newt's Forum Posts

  • What are the "objects it detects" and the "selected objects list"? Are you saying that solid/obstacle objects are not in the list of objects to check for LOS?

    It only checks for points so a large solid will do no good, since it only has 1 point...(Im guessing)

    If it's not detecting solids you may have to add "obstacles" manually in your events.

    That would give me an easy arc and distance check, but it doesn't account for obstacles. I'd need to manually check if LOS to an object is blocked by another object.

    Well distance(x1,y1,x2,y2) will give you that, but to get a line of sight you can take a rectangular object that can do collision detection, scaled to the range, and always pointing the same angle as the sprite, then have a collision event if the detector is overlapping an obstacle.

  • There's no plug made for that specifically, but if you can open it in notepad you can get the data with the Text Manipulator object.

    The wiki has some info on expressions using text as well.

    Also there are a couple of unfinished plugs for changing controls

    sglors has one

    And lucid has one floating around somewhere.

  • If your not very experienced with Python I'd suggest trying to do it with events.

    You wont get the transferable script you get with Python, but you will get a lot of experience in Construct.

  • From the cap Im not exactly sure what you want to happen.

    I can tell you there's a difference between z order, and z height.

    Z order gives you the order in which objects are drawn to the screen. Z height gives the object an aspect ratio to the camera's view point.

    In this case I believe you will want to use the y coordinates rather than the z height.

  • I think question 2 answered number 1. However if you were using the attribute to group your obstacles you can add those objects to a family, and use the family instead.

    Keep in mind los does not add objects it detects to the selected objects list.

    On number two:

    The behavior works off of points, basically its the same as distance(x1,y1,x2,y2), only it can detect if something is in between those two points.

    There is a work around that does not use the behavior. That being a detector sprite that you have scaled to the to the range of sight.

  • Might want to check out the rts behavior. It has built in pathfinding.

  • Monster creation is a bit more difficult, but doable with some sort of counting and comparison system.

    see previous edit.

    As to the hiding of the rooms:

  • Yeah, almost.

    Rooms are about the only thing that it has good control of.

    You could use the die method for it by using a variable.

    + System: Start of layout

    -> System: Set global variable 'roll' to random(6)+1

    -> DungeonGenerator: Set room count (global('roll') minimum, global('roll') maximum)

    As to the monster generation there is no set hierarchy. All you can do is compare what tile is at what position.

    So basically, if there is a room tile at x,y position create monster.

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  • Pretty close, but the plug was made to be more of a maze generator.

    However you can have as many rooms as you like, but the they are all 4 sided.

  • NO!

    I mean show us.

  • For each object (your tiles) ordered by .y (your tiles) coordinate ascending send to back.


    Actually, make that send to front, ascending or descending.

    + System: For each greenPod ordered by greenPod.Y Descending
    -> greenPod: Send to front[/code:3iy9hejc]
  • OK, lets add some Shake, & bake.

    irbis, what can you do?

    And yes tulamide there are other avenues, but noones going to want to work this amount of negativity.

  • Yes given a reasonable knowledge of how things work, what you described is fairly easy.

    In fact the dice rolling is the easy part. Random(6)+1 will give you the same odds a regular six sided die would.

    The hard(er) part would be the actual placement of the tiles, etc.

    Fortunately there's a plug that works pretty close to what your looking for.

  • Probably the easiest way would be to use the path behavior set to curved.

    Just add a node at the start, mid, and end points, then set its position on the path to 0, and start.

  • not to turn this topic in complaining fest but i havent even knew that load/save is broken or buggy until now O.o i was sure it works just fine.

    Why load/save have problems with behaviors? its a major flaw as both behaviours and save/load are a very vital elements of game made in construct.

    Is there an official note regarding this? or any details? because, seriously "quick save/load doesn't work well with behaviours" is not much informative. So like what? it works half of the time? or at random? how to avoid problems with this?

    seriously instead of that biased Construct trailer, someone should make a list of messed up features in Construct. At the moment i am getting more and more tired of Construct as every month i learn about new feature that doesnt work or is bugged, just in the middle of game deving so my work is made into waste as i am forced to rework the game in order to avoid new arised "bug point".

    See where it says Construct 1.0?


    Good then perhaps your not crazy.

    Until that time comes,(crazy, or 1.0 which ever comes first) the best way to get bugs fixed is to make an artifact on the bug tracker.

    In the mean time you can ask, or search on the forum for a work around.

    We are more than happy to at least attempt to help in some way.

    Yes I am rude, but no more so than complaining about unfinished features on an unfinished project.

    Also, practice, practice, practice, and have a nice day.

    I am continually forced to make copies of my file. cap not to lose overnight all my work. I understand that Construct is the result of volunteer work and that definition should not complain too much, but at the same time he is the backup feature, this is not any functionality, I do not complain of bugs and other graphics for this side because we can accept that there are problems because it does not pose a huge problem, but when there is a core functionality, already present from early in the software that aims to make sure the player does not waste his time playing because the game is saved ... I find it very regrettable not to say outright that he would then remove the feature as what is not functional.

    All this, if and only if there is a global problem, not whether it concerns me only.

    Here is the link of a simple .cap with Sine behavior opacity, curiously, it works with the rotation at start. ... id=1003219

    Your best bet is to use an alternate method for saving, as it's doubtful that the bug with behaviors will get fixed.

    Even then the sine behavior wont provide you with some save data, it doesn't keep the x,y coordinates, etc.

    However it is doable with your own custom events, that can be saved.