R0jo and others - it would met CC fate already.

    Construct 3 = yet again, a new approach, new tech and experimentation.

    It really doesn't take to be a rocket scientist to spot a reoccurring pattern over here.

    I am not bashing Scirra or Construct brand. If that would be the case, I would left this forum long time ago. Yet I am still here, after all those years (8 years as a user, almost 7 years with a forum account).

    That's because Construct, be it Classic or 2, is still one of the faster if not THE fastest engine, in terms of rapid prototyping and fluid workflow. But the real problem, every single time, is when you are close to finishing your game or right after doing so. When you have to publish it. And I am not talking about regular platform-specific hassles like paperwork, size limits, and stuff.

    Lack of proper Steam API, no Node Webkit export customization leaving you with a default mess that you can do nothing about, all game's assets RAR'ed into simply unprotected archive for anybody to take, not being able to change exe icon by normal means, not being able to even rename that ugly nw.exe, Intel slowly dropping support for Intel XDK, no 1st party API for Flash Portals games, shaders and plugins working in the editor but not working upon export, shaders and plugins not working in the editor WORKING upon export, constant 3rd party reliance whenever you actually want to send your baby into the world, random unknown FPS drops/memory leaks. 95% of features request/bug reports closed because "won't fix"/"wont add cuz reasons/little priority" (aka busy with C3 so "up yours!"), and games randomly working or not working at all on various OS'es, browsers, setups.

    One can digest only so much before leaving the boat or going PixelPower hehehe.

    I am here because I still, "after all this time", care. Care and hope.

    Care - about Construct.

    Hope - for a miracle.

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    More than happy to lock this if the aggression gets any worse.

    Please try to be patient and civil when making posts.


    I would do so here and now. The nature of this thread is more of a "informative" anyway. There is nothing to argue about - the links are there, the numbers are too. All that can come at this point is another "posts war".

    Which... kind a happens every single time when Newt and PixelPower are in the same space and time.

    • Post link icon


    > > Is there a slight chance you are... umm maybe... hired by clickteam or yoyogames to rant on this?

    > >

    > nah, he's just very pissed. Then again, seeing so many mindless "fainboism" from various C2 users - I think the world is in balance rotfl.


    You probably shouldn't read the rest of his posts then.

    I did. He's nuts. E-raging every day.

    Then again - don't play saint - he is an different version of you, from the other side of the hedge.

    Except you've never been barbaric or/and rage spewing, I give you that.

    But you two DO have a common ground. You often look at things from only one perspective, which you never adjust. Making yourself blind and deaf for any opinion that isn't your. Not always, but very often.

    He would keep bitting Scirra's **** with even his dying breath. You on the other hand would let Scirra sell your own mother or chop off your kidney. At least, thats how most of us see you two. Which you might not be aware of. There is a reason why people reply to you two so rarely nowadays.

  • Irbis Thanks! I've liked your Facebook page too

    Thank you most kindly! Most of what you can find on my social media would have a Steam Store link attached, but Construct simply refuse to cooperate with me on this matter lol (I am now 100% desktop developer, so go figure )

    • Post link icon

    Is there a slight chance you are... umm maybe... hired by clickteam or yoyogames to rant on this?

    nah, he's just very pissed. Then again, seeing so many mindless "fainboism" from various C2 users - I think the world is in balance rotfl.

  • >

    > Daaaamn! What a lovely pixel work you got there! <3 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised">

    > Could you link me up? website or fanpage would do.


    Thanks! Chris "hand-draws" (lol) each pixel with a regular wireless mouse <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised">

    And sure! we have a blog at but our Twitter is most active (and has gifs posted from our Unity adventures often <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ):

    Well, you've just earned yourself a new follower.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  •'s a Chrome issue...

    ...bug in the Edge browser:...

    ...there's not much we can do... any XDK-specific issues to Intel...

    ...This most likely isn't a C2 bug...

    ...Closing as won't fix...

    ...This issue is there already for around 8 months...

    ...nothing we can do about reports like this, sorry...

    ...almost impossible to fix bugs like this

    ...the problem is with the AAC encoder we use...

    ... it's a NW.js bug. not a C2 issue...

    ...there is nothing we can do about this... needs browser changes to work around... is not a C2 bug...

    ...Safari bug... XDK issues to Intel...

    ...this is a Chrome issue...

    ...This is a bug in iOS itself that needs to be fixed by Apple...

    ...this is a webkit bug...

    ...Closing, please follow up via that Chromium bug report...

    ...I'd recommend reporting them to Intel...

    ... Closing as won't fix...


  • Super Ubie Land was getting a remake in Unity for WiiU + other platforms last I heard, not sure how that turned out.

    Also, our own title Battle Princess Madelyn was prototyped in Construct 2 before porting over to Unity:

    Unity version (very old old screenshot, but shows some of the cool lighting we can do with equal or better performance so far)

    After this game we're thinking of going back to remake/"port" Insanity's Blade, which was our first commercial title in C2 (where we learned that Mac + Linux + WiiU are not as friendly to large HTML5 + NW.JS games as Windows is )

    Daaaamn! What a lovely pixel work you got there! <3

    Could you link me up? website or fanpage would do.

  • > There's no reason Construct made games can't be as popular as the big hits from other engines, we think it's only a matter of time.


    > We see developers using Construct all the time who obviously have the talent and creativity, just a bit more luck is needed!


    True, there's already a few great games made in Construct 2, and people really start to recognize them once the developers switch engines/the games have been ported to consoles using other engines

    Care to name them?

    In general really. Because every now and then I hear people saying what a awesome games had been made in C2 but I never get the names.

    The Next Penelope is decent but niche market, Airscape is... okay, I guess? Cosmochoria isn't bad either but those 3 are very similiar.

    Of course there's also awesome Star Nomad 1 & 2 made by +all my games.

    But what else?