I want to know whether it would be possible to recreate this game using construct. It is a print and play dungeon crawler game that randomly creates dungeons for you to explore, using a system the creator calls the 'DunGen' system. I have as yet to try Construct out, but I would just like to know whether it is possible.
The system uses a very simple ask-and-roll technique, and begins every time you enter a door (you can only see the rooms you have explored), and goes something like this:
Room size (using a 6-sided die) (in grid squares) (layout can be whatever)
1-2 = 3
3-4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
Number of doors
1 = 1
2-5 = 2
6 = 3
Door Direction (4-sided die)(normally you just put the doors wherever but if you cannot decide this is used, not sure whether this will be needed when implementing the system in construct)
1 = N
2 = S
3 = E
4 = W
Door lockedness (rolled only when there is more than one door on every door after the first one to be generated) (locked doors need to be bashed or picked, and opening a locked door takes one turn and suceeds on a 5-6)
1-4 = Un
5-6 = L
Number of monsters (rolled on an eight sides die)
1 = 0
2-3 = 1
4-5 = 2
6-7 = 3
8 = 4
It also has a couple more charts for Treasure chests, and Treasure contents for when you open them (they're locked), and type of monster is based on a progressive system of how many rooms you have explored.So, would it be possible to implement this system into construct without using python, or would there have to be coding involved? I believe it could also be possible to create the entire dungeon beforehand, and only reveal the rooms as the player enters them.
And whatabout the system of attacking, which is a six sided die plus whatever attribute of your character (strength, dexterity and wisdom, which also affects player stats which are HP, speed and action points) the weapon used corresponds to, plus the weapon's hit bonus. If that sum overcomes the opponent's armor rating, it does permanent HP damage based on the weapons damage rating (if you didn't understand that bit just ignore or tell me that I can or can't do formulas for attacking). Whatabout items like potions that directly affect gameplay (such as invisibility, base stat increases or health and Action point restoration), or a HUD with the player's inventory ?
That came out a bit more complicated than I wanted, I pretty much just explained the whole game
Anyway, so the main thing is: can the DunGen system be done?