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  • That is now quite some time I create a 2D RPG game, so I use the Save & Load system parameter, be it for Quick Save \ Quick Load or Save to disk and load.

    Nobody answered me in my previous topic, I find it very bad as it did not explain these issues as the Save & Load feature is very important if you really want to offer a software Thurs make real the moment of what I see, Construct can only be seriously real time game that does not require backup, or else we must explain why the next problem arrives :

    Here is the list of problems:

    1) Unknown: When I save my game by pressing F1 and loading the game by f2, the same day I created this system, it worked. But the next day in the morning to be precise, I opened my project construct, and then I immediately f1 f5 and then my application stops working temp2.exe plus the habit of always showing me twice message "temp2.exe" has ceased to function.

    For me it's a big joke! Save a day for not being able to load, another day it's not the name of the backup!

    But this is not finished!

    2) If you have the chance to upload your party here the other bug happens:

    Sine Behavior: If you have objects that uses the Sine Behavior in opacity or rotation, then its bug.

    Explanation: I have a plant that uses the sine Behavior in rotation, if I save my game and I load say at least 20 times during these twenty times the angle of my plant will grow, and my plant will be oriented down, after twenty loading part.

    For the sine Behavior in opacity is similar but even more ugly, I have a tree whose leaf uses the sine Behavior in opacity, if I load even 7 times what the game, the opacity of my foliage will decrease until reaching 0, and when he is there, it goes from 0 to opacity opacity 100 in 1 second, which makes flash my foliage! This also happens to another object that uses the Behavior Sine.

    So I have adjusted myself to the default setting in the event "on load" the restoration of the corner of my crashes and the opacity of the object using Sine. Fortunately, the sine Behavior in horizontal and vertical does not bug because I would also require the position to restore (and then what else!)

    3) The Behavior Bone: As already explained in a previous topic, if you have such a character that uses lots of images linked by the Behavior Bone movement, there comes a bug on the effect included in the bone movement in the know 'Mirror effect: if your character going in the original sense that you gave him, say the right, and you go left, your character uses the mirror effect, so far no problem, but when you make a save & load , your character was going to the left is found dismembered! In fact if you move your character while your animation is played backwards! Your character seems totally out of order!

    Again I must correct myself by putting Deactivate the default mirror effect before the save, as when I load the character is in the good sense not to be dismembered.

    All that to say it's fine to tell us that we can easily construct a game, everything is perfect except one thing, a huge thing essential to a video game: BACKUP!!

    The question is why so many bugs and why I am apparently the only one to complain about it: either because it is completely bug me that, either because very few people make the game that requires a backup! Or both maybe.

    If I remember a bug and should be resolved as soon as it is 1) because it really is a farce and it's the only one who will ask me any big problems

  • The quick save/load doesn't work well with behaviours etc. You will probably have to find a way around using quick save/load.

    Do a search for INI. Quite easy to use once you get it working, you can set up check points and level saving very easily and save it to the INI file.

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  • thank you but I do not know anything in the INI file so I do not know how it works

  • not to turn this topic in complaining fest but i havent even knew that load/save is broken or buggy until now O.o i was sure it works just fine.

    Why load/save have problems with behaviors? its a major flaw as both behaviours and save/load are a very vital elements of game made in construct.

    Is there an official note regarding this? or any details? because, seriously "quick save/load doesn't work well with behaviours" is not much informative. So like what? it works half of the time? or at random? how to avoid problems with this?

    seriously instead of that biased Construct trailer, someone should make a list of messed up features in Construct. At the moment i am getting more and more tired of Construct as every month i learn about new feature that doesnt work or is bugged, just in the middle of game deving so my work is made into waste as i am forced to rework the game in order to avoid new arised "bug point".

  • I am continually forced to make copies of my file. cap not to lose overnight all my work. I understand that Construct is the result of volunteer work and that definition should not complain too much, but at the same time he is the backup feature, this is not any functionality, I do not complain of bugs and other graphics for this side because we can accept that there are problems because it does not pose a huge problem, but when there is a core functionality, already present from early in the software that aims to make sure the player does not waste his time playing because the game is saved ... I find it very regrettable not to say outright that he would then remove the feature as what is not functional.

    All this, if and only if there is a global problem, not whether it concerns me only.

    Here is the link of a simple .cap with Sine behavior opacity, curiously, it works with the rotation at start. ... id=1003219

  • not to turn this topic in complaining fest but i havent even knew that load/save is broken or buggy until now O.o i was sure it works just fine.

    Why load/save have problems with behaviors? its a major flaw as both behaviours and save/load are a very vital elements of game made in construct.

    Is there an official note regarding this? or any details? because, seriously "quick save/load doesn't work well with behaviours" is not much informative. So like what? it works half of the time? or at random? how to avoid problems with this?

    seriously instead of that biased Construct trailer, someone should make a list of messed up features in Construct. At the moment i am getting more and more tired of Construct as every month i learn about new feature that doesnt work or is bugged, just in the middle of game deving so my work is made into waste as i am forced to rework the game in order to avoid new arised "bug point".

    See where it says Construct 1.0?


    Good then perhaps your not crazy.

    Until that time comes,(crazy, or 1.0 which ever comes first) the best way to get bugs fixed is to make an artifact on the bug tracker.

    In the mean time you can ask, or search on the forum for a work around.

    We are more than happy to at least attempt to help in some way.

    Yes I am rude, but no more so than complaining about unfinished features on an unfinished project.

    Also, practice, practice, practice, and have a nice day.

    I am continually forced to make copies of my file. cap not to lose overnight all my work. I understand that Construct is the result of volunteer work and that definition should not complain too much, but at the same time he is the backup feature, this is not any functionality, I do not complain of bugs and other graphics for this side because we can accept that there are problems because it does not pose a huge problem, but when there is a core functionality, already present from early in the software that aims to make sure the player does not waste his time playing because the game is saved ... I find it very regrettable not to say outright that he would then remove the feature as what is not functional.

    All this, if and only if there is a global problem, not whether it concerns me only.

    Here is the link of a simple .cap with Sine behavior opacity, curiously, it works with the rotation at start. ... id=1003219

    Your best bet is to use an alternate method for saving, as it's doubtful that the bug with behaviors will get fixed.

    Even then the sine behavior wont provide you with some save data, it doesn't keep the x,y coordinates, etc.

    However it is doable with your own custom events, that can be saved.

  • I post a link to a file that just happens in the bug tracker of construct! No response from ...

  • You just couldnt hold yourself Newt. Like always.

    At first ive wrote a huge reply but now i deleted it. No point in arguing with you. its like talking to automatic secretary. i will waste my time trying to make a point but i will not recive anything in exchange. just the same old loopped "construct is in beta", "dont like it - dont use it", "search the forums" answeares.

    You are literaly numb and deef for any kind of perspective and views beside your own and similiars.

    Besides, you havent even bothered to answear the OT and my questions.

    so maybe instead of being plain rude and off-topic you can contribute something to this thread?

    Same questions still unansweared.

    Whats wrong with save/load?

    Why and how behaviours colides with save/load?

    What are the effects of this collision?

    How to avoid problems with this issue?

    What and if there are any alternatives for save/load?

    and why a broken feature is NOT disabled??? its like giving a free gun with X propability it will explode in your hand! and theres not even a simple warning!


    [quote:ym68ji4p]"as it's doubtful that the bug with behaviors will get fixed."

    vital engine element is broken and it will remain broken? why? do you have some official note on that? why youthink so?

  • I knew I would have save myself all that is seen in the layout of the big problems that happen, but if you like it in the next version, if the backup feature and loading is not developed as is the case today, then remove and do not make false advertising.

    This is annoying to use software and when you ask for such functionality does not work we are told "yes this is normal and then it does not get better with time. "

    So I'm going back up everything myself, its going to be the sacred work, damage to software that is intended to be simple, it comes far ...

  • I realize it's frustrating to discover a bug such as the ones in the built in saving system, so let's all take a deep breath and calm down before anyone gets any angrier.

    First, construct is in beta, which means all the bugs haven't been ironed out. No feature in the entire program should be considered to be 'advertised' as entirely bug free because of this.

    Second, learning how to stay calm when encountering a bug such as this is an important and valuable lesson. Bugs exist even in professional development tools, so learning how to work around them when possible is also an important thing to learn how to do. In this case, using a custom saving system like newt suggested is the solution.

    The devs are working to improve construct. However, construct is quite a complex application developed by volunteers in their spare time. Patience.

    Irbis, it may be due to the langauage barrier, but comments like this:

    seriously instead of that biased Construct trailer, someone should make a list of messed up features in Construct.

    ...tend to be inflammatory. There isn't anything wrong with or biased about the trailer, it shows what can be done with construct in its current form, bugs and all. That said, a 'beta users guide' might not be a bad idea.

  • i understand everything but my questions are still left unansweared.

    i cant find a walkaround as long as i dont have enough information about the obstacle.

    which i dont.

    i belive those"

    [quote:3qn2ac2k]Whats wrong exactly with save/load?

    Why and how behaviours colides with save/load?

    What are the effects of this collision?

    How to avoid problems with this issue?

    What and if there are any alternatives for save/load?

    and why a broken feature is NOT disabled???

    are still valid

  • Hello happy constructors,

    [quote:2zzihyss]Whats wrong exactly with save/load?

    Why and how behaviours colides with save/load?

    What are the effects of this collision?

    Each object/behavior has code in it to handle saving and loading of it's state when using the Save\Load action. I'm pretty sure the issues that come up with Save\Load action is because many of the object/behaviors don't save and load all of their state. The question is which plugins/behaviors?

    Irbis you identified two:

      1. Sine behavior: The source code isn't avaliable so I can only speculate that it's not saving the state of it's angle or opacity at all so with repeated Loads the angle and opacity will change.
      2. Bone behavior: I looked at the source and it does no saving/loading so when you use the Load action the bone behavior is reverting to it's original state.

    Also be advised that many 3rd party plugins don't save/load their state, my "Resource Plugin" included. So issues with them going back to their original state when Loading can be a problem.

    [quote:2zzihyss]How to avoid problems with this issue?

    For objects that you don't want to save\load you can give the "No Serialize" attribute in the editor.

    [quote:2zzihyss]and why a broken feature is NOT disabled???

    It works quite well with many objects such as sprites.


  • thank you for your detailed response to my problems, but there remains one last problem that is still unexplained in my opinion the most important as regards the Behavior problems can be solved by cons on that one day my backup running and the day after my application no longer works by f1 and f2 to save and load, can not be corrected by the user! So it's a real problem, tomorrow I will retry my project and tell you what it is.

  • R0J0hound. Why are you not a part of Scierra dev team? or at least some kind of official "community supporter".

    Thank you champ =) i just hope more people woud be like you

  • Even if Save/Load worked perfectly, I wouldn't want to use it for actually saving a game. It is much better to use .ini. New users normally think Save/Load is a good feature, but then find it has bugs or doesn't work like they think. Other methods (like using .ini) are just plain better methods, whether Save/Load has bugs or not, at least as far as I understand how Save/Load works.

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